長い歴史の中で多くが滅びる中、奇跡的に命を繋いできた先人達の働きと知恵が進化をもたらし、私達の現在の命に繋がってきたのです。そのような遠大な時間の中で培われてきた経験による生きてゆく知恵が私達の現在の生活の中に息づき、生活と言う豊かさ 『Quality of Life』という価値となっています。 私達はその本質的な人間の進化を停めることも、やめることもできません。
私達タイム アンド スタイルは、人間の生活環境の進化に挑み、本質的で普遍的な現在と未来の生活を豊かにする価値を創造することを事業の目的としています。

2 thoughts on “TIME & STYLE

  1. shinichi Post author



    Our existence has been created by the succession of life that has been inherited through a far-reaching time.
    We do not usually think about the destiny of these accumulated miracles.
    Each of us lives a life brilliantly for the moment as a unique, one and only being. The accumulation of these moments makes up our lives, and it is our true happiness to feel that we are alive and give off the radiance of life.

    After human beings were created in this world, we existed on blessings that have been encountered, shared, evolved, and inherited by many people up to the present time.
    While many perished over the long period of history, the efforts and wisdom of our predecessors, who miraculously managed to survive, brought about evolution and eventually led to our lives in the present day. The wisdom of survival developed through a vast amount of time is found in our lives today and creates value and the “Quality of Life” in abundance.

    For us, we cannot stop or quit essential human evolution.
    We cannot fulfill the role of our existence unless we further develop affluence and happiness as a human being, which we have inherited from our ancestors, and hand it down to posterity. It is the importance of existence and our valuable responsibilities to further develop civilization, which our ancestors created after crossing the wide sea and climbing over high mountains to develop frontier land and link together each life.
    We, at TIME & STYLE, aim for the challenge of developing a living environment and creating values that enrich essential and universal living for the present and future as the purpose of our business.


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