Category Archives: knowledge

Matt Zoller Seitz

I believe that there’s a difference between knowing something and understanding it. You know how you’ll try to communicate something very important to you to another person and sometimes they’ll wave you off with an impatient, “I know, I know”? That’s knowing: I got the gist, filed it away, I don’t need to think about it again. Knowing is comprehension; understanding is deeper because it comes from empathy or identification. 

Heinz Kohut

Empathy is the capacity to think and feel oneself into the inner life of another person.
The empathic understanding of the experience of other human beings is as basic an endowment of man as his vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell


。。。 想像は、相手が同じ人間である以上、多少なりとも当たっているはずだというのがコフートの基本理念である。少なくとも、相手の背景情報を知る、あるいは相手の立場にたつまでは、相手の心の中がほとんど想像できなかったところが、多少は気持ちがわかるようになる。



Roman Krznaric

The art of imaginatively stepping into another person’s shoes and seeing the world from their perspective is, it would seem, a most valuable and valued twenty-first century asset.
Not so, says Yale psychologist Paul Bloom, leading the counter-charge against empathy’s popularity surge. Bloom creates a false – and dangerous – dichotomy between empathy and reason, and misses the long lesson from history: that time and again, empathy has played a crucial role in creating a democratic culture that respects human rights. So where have the critics gone wrong? …
If affective empathy is our mirror for reflecting others’ emotions, cognitive empathy is, by contrast, a pair of shoes that invites us to imagine the world from their viewpoint.
Cast empathy aside to lean on reason alone and we would become emotionally tone deaf and politically indifferent. That is not who we want to be and – more importantly – it is not who we are.

Paul Bloom *****

Most people see the benefits of empathy as akin to the evils of racism: too obvious to require justification. I think this is a mistake. I have argued elsewhere that certain features of empathy make it a poor guide to social policy. Empathy is biased; we are more prone to feel empathy for attractive people and for those who look like us or share our ethnic or national background. And empathy is narrow; it connects us to particular individuals, real or imagined, but is insensitive to numerical differences and statistical data. As Mother Teresa put it, “If I look at the mass I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.” Laboratory studies find that we really do care more about the one than about the mass, so long as we have personal information about the one.

Timothy F. Brady, Talia Konkle, George A. Alvarez, Aude Oliva

One of the major lessons of memory research has been that human memory is fallible, imprecise, and subject to interference. Thus, although observers can remember thousands of images, it is widely assumed that these memories lack detail. Contrary to this assumption, here we show that long-term memory is capable of storing a massive number of objects with details from the image. Participants viewed pictures of 2,500 objects over the course of 5.5 h. Afterward, they were shown pairs of images and indicated which of the two they had seen. The previously viewed item could be paired with either an object from a novel category, an object of the same basic-level category, or the same object in a different state or pose. Performance in each of these conditions was remarkably high (92%, 88%, and 87%, respectively), suggesting that participants successfully maintained detailed representations of thousands of images. These results have implications for cognitive models, in which capacity limitations impose a primary computational constraint (e.g., models of object recognition), and pose a challenge to neural models of memory storage and retrieval, which must be able to account for such a large and detailed storage capacity.







Jeannie Phan, Gabriel Popkin

SpringSpring arrives on Sunday, and in the nation’s capital, that means a certain tree is bursting in radiant cream-colored flowers.
I’m not talking about the cherry blossoms. They may draw the crowds, but for most people in the Washington area — and, for that matter, much of the East Coast and the Midwest — the far more widespread Bradford pear is the true harbinger of spring. The tree bursts with delicate, five-petaled blooms when most everything else is dull and brown.




