

  • 行不知所之、居不知所為、与物委蛇而同其波。是衛生之経已。
  • 狗不以善吠為良。人不以善言為賢。
  • 人生天地之間、若白駒之過郤、忽然而已。
  • 与其誉堯而非桀也、不知両忘而化其道。
  • 至人乃能遊於世面不僻、順人面不失己。
  • 古之得道者、窮亦楽、通亦楽。所楽非窮通也。
  • 人所取畏者、衽席之上、飲食之間。而不知為之戒者、過也。
  • 人皆知有用之用、而英知無用之用也。
  • 至人之用心若鏡。不将不迎、応而不蔵。故能勝物而不傷。
  • 水行莫如用舟、面陸行莫如用車。
  • 自伐者無功、功成者堕、名成者虧。
  • 君子之交淡若水、小人之交甘若醴。

2 thoughts on “>荘子

  1. Anonymous

    >The philosophy of Zhuangzi is a philosophy of freedom

    Zhuangzi thought people need to be aware of their own existence and should't always perceive oneself in comparison with others. one shouldn't laugh at the little sparrow in its small self-contained world, nor should be envy the great peng bird in its grandeur

    Most people only understand the advantage of usefulness, very few understand the benefits of uselessness. (useful tree will be hacked down and useless remain alive)
    useful and useless, achievement and failure are all relative, none are consistent over time,use more clever way to go about and transcend them.

    Standards are different for all things,the standard set by man is by no means the only certain standard. Man-made knowledge, morality, and laws all work against nature, just like a horse's harness and a bull's nose ring. sometimes intellegence is the means that can take one's own life.(in ancient time, war strategists often die at battles)

    A craftsman can only teach his sdtudent what round and square mean, but he can't pass on the skill itself. A fencing instructor can teach you the necessary positions, but he can't make you a great swordsman. A lover of books often thinks that the words are of great values, but it is actually the meaning that is valuable.

    Only those who have great doubts can be truly enlightened (fool always believes that he is enlightened)

    Change is the law of nature so does Dao
    great doubts
    music of natural
    mystic of uncertainty
    ceaseless transformation


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