After violating my wife, the robber, sitting there, began to speak comforting words to her. Of course I couldn’t speak. My whole body was tied fast to the root of a cedar. But meanwhile I winked at her many times, as much as to say “Don’t believe the robber.” I wanted to convey some such meaning to her. But my wife, sitting dejectedly on the bamboo leaves, was looking hard at her lap. To all appearance, she was listening to his words. I was agonized by jealousy. In the meantime the robber went on with his clever talk, from one subject to another. The robber finally made his bold brazen proposal. “Once your virtue is stained, you won’t get along well with your husband, so won’t you be my wife instead? It’s my love for you that made me be violent toward you.”
While the criminal talked, my wife raised her face as if in a trance. She had never looked so beautiful as at that moment. What did my beautiful wife say in answer to him while I was sitting bound there? I am lost in space, but I have never thought of her answer without burning with anger and jealousy. Truly she said, … “Then take me away with you wherever you go.”
Category Archives: 未分類
>Jean Léon Gérôme
Max Borders
There’s a weird symmetry between the Right and the Left. It’s difficult to articulate, but it’s becoming clearer to me now. They’re both Keynesians, only in different domains. The Left are Keynesians about economics, the Right are Keynesians about political strategy. The trouble with either is that Keynesianism doesn’t work very well anywhere it’s applied.
Lest I lose my reader straight out of the gate, allow me to explain in simpler terms the defining characteristics of what I’ll call the “Keynesian Model.” This model:
- Deals almost exclusively in macro-level aggregates.
- Holds that these aggregates are mostly informative.
- Information can be successfully used for macro purposes.
For example, in economics, Keynesians want to tweak or “stimulate” the economy by raining largess on particular sectors to stimulate aggregate labor demand, say.
But the trouble with this way of looking at the world is:
- The micro-level is where most of the action is.
- The devil of the economy is in the details of billions of individual means-ends actions, coordinations and transactions, which makes knowledge mostly local.
- These details are far to complex to be reduced to aggregates and manipulated to positive effect.
>Esther Dean, Mikkel Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Katy Perry, Sandy Julien Wilhelm
>You don’t have to feel like a waste of space
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you’re reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it’s time, you’ll know
You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
‘Cause baby you’re a firework
Come on, show ’em what you’re worth
Make ’em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky
>Andrew Scott Cooper
- もし中国の街でアンケートをしたら、80%以上の愛国青年たちが「喜んでお国のために死ぬ」って答えると思う。
- こういうところも、日本が好きな理由の1つだ。
- 平和の時代に生活している人で、誰が国のために命をささげるかね。
- 奴隷だけが主人のために死ぬというのが道理だ。どこに奴隷のために死ぬ主人がいるというのだ?朝から晩まで国のために犠牲を強いる国というのは、実質的に国民を奴隷とみなしているのだよ。
- 何に基づいて国民は国のために死ななければならないの?国民は国に貢献すると同時に、国から保護を受けて当然よね。
- 当然の結果でしょう。開けた文明的な国であればあるほど、人びとの考えも成熟して自分の考えを持つようになる。北朝鮮と比較したらよく分かるさ。みんな洗脳されちゃってるから。
- 無能な国ほど国民を言い訳の材料にする。
- 無能な国こそが国のために国民を犠牲にするね。
- オレが思うに…もし国民が国のために死ななくてはならない状況までになっているなら、それはその国が今まさに戦乱の最中にあるということだと思う。平和という基本的なことが保障できないなら、国民に国のために死んでもらうことを望めるか?
- 国家は国民を保護すべきであって、国民に国家のために死んでもらうようであってはならない。この道理が分からないようなら、中国はどんなに富んだとしても。意味はないね。
- 命はどの国や組織にも属さない。日本は福祉がすばらしい。でも日本人にとってはそうでもない。永遠に満足することはないのよ。
>Partnership for 21st Century Skills
>Sam Harris
>Publishers can’t charge enough money for 60-page books to survive; thus, writers can’t make a living by writing them. But readers are beginning to feel that this shouldn’t be their problem. Worse, many readers believe that they can just jump on YouTube and watch the author speak at a conference, or skim his blog, and they will have absorbed most of what he has to say on a given subject. In some cases this is true and suggests an enduring problem for the business of publishing. In other cases it clearly isn’t true and suggests an enduring problem for our intellectual life.
One thing is certain: writers and public intellectuals must find a way to get paid for what they do—and the opportunities to do this are changing quickly. My current solution is to write longer books for a traditional press and publish short ebooks myself on Amazon. If anyone has any better ideas, please publish them somewhere—perhaps on a blog—and then send me a link. And I hope you get paid.
>Anaïs Nin
>We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
>Toothpaste For Dinner
>Kelly Evans
>Brian Urquhart
>Clayton Christensen
Disruptor Cellular phones Community colleges Discount retailers Retail medical clinics |
![]() |
Disruptee Fixed line telephony Four-year colleges Full-service department stores Traditional doctor’s offices |
>Sam Zarifi
>James Surowiecki
>Indur M. Goklany
>Azamat Abdoullaev
>Alan Posener
A good friend of mine sent this to me this morning, and I thought I would pass it along. I completely agree, and it’s well worth remembering for those of you that feel guilty when indulging in time with your girlfriends. Which, by the way, I never do! Thanks to all my girlfriends, all over the world, for all the laughs and good times we’ve shared.