 1. 専用ソフトを利用
 2. VPNサービスに加入(有料だが、安定性・利便性・拡張性がいい)
 3. 日本にサーバーを設置する
 4. keyhole tv のような P2Pサービスを利用
 5. proxyサーバー利用(最も簡単な方法)



  1. 地方紙 (18.7%)
  2. 新聞読まない (17.4%)
  3. 読売新聞 (13.0%)
  4. 朝日新聞 (11.8%)
  5. 産経新聞 (11.7%)
  6. 日経新聞 (7.7%)
  7. 毎日新聞 (3.6%)
  8. 聖教新聞 (3.3%)
  9. スポーツニッポン (1.0%)

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)

Global risk

  • (20)   China experiences a hard landing
  • (16)   Russia’s interventions in Ukraine and Syria precede a new “cold war”
  • (16)   Currency volatility culminates in an emerging markets corporate debt crisis
  • (15)   Beset by external and internal pressures, the EU begins to fracture
  • (15)   “Grexit” is followed by a euro zone break-up
  • (12)   Donald Trump wins the US presidential election
  • (12)   The rising threat of jihadi terrorism destabilises the global economy
  • (8)     The UK votes to leave the EU
  • (8)     Chinese expansionism prompts a clash of arms in the South China Sea
  • (4)     A collapse in investment in the oil sector prompts a future oil price shock


We find Tankawosho breaking up a wooden statue of Buddha on a wintry day to make a fire. “What sacrilege!” said the horror-stricken bystander. “I wish to get the Shali out of the ashes,” calmly rejoined the Zen. “But you certainly will not get Shali from this image!” was the angry retort, to which Tanka replied, “If I do not, this is certainly not a Buddha and I am committing no sacrilege.” Then he turned to warm himself over the kindling fire.



Kaori Hayashi


Japanese newspaper publishers have adopted a variety of strategies to attract younger readers, but these all fail to address the basic problem head-on. Standing atop their vast paper empire, built with the aid of thousands of local distributors, newspaper executives seem incapable of doing anything more than watch in concern as the shift to digital media threatens to leave them in the dust.
Japan’s newspaper business is a prime example of a successful domestic-demand-driven industry that skillfully tapped into the consumer base at a time when it was growing rapidly. But Japanese newspapers have remained wedded to the same old business model in a dramatically changing world — even while bankruptcies and buyouts have catalyzed the restructuring and renewal of the newspaper industry abroad.
When will renewal come to Japan’s newspaper industry? How will newspapers sustain and develop demand 40 or 50 years from now, in a society of digital natives? Trapped in their own twentieth-century formula for success, Japanese newspapers have yet to formulate a clear vision for the twenty-first.

United States Strategic Bombing Survey

Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.






不空金剛が759年に中国で訳出したとされる。ただし、原典があったかについては疑わしく、恐らく不空が自分の知っているインド占星術の知識を、弟子の史瑶や楊景風に口述筆記させた物と思われる。 一説には、下巻が史瑶による初訳本、上巻が楊景風による改定修注版であるともいい、実際、下巻の方がより元のインド占星術に近い内容である。






五方 西
五時 土用
節句 人日 上巳 端午 七夕 重陽
五星 木星 火星 土星 金星 水星
五腑 小腸 大腸 膀胱
五指 薬指 中指 人差指 親指 小指
五塵 視覚 触覚 味覚 嗅覚 聴覚









Orhan Pamuk

  • I read a book one day and my whole life was changed.
  • Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world.
  • I don’t want to be a tree; I want to be its meaning.
  • How much can we ever know about the love and pain in another heart? How much can we hope to understand those who have suffered deeper anguish, greater deprivation, and more crushing disappointments than we ourselves have known?

Nicholas Kristof

We journalists are a bit like vultures, feasting on war, scandal and disaster. Turn on the news, and you see Syrian refugees, Volkswagen corruption, dysfunctional government.
Yet that reflects a selection bias in how we report the news: We cover planes that crash, not planes that take off. Indeed, maybe the most important thing happening in the world today is something that we almost never cover: a stunning decline in poverty, illiteracy and disease.
Everybody knows about the spread of war, the rise of AIDS and other diseases, the hopeless intractability of poverty.
One survey found that two-thirds of Americans believed that the proportion of the world population living in extreme poverty has almost doubled over the last 20 years. Another 29 percent believed that the proportion had remained roughly the same.
That’s 95 percent of Americans — who are utterly wrong. In fact, the proportion of the world’s population living in extreme poverty hasn’t doubled or remained the same. It has fallen by more than half, from 35 percent in 1993 to 14 percent in 2011.





