Category Archives: art
Barış Cihanoğlu
Fabien Novarino
Yuki Shiraishi
志村ふくみ, 志村洋子
Museum Of Bad Art (MOBA)
Melissa Jeltsen
A realistic statue of an almost-naked man lurking on a women’s college campus is making some students very uncomfortable.
The statue, called “Sleepwalker,” was installed at Wellesley College in Massachusetts on Monday. By Tuesday, students disturbed by the statue began a petition to remove it.
As of Wednesday morning, the petition had 250 signatures.
The sculpture, by Tony Matelli, is part of an exhibit at the school’s Davis Museum.
Marie Benattar
Friedensreich Hundertwasser
The straight line is godless and immoral.
Paul Cézanne, Eugène Delacroix, Jacques Le Rider
Lundi 20 septembre 1852. Sur l’architecture.
C’est l’idéal même ; tout y est idéalisé par l’homme. La ligne droite elle-même est de son invention, car elle n’est nulle part dans la nature. …
L’architecture ne prend rien dans la nature directement, comme la sculpture ou la peinture ; en cela elle se rapproche de la musique, …
Ce n’est pas là l’imitation directe, comme on l’entend en parlant des deux arts qui copient les formes précises que la nature présente.
みどりさん! 画を知る人でみどりを知らない人はいないでせう。あの五尺三寸の珍らしく高い脊、蕾が破れようとするやうな匂やかな肉体、みどりほど画家をやんやといはせたものは、まあないでせう。その頃(明治四十三年)彼女は新宿に住んでゐました。当時その近くに、天才彫刻家荻原守衛氏も住んでゐました。
Pablo Picasso
Dal momento che l’arte non è più l’alimento che nutre i migliori, l’artista può esercitare il suo talento in tutti i tentativi di nuove formule, in tutti i capricci della fantasia, in tutti gli espedienti del ciarlatanismo intellettuale. Nell’arte il popolo non cerca più consolazione ed esaltazione. Ma i raffinati, i ricchi, gli sfaccendati, i distillatori di quintessenza cercano il nuovo, lo strano, l’originale, lo stravagante, lo scandaloso.
E io stesso, dopo il cubismo e anche da prima, ho accontentato questi maestri e questi critici con tutte le bizzarrie cangianti che mi sono passate per la testa, e meno mi capivano più mi ammiravano. A forza di divertirmi con questi giochi, con tutti questi rompicapi, rebus e arabeschi, sono diventato celebre e rapidamente.
La celebrità, per un pittore, significa vendite, guadagni, fortuna, ricchezza.
Oggi, come sapete, sono celebre e sono ricco. Ma quando sono solo con me stesso, non ho il coraggio di considerarmi come un artista nel senso grande e antico della parola. Sono stati grandi Giotto, il Tiziano, Rembrandt, Goya.
Io sono soltanto un tipo che diverte il pubblico, che ha capito il proprio tempo e ha sfruttato il più possibile l’imbecillità, la vanità, la cupidigia dei contemporanei.
La mia è una confessione amara, più dolorosa di quanto può sembrare, ma ha il merito di essere sincera.
Shafik Alnawab
David Barboza, Graham Bowley, Amanda Cox
When the hammer came down at an evening auction during China Guardian’s spring sale in May 2011, “Eagle Standing on a Pine Tree,” a 1946 ink painting by Qi Baishi, one of China’s 20th-century masters, had drawn a startling price: $65.4 million. No Chinese painting had ever fetched so much at auction, and, by the end of the year, the sale appeared to have global implications, helping China surpass the United States as the world’s biggest art and auction market.
But two years after the auction, Qi Baishi’s masterpiece is still languishing in a warehouse in Beijing. The winning bidder has refused to pay for the piece since doubts were raised about its authenticity.
Charlotte Perriand
Pierre-Louis Mathieu
Le mouvement du symbolisme se définit justement par la projection sur la toile de sentiments intérieurs souvent propres à l’artiste et qu’une connaissance précise de sa biographie permet de mieux pénétrer.
Un siècle après sa mort, maintenant que les interdits qu’il avait lui-même imposés à ses premiers biographes sont levés par le temps et que les appartements « privés » conservés au coeur de « son » musée, qu’il avait si minutieusement fait aménager pour la postérité, sont depuis peu accessibles au public, il est désormais permis – et possible – de présenter ce que l’on connaît – et finalement l’on en sait beaucoup – de l’existence de celui qui s’intitulait « ouvrier assembleur de rêves ».
Charlotte Perriand
Frida Kahlo
William Grimes
Kate Nielsen, a Brooklyn artist, got the call in July. Someone at Amazon had seen her Web site, mistakenly assumed that she was a gallery owner, and asked her to sign up. “It’s such a monster company, it was disconcerting,” Ms. Nielsen said. “I thought, ‘How did you find me, this little person in Brooklyn?’ ”
To date, Amazon has signed up more than 180 galleries and offers more than 43,000 two-dimensional works from about 4,500 artists, ranging from “Untitled (Dollar Bill),” by Ryan Humphrey of Queens, selling for $10, to Monet’s 1868 portrait of his son Jean ($1.4 million), and, at the top of this very big heap, Norman Rockwell’s 1941 painting “Willie Gillis: Package From Home” ($4.85 million). Ms. Nielsen offered several of her digital prints for $45 each.
Walter Darby Bannard
Truth is expressed in words;
art is expressed in feeling.
Truth conforms to reality;
art invents reality.
Truth is subject to proof;
art has nothing to do with proof.
And so forth.
Yes, I know, “Art” and “Truth” are both noble and high-minded and all that, and therefore they are often associated, in a hopeful way. But they are apples and oranges.
Clarity is important. Keep things where they belong.
