Category Archives: work



Barry Schwartz

Why do we work? Why do we drag ourselves out of bed every morning instead of living lives composed of one pleasure-filled adventure after another? What a silly question. We work because we have to make a living. Sure, but is that it? Of course not. When you ask people who are fulfilled by their work why they do the work they do, money almost never comes up. The list of nonmonetary reasons people give for doing their work is long and compelling.

Aytekin Tank

I’ll repeat that for emphasis:

Taking breaks can increase productivity.

Our workaholic culture and the business epidemic tend to villainize time-wasting behaviors during work — like leisurely lunches and web browsing — but research proves that breaks can enhance your performance, on many levels.
Brief periods of distraction have been shown to improve both decision-making and creativity. On the other hand, prolonged attention to a single task can actually hinder performance. Pulling an all-nighter for one assignment? Not such a good idea after all.
There’s also evidence that waking periods of mental rest can improve memory formation. Apparently, during rest periods, your brain reviews and ingrains what it previously learned. Without rest, you run the risk of experiencing the old “in one ear, out the other” phenomenon.

Ofer Feinerman

antThe “romantic view” of ants is that each single ant is stupid, but together “emerges some kind of collective intelligence.”
But they’re not stupid at all.
The ants rotate jobs, alternating between carrying the load and “scouting out” the scene. If any scout ants notice their loaded down comrades drift off course, they grab hold and stubbornly push the disoriented group back on track.
The individuals come with the solution. The group gives it the muscle power.

Le Monde

Campus2014_0128-BasseD24,5 % des jeunes (15-24 ans) sont au chômage, selon les derniers chiffres de l’Insee… Face à ce désastre national, il est peut-être temps d’essayer de penser et d’agir autrement. “Hors de la boîte”, comme disent les anglo-saxons.
Entreprise atypique, le Club Med fait justement partie de ces employeurs qui sortent des sentiers battus. Chaque année, il recrute entre 2 000 et 2 500 collaborateurs, jeunes pour la plupart (moyenne d’âge : autour de 24 ans), et dont beaucoup (25 % environ) n’ont, au départ, aucune qualification. Et ça marche : beaucoup de ces recrues, engagées le plus souvent sur des contrats saisonniers, finissent par accéder à un emploi “durable” – au sein du groupe ou à l’extérieur. Bref, le Club joue à fond son rôle d’ascenseur social.
D’après une enquête que le Club vient de réaliser, 64 % de ses “anciens” ont décroché un emploi dans les 3 mois suivant leur départ, et environ 85 % dans les 6 mois. La moitié d’entre eux ont été recrutés en CDI, et 30 % avec le statut de cadre. Enfin, 86 % des anciens estiment avoir développé des atouts professionnels importants au Club.

Michael Robert Evans

So we editors work with people. We work with writers, whom we encourage, challenge, and inspire. We work with publishers, with whom we negotiate over the very souls of our publications. We work with artists and photographers, circulation managers and advertising directors, graphic designers and printers and even copy editors.
Above all, we work with readers. We struggle constantly to learn what they are thinking, what they want to know, and what really annoys them. They represent our very existence, and they decide whether we succeed or decay into miserable failure.
It is in this maelstrom of people that editors function, and we love it.