松本幸四郎 (9代目)(歌舞伎・俳優)
野坂操寿(英語: Keiko Nosaka)(箏曲)


樹下組織犯罪対策部長 陳情二四第三号、第五号から第九号まで及び第一三号から一五号までについてご説明いたします。


… corresponding to the four subsections of our line: Understanding [noe ̄sin] for the highest, thought [dianoian] for the second, belief [pistin] for the third and imagining [eikasian] for the last. Arrange them in a ratio [ana logon] and consider that each shares in clarity to the degree that the subsection it is set over shares in truth.


Michael Polanyi

So far as we know, the tiny fragments of the universe embodied in man are the only centers of thought and responsibility in the visible world. If that be so, the appearance of the human mind has been so far the ultimate stage in the awakening of the world; and all that has gone before, the striving of myriad centers that have taken the risks of living and believing, seem to have all been pursuing, along rival lines, the aim now achieved by us up to this point. They are all akin to us, for all these centers – those which led up to our own existence and the far more numerous others which produced different lines of which many are extinct – may be seen engaged in the same endeavor towards ultimate liberation. We may envisage then a cosmic field which called forth all these centers by offering them a short-lived, limited, hazardous opportunity for making some progress of their own towards an unthinkable consummation. And that is also, I believe, how a Christian is placed when worshiping God.

Gaston Bachelard

Dès l’instant où l’on sentirait nettement que notre connaissance du réel est susceptible d’une rectification indéfinie, sur le rythme d’une approximation mathématique, on serait bien près de désigner la chose en soi. On en verrait la place, on en verrait le rôle. Autour de cette chose en soi, fine et pure comme un nombre, on pourrait suivre les oscillations amorties de l’idéalisme.


けれどその人は、そういう風貌で実際に信頼できない若者を現実に一人でも知っているのでしょうか?「こういう風貌をしている若者は信頼できない」という知識を、. ドラマや断片的なニュースからすり込まれているだけではないでしょうか?







Niccolò Tommaseo

Tasting, in general, exercising the sense of taste, receiving its impression, even without a deliberate will or without thought. The sampling becomes more determined in order to taste and to know what one is tasting; or at least it denotes that from the first impression comes a reflected sentiment, an idea, the beginning of an experience. Therefore, to the Latins, sapio in translation meant feeling correctly; and therefore the sense of the Italian sapere [to know], which in itself stands for the right doctrine and for the prevailing of knowledge over science.

Dorothy Walsh

… in shifting the emphasis from the view of literature as “discourse about,” to that of literature as mimesis, the question of truth is also changed from the notion of “true about” to that of “true to.” Only a claim can be true about, but a presentation can be true to.

What kind of knowledge, if any, does literary art afford?

Do works of literary art, when functioning successfully as such, have any intimate engagement with what may be called knowledge?

Stathis Gourgouris

Stathis GourgourisWhat is the process by which literature might provide us with access to knowledge, and what sort of knowledge might this be? The question is not simply whether literature thinks, but whether literature thinks theoretically—whether it has a capacity, without the external aid of analytical methods that have determined Western philosophy and science since the Enlightenment, to theorize the conditions of the world from which it emerges and to which it addresses itself.
Suspicion about literature’s access to knowledge is ancient, at least as old as Plato’s notorious expulsion of the poets from the city in the Republic.

Michael Wood

Michael WoodPlato’s worry is not ours, and indeed our worry, in 2005, is perhaps not quite the worry we might have had, did have, in 1969. This is one of the things it means to possess knowledge that is ‘historical, flowing, and flown’.

A.M. Sheridan Smith

The English ‘knowledge’ translates the French ‘connaissance‘ and ‘savoir‘. Connaissance refers here to a particular corpus of knowledge, a particular discipline – biology or economics, for example. Savoir, which is usually defined as knowledge in general, the totality of connaissances, is used by Foucault in an underlying, rather than an overall, way. He has himself offered the following comment on his usage of these terms:
By connaissance I mean the relation of the subject to the object and the formal rules that govern it. Savoir refers to the conditions that are necessary in a particular period for this or that type of object to be given to connaissance and for this or that enunciation to be formulated.
Throughout this translation I have used the English word, followed, where the meaning required it, by the appropriate French word in parenthesis (Tr.).

