Category Archives: belief
Michael Luciano
仏教が説く時間のうちで最も長いのが「劫」であり、最も短いのが「刹那」である。最長の時間の単位 である「劫」は、梵語のkalpa(カルパ)を「劫波」と漢語の音で写 したのを略して用いているのである。では「劫」とは、どれほど長い時間であろうか。実は永遠と言ってよい程であり、我々の日ごろの経験的な時間の数では到底、言い表わすことはできない。そのようなとき仏教では比喩を用いる。仏典では、四十里四方の大石を、いわゆる天人の羽衣で百年に一度払い、その大きな石が摩滅して無くなってもなお「一劫」の時間は終わらないと譬えている。また、方四十里の城に小さな芥子粒を満たして百年に一度、一粒ずつ取り去り、その芥子がすべて無くなってもなお尽きないほどの長い時間が一劫であるという。さらに「劫」の永さを強調し、終わりのないくらいの長い歳月を「永劫」という。ここから「未来永劫」とか「永劫回帰」などの言葉が生まれた。
与謝野晶子に「劫初よりつくりいとなむ殿堂にわれも黄金の釘一つ打つ」という有名な歌がある。劫初とは『観無量 寿経』に「劫初已来」とあるように、永遠の昔に世界が成立した当初のことである。無始已来、絶え間なく続けられてきた人類の営為である文化・芸術の偉大な殿堂に私も黄金の釘を一本打つように新しい活動をしたいという意気込みを示す感銘深い歌である。
人の行いというのは、基本的に自身の意思に基づきます。時として周りに左右される場合もありますが、日常的なごく普通の行動に関しては概ね自分の思いによるだけのことです。 …
Antaiji (安泰寺)
Antaiji is a Zen monastery that commits itself to the practice of zazen and the study of the Buddha’s teaching, while cultivating the fields around the temple, cutting grass and trees and doing construction work to keep the community self-sufficient. Here at Antaiji, Zen is practiced without any additions or modifications. This means that Zazen is practiced solely for the purpose of Zazen. Zazen will not get you anywhere. Zazen without gain, Zazen which is one with enlightenment, is what is put into practice here.
自己 = 1/1 = 2/2 = 3/3 = ・・・ = 人類/人類 = 一切/一切
Immanuel Kants
Handle nur nach derjenigen Maxime, durch die du zugleich wollen kannst, dass sie ein allgemeines Gesetz werde.
La Toussaint est une fête catholique, célébrée le 1er novembre, au cours de laquelle l’Église catholique honore tous les saints, connus et inconnus.
Cette fête ne se fonde pas sur des textes bibliques, ni sur la liturgie de Jérusalem.
Elle est dédiée à tous les saints. Selon Mgr Robert Le Gall, « cette célébration groupe non seulement tous les saints canonisés, c’est-à-dire ceux dont l’Église assure, en engageant son autorité, qu’ils sont dans la Gloire de Dieu, mais aussi tous ceux qui, en fait et les plus nombreux, sont dans la béatitude divine ». Il s’agit donc de toutes les personnes, canonisées ou non, qui ont été sanctifiées par l’exercice de la charité, l’accueil de la miséricorde et le don de la grâce divine. Cette fête rappelle donc à tous les fidèles, la vocation universelle à la sainteté.
American Battle Monuments Commission
Reyhaneh Jabbari
I am telling you from the bottom of my heart that I don’t want to have a grave for you to come and mourn there and suffer. I don’t want you to wear black clothing for me. Do your best to forget my difficult days. Give me to the wind to take away.
The world did not love us. It did not want my fate. And now I am giving in to it and embrace the death. Because in the court of God I will charge the inspectors, I will charge inspector Shamlou, I will charge judge, and the judges of country’s Supreme Court that beat me up when I was awake and did not refrain from harassing me.
In the court of the creator I will charge Dr. Farvandi, I will charge Qassem Shabani and all those that out of ignorance or with their lies wronged me and trampled on my rights and didn’t pay heed to the fact that sometimes what appears as reality is different from it.
Dear soft-hearted Sholeh, in the other world it is you and me who are the accusers and others who are the accused. Let’s see what God wants. I wanted to embrace you until I die. I love you.
