>十五代 沈壽官 2 Replies > 私はよく灯台のことを考える 灯台は動かずに 光を放ち続けている 自由ではない 船は動くことができる 自由だ でも動かない灯台が 光を放ち続けなければ 船は漆黒の闇の中で 自由を失い 一寸たりとも 動くことができない 灯台は動かずに 光を放ち続けている
s.A 18/04/2011 at 4:50 am >often think of a lighthousehe is quiet and motionlessemitting light continuously staying at the same place a ship is moving freelyand she has her freedom if he stops to emitshe in the darknesswill not be able to moveand will lose her freedom motionless lighthousecontinues to emit his lightfor her andfor her freedom (your lighthouse, staying at the land, emitting light for you and for your freedom) Reply ↓
>「薩摩六角伏香炉」 十五代 沈壽官 2010年
>often think of a lighthouse
he is quiet and motionless
emitting light continuously
staying at the same place
a ship is moving freely
and she has her freedom
if he stops to emit
she in the darkness
will not be able to move
and will lose her freedom
motionless lighthouse
continues to emit his light
for her and
for her freedom
(your lighthouse, staying at the land, emitting light for you and for your freedom)