Donald Richie

Aesthetics is that branch of philosophy defining beauty and the beautiful, how it can be recognized, ascertained, judged.
In the West the term was first used in 1750 to describe a science of sensuous knowledge. Its goal was beauty, in contrast with logic, whose goal was truth. Based upon dichotomies (beauty/truth, aesthetics/ logic) the definition was elaborated into a multifaceted concept assuming that opposites and alternates lead to an aesthetic result. The conjectures and conclusions were those of eighteenth-century Europe but are still common today.
There are, however, different criteria at different times in different culture. Many in Asia, for example, do not subscribe to general dichotomies in expressing thought. Japan makes much less of the body/mind, self/group formation, with often marked consequences. Here we would notice that what we could call Japanese aesthetics (in contrast to Western aesthetics) is more concerned with process than with product, with the actual construction of a self than with self-expression.


Employer Name Median Age Years of Experience Years with Company % Female
HP 38 7.7 6.3 32%
Oracle 37 9.0 5.3 29%
IBM 36 7.4 7.1 25%
Microsoft 33 6.4 4.8 27%
Qualcomm 33 7.7 4.3 20%
Cisco 33 6.7 4.0 23%
eBay 33 6.9 2.7 43%
Samsung 33 6.0 2.3 37%
Intel 32 5.5 5.0 25%
Adobe 31 5.2 3.3 28%
Apple 31 6.0 2.7 31%
Amazon 30 5.2 2.0 26%
Google 30 5.2 2.0 30%
Salesforce 30 5.3 1.8 30%
Tesla 30 5.6 1.6 20%
LinkedIn 29 5.0 NA 42%
SpaceX 29 6.1 2.3 14%
Facebook 29 4.3 1.1 32%



Chris Kolbu

FuglenTokyoAfter a wildly successful 2008 expansion from a simple coffee shop to include the sale of mid-century furniture and boutique cocktails, the venerable Fuglen (est 1963) has opened a sister store in Tokyo. At first glance, the Oslo-Tokyo connection might seem tenuous, but there is much to unite the two cities in matters of taste, and Fuglen (“The Bird”) is nothing if not tasteful.
While most people might think Japanese prefer tea – and they might just – Japan is similar to Norway in that both countries put a high premium on quality when purchasing coffee. In addition, the palates seem to be quite similar, opting for lighter roasted coffees and brewing methods – such as the pour over. Japan is a regular buyer of the most expensive lots of coffee in the world.



KOTB [コトビー]

電車内で本を読んでいる人からは「どうよ、本を読んでる自分」オーラを感じます。 どうして人は電車内で本を読むことの優越感を禁じ得ないのでしょうか? そして、なぜ電車内で本を読んでいる人は神々しく見えるのでしょうか?
1.  あなたとはちがうのよ、わたし
2.  わたし、こんな本も読んじゃうのよ
3.  付箋を貼りまくって熱心さをアピール


大学教員: 電車内で大勢の学生を見かけるが、読書している学生は少なく、みんなスマホの画面をのぞいている。
佐々木紀彦: 日米の学生の差を生んでいるのは、インプット量、読書量の差。人と知力で差をつけるカギとなるのはインプット量。ある程度知識を整理する力とアウトプット能力があれば、「読書量」と「経験量」こそが、知力の大部分を決定づける。



Marc Albrighton

OkazakiShinji Okazaki is also one of the main characters. If you ever see him not smiling you’ve caught him on a very bad day.
When you’re at a place like we are at the minute, right up there and doing the things that we never thought we could, then why not enjoy it?

KanteN’Golo Kante has been unbelievable as well. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him not smiling or grinning.
He could be late for a meeting or late to training or whatever, and someone will say ‘you’re fined £100 or £200’ and he will just have a massive grin across his face.

Sergio Moraes

One version talks of street soccer where everyone plays barefoot, or with ‘naked’ feet, running after the ball without a referee or any regard for rules.