病気のあいだは照れくさいことながらやはりカミサマのことばかり考えつづけていた。・・・・・・ だが一番イヤだったのはある夜、私は神は本当は存在していないのではないかという不安に捉われた時だった。二千年のあいだ、神がいるものと信じてそのために生きてきた人間が無数にいる。・・・・・・ しかしもし神などは人間がつくりだした架空の幻影だったとするならば、それらの人間はなんとコッケイな喜劇の主人公であったことだろう。・・・・・・ いよいよ最後の手術の時、私は車のついた寝台にのせられて一度目や二度目の時と同じように手術室にはこばれていったが、前の時とはちがって見送ってきた妻とも別れ、手術場の厚い扉がしまった時、これがこの世の見おさめだなという気がおそってきた。その瞬間、私は始めてと言っていいほど口惜しい思いで自分の小説のことを思いだした。ああ、書きたいなあと思ったのである。
岸田秀、小滝透『アメリカの正義病、イスラムの原理病―― 一神教の病理を読み解く』春秋社、2002年。
梅原猛『森の思想が人類を救う』小学館、1995 年。
私は、かつての文明の方向が多神教から一神教への方向であったように、今後の文明の方向は、一神教から多神教への方向であるべきだと思います。狭い地球のなかで諸民族が共存していくには、一神教より多神教のほうがはるかによいのです。(158 頁)
Daniel Garber
I can’t believe because I’m not convinced that it is true that God exists. It is as simple as that. Belief is not voluntary, and there are no considerations that move me to believe that God exists. In all honesty, I will admit that I don’t have a definitive argument that God doesn’t exist either. Which is to say that I refuse to make the judgment that some make that it is positively irrational to believe in God in an objective sense. But without convincing affirmative reasons to believe, I’m stuck. If others find reasons that convince them, I’m willing to discuss them and consider them. Who knows? There might be a convincing argument out there, or at least one that convinces me.
On the other hand, it is easy say why I might want to believe. I see people around me — often very smart and thoughtful people — who get great comfort from believing that God exists. Why wouldn’t I want to be like them? It’s just that I can’t.
おのずから 住めば持戒の この山は
まことなるかな 依身より依所
Keith DeRose
As happens in other areas, sometimes when engaged in philosophical argument, we easily slip into talking as if, and it very much feels as if, we know that our position is correct. But really we don’t. That’s how I feel generally about philosophy. Which is not to put philosophy down. Philosophy is wonderful–and in large part precisely because it deals with questions where we can’t yet know what is right.
So my skepticism about coming to know whether God exists by means of philosophical arguments is very much of a piece with my general thoughts about the limitations of such arguments. Nothing in particular against theists or atheists here.
Since atheists’ only real hope of knowing that God doesn’t exist would be through some kind of philosophical argument (perhaps some argument from evil), their knowing that God doesn’t exist doesn’t seem to me a very serious possibility.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Doubt as sin. — Christianity has done its utmost to close the circle and declared even doubt to be sin. One is supposed to be cast into belief without reason, by a miracle, and from then on to swim in it as in the brightest and least ambiguous of elements: even a glance towards land, even the thought that one perhaps exists for something else as well as swimming, even the slightest impulse of our amphibious nature — is sin! And notice that all this means that the foundation of belief and all reflection on its origin is likewise excluded as sinful. What is wanted are blindness and intoxication and an eternal song over the waves in which reason has drowned.
Jens Braarvig
The basic tenet of Buddhism is the idea of impermanence, relativity and the philosophical premise that nothing is absolute and eternal: existence is an everlasting flux, and each entity is dependent on another. This tenet gives the tradition its identity as distinguished from other ancient traditions of India in whose context Buddhism originated. Thus, believing in an eternal self, the basis of all Brahmanical philosophy, to which the Buddhists aimed their philosophical and rhetorical skills, was according to Buddhist insights the most basic misunderstanding of all: believing in and trying to find a self —or oneself —will always keep sentient beings attached to existence. Giving up the hope that anything is permanent, however, will eventually liberate men from bondage and the circle of rebirth to which we are all doomed by the fruits of our actions “since beginningless time,” as it is expressed in Buddhist literature. There can also be no eternal god, nor any basic cause of existence: everything is created by the actions of sentient beings in various states of existence, men, gods, animals or various classes of spirits. We see that Buddhism in this way is based upon what we might term a philosophical or even a psychological tenet, rather than faith in a transcendent being or a metaphysical reality, a philosophical premise that remains as such in the various philosophical transformations of Buddhism throughout its history. The basic premise of Buddhism, then, can be seen as less a creed based upon faith than an attempt to formulate a philosophical or “rational” premise for the system of knowledge, even though much of Buddhism of course seems irrational in the modern sense. However, this semi-rationality of Buddhism makes it easier to study as a conceptual system producing fields of knowledge, and it can be studied as a fairly limited or closed conceptual system.
