日本ではパチンコ屋が栄えていたが、平成7年の18,244店をピークに減少の一途をたどり、平成から令和になるころには 10,000店を割り込み、今では 9.000店を割り込んでしまった。最盛期には 500万台近くあったパチンコ台の数も、今では 250万台を割り込み、減少傾向は止まらない。それでも、平日の開店時に合わせてパチンコ屋の前に並ぶ人の列は相変わらず長く、パチンコ台の前に座る人の数は一向に減らないように見える。でもよく見ると、若い人がいない。若い人たちはネットカフェなどに入り、高性能な PC を前にして座り心地のよい椅子に座り、ゲームを楽しんでいる。コミックを読んだり、アニメを見たり、VR(バーチャルリアリティ;仮想現実)を楽しんでいたりもする。テクノロジーの進化によって、パチンコ屋はネットカフェに置き換わり、日本固有のパチンコの遺伝子はゲームの遺伝子に変異して受け継がれた。確かに見た目の感じは変わったけれど、日本の社会の本質は何も変わっていない。
Non-global aspects
(The Society Series #25)
米軍がイスラム教礼拝アプリの位置情報利用? ユーザーら提訴
世界で9500万人のイスラム教徒が礼拝の時間とメッカ(Mecca)の方角を知るため使っているというアプリ「ムスリムプロ(Muslim Pro)」の運営企業が、収集したユーザーのデータを米軍と関係のある企業に販売し、このデータを利用して海外に展開する米軍の特殊部隊がドローンでテロ容疑者を殺害している可能性があると報道されたことを受けて、同アプリのユーザーらが24日に訴訟を起こすと原告側弁護団が23日、明らかにした。フランスのRTLラジオが伝えた。
People Are Deleting This Muslim Prayer App After Learning Data Was Shared With U.S. Military
Muslim Pro, which has 98 million downloads worldwide, stated that it is “untrue” that it sold data directly to the military. It has since terminated its relationship with X-Mode, a company that did sell info to defense contractors.
by Aliya Karim
After VICE’s Motherboard recently broke news that data from Muslim Pro, a popular prayer and Quran app, was sold to the U.S. military, many of the app’s millions of dedicated users have called out the company for its irresponsibility and decided to live without its services altogether. Muslim Pro has since announced it would end its relationships with data partners, including X-Mode, one of the tech companies at the center of Motherboard’s investigation.
According to VICE’s initial report, Muslim Pro — which presents prayer times and shows users the direction of Mecca according to their location — had shared location data with X-Mode, a location tech company, which sells data to clients that include defense contractors “and by extension, the military.”
In an email to VICE, X-Mode said, “Our work with such contractors is international and primarily focused on three use cases: counter-terrorism, cybersecurity and predicting future COVID-19 hotspots.”
Even though Muslim Pro, which has been downloaded more than 98 million times worldwide, didn’t directly sell data to the military, users have pointed out the carelessness of the app’s work with data partners.
Many took to social media to argue that this surveillance is just the latest effort in the criminalization of Muslims, both in the U.S. and around the world. In just one damning example, the New York Police Department under Mayor Mike Bloomberg spied on the city’s mosques, Muslim-owned businesses, student groups, and community organizations following 9/11 until 2014.
The Center on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, sent a letter to Democratic Reps. Jerry Nadler (NY), Adam Smith (WA), and Adam Schiff (CA) yesterday, urging their U.S. House committees to investigate the purchase and use of such data by the military.
Users have been deleting Muslim Pro from their devices this week out of anger and fear, with many left seeking alternatives.