David Conn

Liverpool-academy-001While parents give family life over to ferrying boys to training three nights a week and matches on Sundays against other professional clubs’ academies many hours’ travel away, the reality is that just 1% of the trainees will ultimately play football for a living.
Even the few who survive the annual cuts and make it to a “scholarship” at 16 are likely to fall away. Research tracking academy boys is itself difficult to find but it is accepted that only a minority of boys awarded “scholarships” remain in the professional game at 21. Of those who win the golden ticket of a proper, professional contract at 18, the vast majority are also not playing professionally at 21.

John Cartwright

1950s-street-footballPeople inside and outside of the game of football are lamenting over the lack of ‘street football’ our youngsters play. How long have I been saying this? However, it isn’t good enough to cry over the loss of the street game and the qualities it once brought to football here, we must accept that street development is a thing of the past and move on…

Technique is action without interference: skill is action with interference.



日本の色辞典源氏物語の色辞典王朝のかさね色辞典、 よしおか工房に学ぶ はじめての植物染め、 自然の色を染める: 家庭でできる植物染、 虹色どろぼう: 染司よしおかの植物染、 Der Regenbogenfarbendieb: 虹色どろぼうドイツ語版、 筒描: 藍の華、吉岡常雄の仕事、 日本伝統絞りの技、歩- 芹沢銈介の創作と蒐集、 和更紗、 正倉院裂と飛鳥天平の染織、 正倉院・法隆寺伝来裂、 興福院所蔵刺繍掛袱紗、 名物裂 上巻: 前田家伝来、 名物裂 下巻: 前田家伝来、 円山派衣裳画: 三井家伝来、 袢纏 法被: 鷲見コレクション、 図説 きものの仕立方、 ゆめをくむ: 柿元久美子 組紐作品集、 日本の文様図典、 日本のしつらえ: 鈴木源吾 経師の技、 薩摩切子、 日本のガラス、 王朝のあそび: いにしえの雅びな世界、 正倉院宝物にみる楽舞・遊戯具、 正倉院宝物にみる家具・調度、 正倉院宝物にみる仏具・儀式具、 時代屏風聚花 続篇 。。。 。。。 。。。

Rebecca Brinson

Agatha ChristieAgatha Christie’s book sales kept increasing, and she expanded into writing radio and stage plays. She did well in the U.K., but it was the cash from American publications and serializations in magazines like Colliers and Cosmopolitan that helped her accumulate real estate; at the time, the top U.K. income tax rate was 90%, but foreign income was exempt from taxation. Since Christie’s prose was straightforward, her work was quick and cheap to translate, so other foreign royalties started rolling in, too.
But by the 1950s, U.K. tax laws would catch up with her, and Christie toned down her output to roughly one book a year. She was unwilling to write essentially for free, and she wanted to avoid “enlarg[ing] the finances of the Inland Revenue who would spend it mostly on idiotic things.” (O, to be a writer who is making too much money from writing too often.)



David Hamilton

Eduardo SaverinFacebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin has renounced his U.S. citizenship ahead of the company’s IPO — a move likely calculated to help him dodge capital-gains taxes.
Saverin gave up his U.S. citizenship in September 2011. Saverin was born in Brazil in 1982, then moved to the U.S. in 1992 and became a citizen in 1998.
Saverin, one of a handful of people who helped Mark Zuckerberg start Facebook at Harvard in 2004, hasn’t been active at the company for many years. He still holds an estimated 4 percent of Facebook, however, a stake worth as much as $7.2 billion.


Yanuki潜入ルポ 東京タクシー運転手


Peter Lynch, John Rothchild

To me, an investment is simply a gamble in which you’ve managed to tilt the odds in your favor. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Atlantic City or the S&P 500 or the bond market. In fact, the stock market most reminds me of a stud poker game.

Justin Jackson

This is a web page.

There’s not much here.

Just words.

And you’re reading them.

We’ve become obsessed with fancy designs, responsive layouts, and scripts that do magical things.

But the most powerful tool on the web is still words.

I wrote these words, and you’re reading them: that’s magical.

I’m in a little city in British Columbia; you’re probably somewhere else. I wrote this early in the morning, June 20th, 2013; you’re probably reading it at a different time. I wrote this on my laptop; you could be reading this on your phone, a tablet or a desktop.