Everyday Zen
Though Buddhist psychology has a lot to say about emotions, both positive emotions (like compassion, loving kindness, acceptance, joy) and negative emotions (like greed, hate, anger) it does not preserve the typical Western division between intellect and emotion. Both are understood as functions of consciousness that are ever-present, influencing each other constantly. More importantly, Buddhism does not assume that emotions are natural conditioned by-products of our conduct; emotions can be cultivated, positive emotions encouraged, negative emotions gently discouraged. The cultivation of positive emotions is a crucial dimension of the Buddhist spiritual path.
蓮の花とは、まさに人生の中で花を咲かせること、そして、その花の中に実があるのが 「悟り」 です。つらく悲しい思いがなければ、人間は悟ることがないのだ、ということをお釈迦さまは教えたかったのだと思います。
The Skeptic’s Dictionary
Confirmation bias refers to a type of selective thinking whereby one tends to notice and to look for what confirms one’s beliefs, and to ignore, not look for, or undervalue the relevance of what contradicts one’s beliefs. For example, if you believe that during a full moon there is an increase in admissions to the emergency room where you work, you will take notice of admissions during a full moon, but be inattentive to the moon when admissions occur during other nights of the month. A tendency to do this over time unjustifiably strengthens your belief in the relationship between the full moon and accidents and other lunar effects.
This tendency to give more attention and weight to data that support our beliefs than we do to contrary data is especially pernicious when our beliefs are little more than prejudices. If our beliefs are firmly established on solid evidence and valid confirmatory experiments, the tendency to give more attention and weight to data that fit with our beliefs should not lead us astray as a rule. Of course, if we become blinded to evidence truly refuting a favored hypothesis, we have crossed the line from reasonableness to closed-mindedness.
Michael Ruse
In my view, none of our knowledge, including science, just “tells it like it is.” Knowledge, even the best scientific knowledge, interprets experience through human cultural understanding and experience, and above all (just as it is for poets and preachers) metaphor is the key to the whole enterprise. As I developed my own career path, as a historian and philosopher of evolutionary biology, this insight grew and grew. Everything was metaphorical — struggle for existence, natural selection, division of labor, genetic code, arms races and more.
If the person of faith wants to say that God created the world, I don’t think you can deny this on scientific grounds. But you can go after the theist on other grounds. I would raise philosophical objections: for example, about the notion of a necessary being. I would also fault Christian theology: I don’t think you can mesh the ancient Greek philosophers’ notion of a god outside time and space with the Jewish notion of a god as a person. But these are not scientific objections.
6世紀 | 蘇我稲目 | 私邸 | ||
厩戸皇子 | 四天王寺 | |||
蘇我馬子 | 法興寺 | |||
7-8世紀 | 南都六宗 | 法相宗* | 道昭 | 興福寺・薬師寺 |
倶舎宗 | 道昭 | 東大寺・興福寺 | ||
三論宗 | 慧灌 | 元興寺・大安寺 | ||
成実宗 | 道蔵 | |||
華厳宗* | 審祥 | 東大寺 | ||
律宗* | 鑑真 | 唐招提寺 | ||
聖武天皇 | 国分寺、国分尼寺 | |||
9世紀 | 平安二宗 | 天台宗* | 最澄 | 比叡山延暦寺 |
真言宗* | 空海 | 高野山金剛峯寺 | ||
12世紀 | 浄土系 | 浄土宗* | 法然 | 知恩院 |
融通念仏宗* | 良忍 | 大念仏寺 | ||
13世紀 | 浄土真宗* | 親鸞 | 本願寺 | |
法華系 | 日蓮宗* | 日蓮 | 身延山久遠寺 | |
禅宗系 | 臨済宗* | 栄西 | 建仁寺 | |
曹洞宗* | 道元 | 永平寺・總持寺 | ||
浄土系 | 時宗* | 一遍 | 清浄光寺 | |
17世紀 | 禅宗系 | 黄檗宗* | 隠元 | 黄檗山萬福寺 |
ブッダ, 中村元
- 他人の過失を見るなかれ。他人のしたこととしなかったことを見るな。ただ自分のしたこととしなかったこととだけを見よ。
- みずから悪をなすならば、みずから汚れ、みずから悪をなさないならば、みずから浄まる。浄いのも浄くないのも、各自のことがらである。人は他人を浄めることができない。
- たとい他人にとっていかに大事であろうとも、他人の目的のために自分のつとめをすて去ってはならぬ。自分の目的を熟知して、自分のつとめに専念せよ。
- ひとり坐し、ひとり臥し、ひとり歩み、なおざりになることなく、わが身をととのえて、林のなかでひとり楽しめ。
- 愚かな者を道伴れとするな。独りで行くほうがよい。孤独で歩め。悪いことをするな。求めるところは少なくあれ。──林の中にいる象のように。
マキシミリアン・コルベ神父に伴われて、ゼノさんは1930年4月、初めて長崎の土を踏んだ。当時の早坂司教の好意で、大浦にある長崎司教館に一ヶ月ほど住み込ませてもらった。 コルベ神父は、上陸後ただちに、雑誌『聖母の騎士』の発行にとりかかり、一ヶ月後の5月、創刊号が出た。これが本誌の〝産ぶ声”である。
Charles Darwin
I cannot pretend to throw the least light on such abstruse problems. The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an Agnostic.
