Thomas Szasz:
Economists and epidemiologist have shown, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the two variables that correlate most closely with good health are the right to property and individual liberty — the free market. The people who enjoy the best health today are people in the Western capitalist countries and in Japan; and those in the poorest health are the people who enjoyed the blessings of 80 years of paternalistic statist, Communism. In the Soviet Union, where people’s political liberty and economic well being were systematically undermined by the state — where they enjoyed “equal misery for all” — life expectancy dropped from more than 70 years to about 55 years. During the same period, in advanced countries, it increased steadily and is now almost 80. And medical care has little to do with it, since Russia had access to medical science and technology. It’s primarily a matter of life style — of what used to be called good habits versus bad habits. And of good public health, in the sense of having a safe physical environment.
by 不破雷蔵
Thomas Szasz:
Economists and epidemiologist have shown, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the two variables that correlate most closely with good health are the right to property and individual liberty — the free market. The people who enjoy the best health today are people in the Western capitalist countries and in Japan; and those in the poorest health are the people who enjoyed the blessings of 80 years of paternalistic statist, Communism. In the Soviet Union, where people’s political liberty and economic well being were systematically undermined by the state — where they enjoyed “equal misery for all” — life expectancy dropped from more than 70 years to about 55 years. During the same period, in advanced countries, it increased steadily and is now almost 80. And medical care has little to do with it, since Russia had access to medical science and technology. It’s primarily a matter of life style — of what used to be called good habits versus bad habits. And of good public health, in the sense of having a safe physical environment.