You and I have been able to connect because I wrote this and you’re reading it. That’s the web. Despite our different locations, devices, and time-zones we can connect here, on a simple HTML page.



Scott R. Loss, Tom Will, Peter P. Marra

Anthropogenic threats, such as collisions with man-made structures, vehicles, poisoning and predation by domestic pets, combine to kill billions of wildlife annually. Free-ranging domestic cats have been introduced globally and have contributed to multiple wildlife extinctions on islands. The magnitude of mortality they cause in mainland areas remains speculative, with large-scale estimates based on non-systematic analyses and little consideration of scientific data. Here we conduct a systematic review and quantitatively estimate mortality caused by cats in the United States. We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. Un-owned cats, as opposed to owned pets, cause the majority of this mortality. Our findings suggest that free-ranging cats cause substantially greater wildlife mortality than previously thought and are likely the single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for US birds and mammals. Scientifically sound conservation and policy intervention is needed to reduce this impact.

Jolene Creighton

  1. There are some 10 quadrillion ants on Earth.
  2. Ants are not necessarily short-lived.
  3. Ants can carry more than 3 times their own weight.
  4. Some ants practice a primitive form of slavery.
  5. Ants can account for over a quarter of the animal biomass in some areas.
  6. Ants “talk” using chemicals.
  7. Ants have a freaky kind of hive mind.
  8. The largest known ant species was 2.4 inches long.
  9. Like Humans, ants have conquered the globe.
  10. Ants are as old as dinosaurs.



Ron Sender, Shai Fuchs, Ron Milo

We critically revisit the ″common knowledge″ that bacteria outnumber human cells by a ratio of at least 10:1 in the human body. We found the total number of bacteria in the ″reference man″ to be 3.9·1013, with an uncertainty (SEM) of 25%, and a variation over the population (CV) of 52%. For human cells we identify the dominant role of the hematopoietic lineage to the total count of body cells (≈90%), and revise past estimates to reach a total of 3.0·1013 human cells in the 70 kg ″reference man″ with 2% uncertainty and 14% CV. Our analysis updates the widely-cited 10:1 ratio, showing that the number of bacteria in our bodies is actually of the same order as the number of human cells. Indeed, the numbers are similar enough that each defecation event may flip the ratio to favor human cells over bacteria.


Bacteria constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a number of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods and spirals. Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats. Bacteria inhabit soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, and the deep portions of Earth’s crust. Bacteria also live in symbiotic and parasitic relationships with plants and animals. They are also known to have flourished in manned spacecraft.
There are typically 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soil and a million bacterial cells in a millilitre of fresh water. There are approximately 5×1030 bacteria on Earth, forming a biomass which exceeds that of all plants and animals.

Luke Barnesmoore

Is personality the same as ego? How do we distinguish confidence and self-knowledge from arrogance and the ego? It has been said that arrogance is a thought while confidence is a feeling, and in this dictum (and the distinction between thought and feeling) we find light. To understand this dictum, we must associate the term ‘thought’ with the peripatetic mode of thought (the linear accumulation of sensory evidence, thought as manifest in words, etc.) and ‘feeling’ with the intuitive mode of knowing (where what is known by reason is brought to bear in a single, silent movement of the mind).
The Ego is predicated on our experience and conception of self as discrete, biologically determined entities that are manifest in passing time and physical space—in the potential for competition produced by the atomization of consciousness into seemingly discrete (from the perspective of our existence in passing time and physical space) systems of organization. It is produced by the application of materially-reductive, linear logic to our experience in passing time and physical space (for example, in producing the illusion of death). Ego, then, can be understood as a lack of self-knowledge produced by the illusion of self-knowledge from the peripatetic perspective.