It has often and confidently been asserted, that man’s origin can never be known: but ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.
Jordan Metzel
Several teams participating in this year’s World Cup have team-wide bans on having sex before games, because coaches believe it could interfere with performance.
・ “There will be no sex in Brazil,” Bosnia and Herzegovina coach said.
・ French players are allowed to have sex, but not all night.
・ Some teams, like Nigeria, only allow players to have sex with their wives.
It’s often talked about, but it has not been shown to be true. There are lots of factors that could account for how a player performs.
In sports, people have all kinds of theories, even if it’s not medically substantiated. For instance: compression gear for speed and titanium necklaces for performance. We don’t have scientific evidence to back those claims, but if players think abstaining from sex helps them, it may give them a psychological edge.
Many athletes have pre-game rituals, or lucky tokens, and some research has shown that these superstitions actually improve performance.
身心脱落とは、簡単にいえば、「あらゆる自我意識を捨ててしまうことだ」と思えばいいでしょう。われわれはみんな、「俺が、俺が」といった意識を持っています。「わたしは立派な人間だ」「わたしは品行方正である」と思うのが自我意識です。一方で、「わたしなんて、つまらない人間です」というのだって自我意識。自我意識があるから、自分と他人をくらべて、優越感を抱いたり、劣等感にさいなまれたりします。そういう自我意識を全部捨ててしまえ! というのが「身心脱落」です。もちろん、意識ばかりでなしに、自分の肉体だって捨ててしまうのです。
Центр Разумкова
Olivier Roy
The longstanding link between the political right and various Christian churches is breaking down across Europe. This is largely because the right, like much of European society, has become more secular. Yet this hardly indicates progress: Animated by an anti-Islamic sentiment, the right’s position is endangering freedom of religion, as well as secularism and basic democratic traditions. …
The case for freedom of religion is but one aspect of the classic case for democratic freedom for all, believers and nonbelievers alike — thus, even secularists should subscribe to it. The abuse of secularism by the right-wing parties of Europe to exclude Muslims is fundamentally undemocratic. It is an attack not just on Islam, and all religions, but also on freedom itself.
- Never obey anyone’s command unless it is coming from within you.
- There is no God other than life itself.
- Truth is within you, do not search for it elsewhere.
- Love is prayer.
- To become a nothingness is the door to truth. Nothingness itself is the means, the goal and attainment.
- Life is now and here.
- Live wakefully.
- Do not swim—float.
- Die each moment so that you can be new each moment.
- Do not search. That which is, is. Stop and see.
Aleph が目指す目的とは何ですか?
Aleph の第一の目的は、解脱・悟りを追究し、仏教・ヨーガの経典で説かれている霊的・精神的な境地を体験し、それを体現することにあります。そして、この第一の目的を土台として、『「解脱・悟り」の道筋を提供する』、『「この世の幸福」を提供する』、『「病苦からの解放」を提供する』という3つの活動を行ないます。
Aleph では、これらの活動を通じて、真に価値ある生き方と真に幸福な社会が実現されることを目指しています。
Aleph ではどのような教義が説かれていますか?
Aleph では、前身であるオウム真理教当時に麻原開祖が解説した仏教・ヨーガ等の宗教体系を継承しています。
Aleph において麻原開祖はどのような存在ですか?
Aleph の前身であるオウム真理教の教団創始者であり、Aleph の宗教上の「開祖」です。
Jon Krakauer
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To whatever direction a man may be determined by inclination or accident, whatever class of phenomena especially strike him, excite his interest, fix his attention, and occupy him, the result will still be for the advantage of science: for every new relation that comes to light, every new mode of investigation, even the imperfect attempt, even error itself is available; it may stimulate other observers and is never without its use as influencing future inquiry.
With this feeling the author himself may look back without regret on his endeavours. From this consideration he can derive some encouragement for the prosecution of the remainder of his task ; and although not satisfied with the result of his efforts, yet re-assured by the sincerity of his intentions, he ventures to recommend his past and future labours to the interest of his contemporaries and posterity.