Art Revolution
Yuki Yoshida
Pablo Picasso
When I paint, my object is to show what I have found and not what I am looking for. In art intentions are not sufficient and, as we say in Spanish: love must be proved by facts and not by reasons. What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing.
We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies. If he only shows in his work that he has searched, and re-searched, for the way to put over lies, he would never accomplish anything.
The academic teaching on beauty is false. We have been misled, but so completely misled that we can no longer find so much as a shadow of a truth again. The beauties of the Parthenon, the Venuses, the Nymphs, the Narcisusses, are so many lies. Art is not the application of a canon of beauty, but what the instinct and the brain can conceive independently of that canon… To tell the truth the Parthenon is only a truss on which a roof has been placed.
Vincent van Gogh, Martin Heidegger
From the dark opening of the worn insides of the shoes the toilsome tread of the worker stares forth. In the stiffly rugged heaviness of the shoes there is the accumulated tenacity of her slow trudge through the far-spreading and ever-uniform furrows of the field swept by a raw wind. On the leather lie the dampness and richness of the soil. Under the soles slides the loneliness of the field-path as evening falls. In the shoes vibrates the silent call of the earth, its quiet gift of the ripening grain and its unexplained self-refusal in the fallow desolation of the wintry field. This equipment is pervaded by uncomplaining anxiety as to the certainty of bread, the wordless joy of having once more withstood want, the trembling before the impending childbed and shivering at the surrounding menace of death. This equipment belongs to the earth, and it is protected in the world of the peasant woman. From out of this protected belonging the equipment itself rises to its resting-within-itself.
Kengo Kuma
Claude Debussy
L’art est le plus beau des mensonges.
Je n’aime pas les spécialistes. Pour moi, se spécialiser, c’est rétrécir d’autant son univers.
La musique doit humblement chercher à faire plaisir, l’extrême complication est le contraire de l’art.
Il n’y a pas de théorie : il suffit d’entendre. Le plaisir est la règle.
Diego Fazio
Javier Arizabalo
Mitzi Mock
Richard Guyatt, 森本武
The three interrelated elements of design are the combined action of head, heart and hand.
The head provides logic; the heart, emotional stimuli; and the skill that gives form to design concepts is executed by the hand.
Pablo Picasso
Cécile Hartmann
Maria Popova
A thing is never seen as it really is.
Josef Albers
In visual perception a color is almost never seen as it really is — as it physically is. This fact makes color the most relative medium in art.
In order to use color effectively it is necessary to recognize that color deceives continually. To this end, the beginning is not a study of color systems.
First, it should be learned that one and the same color evokes innumerable readings. Instead of mechanically applying or merely implying laws and rules of color harmony, distinct color effects are produced-through recognition of the interaction of color-by making, for instance, two very different colors look alike, or nearly alike.
A color has many faces, and one color can be made to appear as two different colors. Here it is almost unbelievable that the left small and the right small squares are part of the same paper strip and therefore are the same color. And no normal human eye is able to see both squares — alike.
SUS gallery
Зинаи́да Серебряко́ва
Θεόφραστος Τριανταφυλλίδης
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
82nd & Fifth
82nd & Fifth is the Met’s address in New York City. It is also the intersection of art and ideas. We’ve invited 100 curators from across the Museum to talk about 100 works of art that changed the way they see the world, and eleven Museum photographers to interpret their vision.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Connections invites its diverse staff to offer their personal perspectives on works of art in the Museum’s vast collection. Their voices range from the authoritative to the highly subjective, and touch upon any number of themes and concepts.
John O’Nolan
Good art inspires. Good design motivates.
Good art is interpreted. Good design is understood.
Good art is a taste. Good design is an opinion.
Good art is a talent. Good design is a skill.
Good art sends a different message to everyone.
Good design sends the same message to everyone.
the difference between art & design
Roland Emmerich
- I thought it must be pure science fiction. But when I checked it out I found a lot of magazine articles that actually supported the theory behind the book which was incredible. That’s when I decided to acquire the rights of the book and everything went from there.
- Everybody knows that the industrialized nations are the worst offenders.
- I’m a filmmaker, not a scientist.
- When you find something where you can give people a message and still make it an exciting movie, you get very, very excited about something. You probably even work harder than you normally do.
- I think sport in general affects what people see in movies. I always try to explain to people in Hollywood that we have to make movies more like sport because, in sport, everything can happen and it’s so much better than movies in some ways.
- It’s like everybody is obsessed with Hollywood movies worldwide. And even though everybody hates the Americans, they’re still watching American movies.
Joe Price, Ito Jakuchu
Antonio López García
Spice of Life 京の街角
Claude Monet
Odilon Redon
Yokoyama Taikan
Lancashire Wallpaper and Paint
Ольга Керн
Suzuki Kiitsu
徹子の部屋「忌野清志郎さん、母への思い 3/3」 (4:49)
Jane Portal
So as far as I am concerned I think it’s a good thing that we have, for example, Korean art here at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and that it’s not all in Korea.
American art is collected by other countries, European art is collected by other countries. And I feel art belongs to the whole world.
Дато Худжадзе, Илана Яхав
Louie Schwartzberg
Holly A. Pearse
Chaplin’s Jewishness made him an enemy of the FBI and put him on the Nazi’s list of international targets. He is perhaps one of the most famous Jews in American history hence it is all the more surprising to learn that he was not, in fact, Jewish.
Since his early days as the Little Tramp, a role he assumed in 1914, Jews had believed Chaplin was secretly Jewish. The fact that his name was not Jewish was irrelevant; it was common practice for Jews to change their names when entering show business.
More important than birth records and names was the fact he looked, acted and ‘felt’ Jewish. To Jewish eyes, Chaplin told Jewish stories.