Antonio Tabucchi

I sogni di Dedalo, Ovidio, Apuleio, Cecco Angiolieri, Villon, Rabelais, Caravaggio, Goya, Coleridge, Leopardi, Collodi, Stevenson, Rimbaud, Cechov, Debussy, Toulouse-Lautrec, Pessoa, Majakovskij, García Lorca, Freud. Un libro che è un azzardo, una supposizione e un’ipotesi, e insieme un fervido omaggio a venti artisti amati da uno scrittore di oggi.

3 thoughts on “Antonio Tabucchi

  1. shinichi Post author

    Antonio Tabucchi

    from Wikipedia

    Antonio Tabucchi (24 September 1943 – 25 March 2012) was an Italian writer and academic who taught Portuguese language and literature at the University of Siena, Italy.

    Deeply in love with Portugal, he was an expert, critic and translator of the works of Fernando Pessoa from whom he drew the conceptions of saudade, of fiction and of the heteronyms. Tabucchi was first introduced to Pessoa’s works in the 1960s when attending the Sorbonne. He was so charmed that, back in Italy, he attended a course of Portuguese language for a better comprehension of the poet.

    His books and essays have been translated in 18 countries, including Japan. Together with his wife, María José de Lancastre, he translated many works by Pessoa into Italian and has written a book of essays and a comedy about the writer.

    Tabucchi was awarded the French prize “Médicis étranger” for Indian Nocturne (Notturno indiano) and the premio Campiello, and the Aristeion Prize for Sostiene Pereira. In later life he was mentioned as a contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature, a feat he never achieved.


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