国連アジア極東犯罪防止研修所(略称「アジ研」又は「UNAFEI(ユナフェイ)」)は,国連と日本国政府との協定 (PDF ファイル) に基づいて設立された国連の地域研修所です。アジ研は,国連の政策と取組に沿いつつ,アジア太平洋地域を始めとする各国の刑事司法の健全な発展と相互協力の強化に努めています。
The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) was established in 1962 with the aim of promoting the sound development of criminal justice systems and mutual cooperation mainly in the Asia and Pacific Region.
国連アジア極東犯罪防止研修所(アジ研; UNAFEI)
法務省 > 法務総合研究所
法務省 > 法務総合研究所 > 国際連合研修協力部
The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders; Tokyo, Japan – (UNAFEI)
The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) was established in 1962 with the aim of promoting the sound development of criminal justice systems and mutual cooperation mainly in the Asia and Pacific Region. UNAFEI activities focus on training courses and seminars for personnel in crime prevention and criminal justice administration, and the research and study of crime prevention and the treatment of offenders. It also conducts special seminars outside of Japan jointly with the governments of participating nations, to promote effective measures for the fight against crime.
As a member of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network (PNI) , UNAFEI has collaborated actively with its members, including the UNODC. UNAFEI and UNODC have organized training courses, seminars and workshops on a wide range of c rime p revention and c riminal j ustice issues . In recent years the experts from UNODC, primarily senior officers, contributed to UNAFEI seminars and training courses, as visiting lecturers. At its training programmes UNAFEI regularly delivers lectures on the United Nations legal instruments against crime, corruption and terrorism to enhance the understanding of the international legal norms.
In 2005, UNAFEI participated in the “International Training Course on the Criminal Justice System Reforms in Latin America”, held in Costa Rica in co-operation with JICA and ILANUD, the Institute’s PNI counterpart in the region. The participants were judges, prosecutors and attorneys, public and private, engaged in defense.
In 2007 UNAFEI, the Office of the Attorney General of Thailand and the UNODC Regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacific co-hosted a regional seminar on Good Governance for Southeast Asian countries. The main theme was “Corruption Control in the Judiciary and Prosecutorial Authorities”.
UNAFEI holds two international training courses and one international senior seminar annually. The international training course that is held in spring deals mainly with the t reatment of o ffenders, while the one held in autumn concentrates on c rime p revention and countermeasures against various crimes. The international senior seminar tackles current c riminal j ustice issues. In addition to acquiring knowledge and skills during the official training sessions seminar participants also benefit significantly from the opportunities to network and interact with the professionals from the different regions, not only Asia and the Pacific, but also Africa, Latin America and Europe.
1-26 Harumi-cho, Fuchu-shi
Tokyo 183-0057, Japan
Tel: +81-42-333 7021
Fax: +81-42-333 7024 or +81-42-333 4656
E-mail: unafei@moj.go.jp
Home page: http://www.unafei.or.jp
国連総会決議 (United Nations General Assembly Resolution) によって設立された組織、国連との条約 (Treaty) によって設立された組織、そしてその両方 (Treaty with United Nations General Assembly Resolution) によって設立された組織というものが、世界中に山ほどある。
国連総会決議も条約もあまりにもたくさんあるものだから、本にするというような不経済なことは許されず、今は、http://www.un.org/documents/resga.htm とか、 http://treaties.un.org/ のように、システムで管理されている。
そのたくさんある決議とか条約とかで設立された組織には、当然ながら国連を名乗るものもある。コスタリカの平和大学のように “United Nations-mandated University for Peace” と真面目に、丁寧に、素性を名乗るところもあるけれど、殆どは国連を名乗る。