HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value. A third model, common in computer vision applications, is HSI, for hue, saturation, and intensity. Unfortunately, while typically consistent, these definitions are not standardized.
HLS, high-level synthesis, is an automated design process that interprets an algorithmic description of a desired behavior and creates hardware that implements that behavior. HLV, high-level verification, is the task to verify ESL designs at high abstraction level. 🙂
HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness, and is often also called HLS. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value, and is also often called HSB (B for brightness). A third model, common in computer vision applications, is HSI, for hue, saturation, and intensity. Unfortunately, while typically consistent, these definitions are not standardized, and any of these abbreviations might be used for any of these three or several other related cylindrical models.