Peter K. Hatemi

An important contribution of the present study is that it provides an initial unbiased foray into exploring the genetic etiology of Conservatism-Liberalism by identifying chromosomal regions of genetic markers not previously known to be associated with political preferences. In addition, future studies may use the findings here as means to test the specific Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL). Over time the cumulative knowledge gained from future studies will either result in a generally accepted finding that the regions identified here are generalizable or specific to this sample.
Many large-scale genetic analyses of clinical and behavioral phenotypes ignore potential sources of heterogeneity that may further reduce power to identify specific genes in a single analysis of the entire sample. The current study is no exception. Among such effects are interaction of gene expression with sex, age, and environmental exposure. Statistical genetic analyses of extended kinships of twins and their relatives suggest that the same genes appear to influence most political attitudes in men and women, but that a significant nonadditive genetic effect may reflect the interaction between genes and age or secular change. So far, few studies have addressed gene by environment (GxE) interaction for political preferences. However there are reports of GxE interaction for other aspects of social behaviors such as religiosity.

4 thoughts on “Peter K. Hatemi

  1. shinichi Post author

    A Genome-Wide Analysis of Liberal and Conservative Political Attitudes

    by Hatemi, P. K.; Gillespie, N. A.; Eaves, L. J.; Maher, B. S.; Webb, B. T.; Heath, A. C.; Medland, S. E.; Smyth, D. C.; Beeby, H. N.; Gordon, S. D.; Montgomery, G. W.; Zhu, G.; Byrne, E. M.; Martin, N. G.

    The Journal of Politics 73: 271


    “A Genome-Wide Analysis of Liberal and Conservative Political Attitudes” by Peter K. Hatemi et al. traces DNA research involving 13,000 subjects. The study identifies several genes potentially connected with political ideology.

  2. shinichi Post author

    by ジョナサン・ハイト
    translated by 高橋 洋

    13,000 人のオーストラリア人を対象にしたこのDNA分析によって、リベラルな人と保守的な人のあうだに異なるいくつかの遺伝子が見つかった。




  3. shinichi Post author



    社会にはその両方が必要で、その比率が 1 対 1 であろうと、保守の方が多い 2 対 1 であろうと、保守的な人たちだけの社会や、リベラルな人たちだけの社会よりは、ずっといい。


    そして、保守な人たちとリベラルな人たちの比率が 2 対 1 であるとすれば、選挙で、保守の人たちは60%は取れても(10% の積極的な棄権する人たちを考慮すれば)3分の2を取ることはできず、リベラルな人たちはいつまでたっても30%しか取れず、負け続ける。



  4. shinichi Post author

    Political DNA: Genetic Differences Between A Liberal And Conservative Brain – Omni Publicity

    Omni Publicity Omni Publicity

    John Giordano and Dr Ken Blum on Political DNA: Genetic Differences Between A Liberal And Conservative Brain

    Is it possible scientists can reduce politics down to the encoding of our DNA; that someone is more likely to be born a liberal or a conservative as apposed to developing their own political position through education and personal experiences? The answer is sure to surprise you! The results of these genetic studies are the first to identify a specific gene that may be partly responsible for the tendency to join political groups, and they may help to explain correlation in parent and child partisanship and the persistence of partisan behavior over time.


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