Online Etymology Dictionary

bacteria (n.)
1847, plural of Modern Latin bacterium, from Greek bakterion “small staff,” diminutive of baktron “stick, rod,” from PIE *bak- “staff used for support” (also source of Latin baculum “rod, walking stick”). So called because the first ones observed were rod-shaped. Introduced as a scientific word 1838 by German naturalist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795-1876).
knowledge (n.)
early 12c., cnawlece “acknowledgment of a superior, honor, worship;” for first element see know (v.). Second element obscure, perhaps from Scandinavian and cognate with the -lock “action, process,” found in wedlock. Meaning “capacity for knowing, understanding; familiarity; fact of knowing” is late 14c. Sense of “an organized body of facts or teachings” is from c. 1400, as is that of “sexual intercourse.” Also a verb in Middle English, knoulechen “acknowledge” (c. 1200), later “find out about; recognize,” and “to have sexual intercourse with” (c. 1300).

John Maeda

CreativeCodeit (computer technology) is not a tool; it is a new material for expression.

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.

Knowledge is comfort, and comfort lies at the heart of simplicity.


Burmese-migrant-workers-l-010Myint Thein doesn’t have much time to talk, so he tells us the basics. He paid a middleman two years ago to smuggle him across the border into Thailand and find him a job in a factory. After an arduous journey travelling through dense jungle, over bumpy roads and across rough waves, Myint Thein finally arrived in Kantang, a Thai port on its western, Andaman coast, where he discovered he’d been sold to a boat captain. “When I realised what had happened, I told them I wanted to go back,” he says hurriedly. “But they wouldn’t let me go. When I tried to escape, they beat me and smashed all my teeth.”
For the next 20 months, Myint Thein and three other Burmese men who were also sold to the boat trawled international waters, catching anything from squid and tuna to “trash fish”, also known as bycatch – inedible or infant species of fish later ground into fishmeal for Thailand’s multibillion-dollar farmed prawn industry. The supply chain runs from the slaves through the fishmeal to the prawns to UK and US retailers. The product of Myint Thein’s penniless labour might well have ended up on your dinner plate.

Paulo Coelho

Businessman: How long does it take you to catch so many fish?
Fisherman:    Oh, just a short while.
Businessman: Then why don’t you stay longer at sea and catch even more?
Fisherman:    This is enough to feed my whole family.
Businessman: So, what do you do for the rest of the day?
Fisherman:    Well, I usually wake up early in the morning, go out to sea and catch a few fish, then go back and play with my kids. In the afternoon, I take a nap with my wife, and evening comes, I join my buddies in the village for a drink — we play guitar, sing and dance throughout the night.
Businessman: I am a PhD in business management. I could help you to become a more successful person. From now on, you should spend more time at sea and try to catch as many fish as possible. When you have saved enough money, you could buy a bigger boat and catch even more fish. Soon you will be able to afford to buy more boats, set up your own company, your own production plant for canned food and distribution network. By then, you will have moved out of this village and to Sao Paulo, where you can set up HQ to manage your other branches.
Fisherman:    And after that?
Businessman: After that, you can live like a king in your own house, and when the time is right, you can go public and float your shares in the Stock Exchange, and you will be rich.
Fisherman:    And after that?
Businessman: After that, you can finally retire, you can move to a house by the fishing village, wake up early in the morning, catch a few fish, then return home to play with kids, have a nice afternoon nap with your wife, and when evening comes, you can join your buddies for a drink, play the guitar, sing and dance throughout the night!
Fisherman:    Isn’t that what I am doing now?



Irene Salo

I realized that my curiosity lies in the fact that I can relate my own conceptions to some of the Japanese ideology. I believe this is because I grew up in Finland, where nature, quietness and simplicity are shared in both of the countries’ design philosophy. There is otherwise a huge contrast in the lifestyles and the differences in the worldviews between the West and Japan. Simplicity in Japan seems to be comparable to Western design principles of ‘less is more’; especially Scandinavian and Nordic design. The major difference is, though, that simplicity has existed far longer in Japan and is implemented into nearly every aspect of their society and culture.
Instead of constantly searching for new perfection through focusing on technology and erasing a country’s traditions and culture, we can also aim for sustainable design solutions. Simplicity can present benefits for our society and way of living, yet we neglect it and keep striving for the most complicated and excessive. In today’s technology-saturated world, could we enhance our visual communication by examining the ancient Japanese aesthetic principles? ‘Greatness’ could exist in the inconspicuous and overlooked details. Sometimes answers can be found in the most unexpected forms.