by マイケル・ブラストランド、デイヴィッド・シュピーゲルハルター
translated by 松井信彦
この2つを一度に見る、というのが本書の普通ではない目的である。本書では、人とその物語を、そして数字を、どちらも一緒にお見せしたい。この線で進めることにしたのは、主としてこの2つの見方がどのような関係にあるのかを探るためだったのだが、その過程でこんな難問を投げかけられていることに気がついた。リスクがもつこの2つの顔は相容れるのか? リスクは数字と人のどちらに対しても真実だと言えるのか? その答えを明らかにしていくなかでどちらの顔もお見せするが、私たちが至った結論は今お伝えしておこう。
Danger is the shark in shallow waters, the pills in the cupboard or a grand piano teetering on a window ledge while children skip below. It is the diet too rich in cream, the base-jump, the booze, the pedestrian and the double-decker, driving a car fast or the threat of weirder weather. It is the spills and the thrills. In other words, danger is everywhere and always. And in all cases we find those same two faces: one impassive, formal, calculating, the other full of human hopes and fears.
The unusual aim of this book is to see both at once. We hope to show people and their stories and the numbers, together. We set out to do this mainly to explore how these two perspectives compare, but along the way we found that this raised an awkward question: are the two faces of risk compatible? Can risk claim to be true to the numbers and to you at the same time? We will present both sides as we try to find out, but we will tell you our conclusion now. It can’t. For people, probability doesn’t exist.
The numbers and probabilities are all here. With them we show the chances of a variety of life’s tricks and traps: risks to children; risks of violence, accidents, and crime; dangers from sex, drugs, travel, diet, life-style; risks of natural disaster and more. We say how we know these risks, why sometimes we can’t know them, and how they’ve changed, and we use the best methods we can find or invent to make them easy to grasp. In particular, we use a cunning little device called the “MicroMort,” and a new one called the “MicroLife,” two friendly units of deadly risk that we think offer real insight. You will meet them soon enough. In this respect, the book is a new guide to life’s odds.
Michael Blastland