by 若松英輔
“Thought and cognition are not the same. Thought, the source of art works, is manifest without transformation or transfiguration in all great philosophy, whereas the chief manifestation of the cognitive processes, by which we acquire and store up knowledge, is the sciences. Cognition always pursues a definite aim, which can be set by practical considerations as well as by “idle curiosity”; but once this aim is reached, the cognitive process has come to an end. Thought, on the contrary, has neither an end nor an aim outside itself, and it does not even produce results; not only the utilitarian philosophy of homo faber but also the men of action and the lovers of results in the sciences have never tired of pointing out how entirely “useless” thought is—as useless, indeed, as the works of art it inspires.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition
― ハンナ・アーレント、人間の条件
Love as desire looks to eternity for its fulfillment. According to Augustine the consummation occurs in the act of seeing because he understands vision as the most perfect mode of because he understands vision as the most perfect mode of possession. Only the seen object stays and remains present as it is. What I hear or smell comes and goes, and what I touch is changed or even consumed by me. In contrast, the act of beholding is pure “enjoyment” (frui) in which no change occurs as long as it lasts. In the absolute calm and stability of eternal life, the relation of man to God will be an eternally lasting, beholding “enjoyment,” and this, as it were, is the only adequate attitude of man to God. This is a far cry from Pauline Christianity. For Paul love is by no means a desire that stands in need of fulfillment. What stands [B:033 156] in need of consummation is belief, and the end of belief, not of love, is vision. It is not belief but love that puts an end to human Godforsakenness. Love is “the bond of perfection” even on earth. As such, love is not the manifestation of craving, but the manifest expression of man’s attachment to God. The reason that caritas is greater than faith and hope is precisely because caritas contains its own reward and will remain what it is in this life and the next. That is the meaning of the famous verses in Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians (I Cor. 13)’ Prophecies shall fail, tongues shall cease, and knowledge, such as men possess it in this life, shall vanish. Only “love never fails.” We love God with the same love here on earth as in the hereafter. Love and nothing else overcomes human nature on earth and man’s being of and belonging to the “world.” This love does not seek and depend on its object but really transforms the lover-“such is each as is his love.” In Paul’s understanding love will not “increase in the future when we shall see face to face.” Nor will love cease when man has attained “happiness,” that is, when he has and beholds (“enjoys”) what he merely “loves” and desires on earth.
― Hannah Arendt, Love and Saint Augustine
愛は欲望として、その成就を永遠に求めます。アウグスティヌスによれば、完成は見る行為において起こります。なぜなら、彼は視覚を所有の最も完璧な方法と理解しているからです。見た対象だけがそのまま存在し続けます。私が聞くものや嗅ぐものは来ては去り、私が触れるものは変化し、私によって消費さえされます。対照的に、見る行為は純粋な「享受」(実り)であり、それが続く限り変化は起こりません。永遠の命の絶対的な静けさと安定の中で、人間と神との関係は永遠に続く、見る「享受」であり、これはいわば、人間が神に対して持つ唯一の適切な態度です。これはパウロのキリスト教とはかけ離れています。パウロにとって、愛は決して成就を必要とする欲望ではありません。成就を必要とするのは信仰であり、愛の目的ではなく信仰の目的は、視覚です。人間の神への見捨てられを終わらせるのは信仰ではなく愛です。愛は地上においても「完全性の絆」です。したがって、愛は渇望の表れではなく、神に対する人間の愛着の明白な表現です。愛が信仰や希望よりも偉大である理由は、愛にはそれ自身の報酬が含まれており、この世でも来世でもそのまま残るからです。それが、パウロのコリント人への第一の手紙 (コリント人への第一の手紙の有名な一節の意味です。「預言は成り立たなくなり、異言は絶え、この世で人々が持つ知識は消え去ります。ただ「愛は決して絶えません」。」私たちは、来世でも地上でも、同じ愛で神を愛します。地上での人間の性質と、人間が「世界」に属していることを克服できるのは愛だけです。この愛は対象を求めたり依存したりするのではなく、愛する者を本当に変えるのです。「それぞれの愛は、その人の愛のとおりです。」パウロの理解では、愛は「将来、私たちが顔と顔を合わせて会うとき、増し加わる」ことはない。また、人間が「幸福」を達成したとき、つまり、地上で単に「愛し」、望んでいるものを手に入れ、見たとき(「楽しむ」とき)にも、愛はなくなることはない。
― ハンナ・アーレント、アウグスティヌスの愛の概念