“I just finished taking an evening class at Stanford. The last lecture was on the mind-body connection – the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends. At first everyone laughed, but he was serious.
Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality “girlfriend time” helps us to create more serotonin – a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well being. Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. Fishing, hunting, golf? Yes. But their feelings? Rarely.
Women do it all of the time. …”
>Kevin Perry
>Marisol Valles Garcia
>Francisco Negroni, Carlos Gutierrez, Claudio Santana
>DeeAnne White
>Steve Biddulph
A B C D E F G |
for aol for best buy for craigslist for dictionary for ebay for facebook for gmail |
H I J K L M N |
for hotmail for ikea for jet blue for kayak for lirr for mapquest for netflix |
O P Q R S T |
for old navy for pandora for qwop for run for skype for target |
U V W X Y Z |
for usps for verizon for weather for xbox for youtube for zappos |
>Rasha Ajalyaqeen
>Interpreters adhere to the idea that a word is like a bullet:
>David Goldman
>Jerry Haber
Thank you, Mr. President, for vetoing the UN Security Counsel Resolution condemning the Israeli settlements as illegal.
Thank you for making America the only country in the world to support Israel on this matter.
Thank you for contradicting long-standing US policy on the settlements.
Thank you for not abstaining on this vote – which is what the US has done in the past.
Thank you for talking the talk on settlements but not walking the walk.
Thank you for allowing Israel to say, as it always does, “We and the US have disagreements on various items, but our bond is strong.”
Thank you for doing nothing about the biggest settlement activity within East Jerusalem in over forty-three years.
Thank you for undermining the PA and Abu Mazen.
Thank you for showing the Palestinian people how much – or how little – you can be relied upon.
Thank you for holding the Palestinians hostage to a non-existent (fortunately) peace process.
Thank you for allowing Israel to kill any chance of a two-state solution.
Thank you for making the United States irrelevant in the Middle East.
And Shabbat Shalom from your neighbor up 16th Street.
>Kerry Magruder, JoAnn Palmeri
Why do we use Wikipedia? Should you?
… we frequently link to Wikipedia for background information on an author or topic in the history of science. This practice is subject to some controversy, so this post will explain why we do so.
We will also distinguish between sources appropriate for original research and the use of Wikipedia as a ready reference.
… external links should not be taken as an endorsement of the content you find at Wikipedia or any other external website. Wikipedia articles are of markedly uneven quality, and even when Wikipedia is at its best, there is a difference between setting context with background knowledge (where a general, non-professional source like Wikipedia is appropriate) and conducting actual research in the history of science. For the latter, reliable professional secondary sources are required such as you will find with the aid of reference works like the Isis Bibliography for the History of Science, the Dictionary of Scientific Biography, and other reference resources. We link to Wikipedia for background knowledge; we will point you to reliable professional sources when you are doing research.
Wikipedia remains useful for obtaining general background information as a springboard for research (it is not a substitute for research). It is easily accessible, and often the most informative ready reference on the web. Consult it to get your bearings, but then guide your actual research by relying upon the professional literature. Go beyond where Wikipedia leaves off. At a bare minimum, independently verify anything you use from Wikipedia. And as always, if you use it, cite it.
>Pakistan Defence
Janis Joplin
>Patricia Galagan
- Generating new knowledge.
- Accessing knowledge from external sources.
- Representing knowledge in documents, databases, software and so forth.
- Embedding knowledge in processes, products, or services.
- Transferring existing knowledge around an organization.
- Using accessible knowledge in decision-making.
- Facilitating knowledge growth through culture and incentives.
- Measuring the value of knowledge assets and the impact of knowledge management.
- 57人のアジア人、21人のヨーロッパ人、14人の南北アメリカ人、8人のアフリカ人がいます。
- 52人が女性で、48人が男性です。
- 70人が有色人種で、30人が白人。
- 70人がキリスト教以外の人で、30人がキリスト教。
- 89人が異性愛者で、11人が同性愛者。
- 6人が全世界の富の59%を所有し、その6人ともがアメリカ国籍。
- 80人は標準以下の居住環境に住み、70人は文字が読めません。
- 50人は栄養失調に苦しみ、1人が瀕死の状態にあり、1人はいま、生まれようとしています。
- 1人は(そうたった1人)は大学の教育を受け、そしてたった1人だけがコンピューターを所有しています。
>Paul Claudel
>Time or distance cannot touch the friendship of the heart.
>Grand Central
>Илья Иосифович Кабаков
>Генрих Сапгир
>Nam Le
>Corrado Gini
>El Niño, La Niña
>Nwonknu Rohtua
>My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprising how often they head in your direction.
>James Blunt
>Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska
>Hajime Tachibana
Nancy Evans
Pictures from the mid-1960s Lunar Orbiter program lay forgotten for decades.
Nancy Evans was at her desk when a clerk walked into her office, asking what he should do with data tapes that had been released from storage.
“What do you usually do with things like that?” she asked.
“We usually destroy them,” he replied.
“I could not morally get rid of this stuff,” said Evans.
Library Hotel New York
不该往下走 虽然我要走的方向