まずわたしたちが思い起こさなければならないのは、経済を基盤とする暮らしの向上である。民族移動のあらしがすぎ、10世紀ごろから西ヨーロッパは平和的安定を享受することができるようになった。 。。。
修道院は同時に、さまざまなレベルでラテン語を基礎とするキリスト教文化、古典文学などに人々が接する機会をつくった。 。。。 文化と富が蓄積されるようになると、多くの若者たちが、反映する都市にあこがれて遊行するようになった。
インド・ヨーロッパ語族に根ざした文化をもつかれらは、ごく自然に哲学的論争にあこがれる。しかし修道院が伝えた教養としての哲学的知識は、アリストテレスの範疇論を中心とするものであった。したがって若者たちは自然にアリストテレスという異教徒の哲学へ接近した。 。。。 「哲学」はますます世間の注目を浴びるようになり、哲学やその他の学問(医学、法学)を学ぼうとする若者たちとそれを教える人間が、11世紀の末から12世紀にかけて学生と教授の間の組合組織をつくるようになる。こうして各地で世俗の学校(大学)が形成されるようになった。
他方、守勢に立たされたのは、それまで西ヨーロッパを指導してきたキリスト教会であり、その修道院であった。 。。。
キリスト教会や修道院は、若者の人気を失いはじめ、対抗上、信仰に「哲学」ないし「学問」を取り入れる道を選んだ。つまり信仰内容を哲学的に(学問的に)説明する道である。それが、。。。、11世紀後半から始まる「神学」形成の端緒である。 。。。
Aaron Helton
5 ingredients of an agnostic
- Appreciation for nature through science
- Love of reading
- Religious literacy
- The value of critical thought
- Reliance on logic over emotion
Louise Antony
I say “there is no God” with the same confidence I say “there are no ghosts” or “there is no magic.” The main issue is supernaturalism — I deny that there are beings or phenomena outside the scope of natural law.
That’s not to say that I think everything is within the scope of human knowledge. Surely there are things not dreamt of in our philosophy, not to mention in our science – but that fact is not a reason to believe in supernatural beings. I think many arguments for the existence of a God depend on the insufficiencies of human cognition. I readily grant that we have cognitive limitations. But when we bump up against them, when we find we cannot explain something — like why the fundamental physical parameters happen to have the values that they have — the right conclusion to draw is that we just can’t explain the thing. That’s the proper place for agnosticism and humility.
John Hall (Daily Mail), Allen Parker (White Tail Chapel)
Pastor Allen Parker, the leader of White Tail Chapel in the town of Southampton, Virginia, said he came to the decision to allow naked worship after concluding the clothing requirements of other churches were overly ‘pretentious’, and decided his own flock should be free to forgo such materialism if they desire.
He believes he is in good company too, claiming many of the most important moments in the Bible happened while the protagonists were nude, including Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.
Davide Monteleone
In 1990, a year after losing his job as a traffic policeman, a Russian man named Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop experienced a mystical revelation. He believed that he had been reborn as Vissarion, the returned Jesus Christ, and soon afterward he founded a religious movement, the Church of the Last Testament. Thirteen years later, he has nearly five thousand followers, known as Vissarionites, who live in a community based in the rural Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. The Church of the Last Testament combines elements of the Russian Orthodox Church with Buddhist themes of reincarnation, as well as preparations for the impending apocalypse; members are vegan and are restricted from drinking alcohol, smoking, and using money.
Nigel Barber
This story was recently taken up by the Guardian Express and the International Business Times, whose writers were responding to a prediction in my book Why Atheism Will Replace Religion. Unfortunately these writers got the story wrong in various ways.
Research has shown that religion declines not just with rising national wealth but with all plausible measures of the quality of life, including length of life, decline of infectious diseases, education, the rise of the welfare state, and more equal distribution of income. Clearly there is less of a market for religion in societies where ordinary people feel secure in their daily lives. In the most developed countries, such as Japan and Sweden, the quality of life is so good that the majority is already secular.
I never claimed that religion would disappear by 2041, only that it would lose its present majority clout. Currently about three quarters of the world’s inhabitants are religious in the sense of seeing religion as important in their lives. My estimate implies a less-than-1-percent decline per year to the 50-percent transition to minority status. At a similar pace of decline, it would take three times longer for religion to fall below 1 percent (i.e., a decline of 75 percent rather than 25 percent). On the one hand, I have no way of knowing whether religion can decline to that extent. On the other, I am on much firmer ground in predicting that the global population will switch over to majority secularism because there are several countries, from Japan to Sweden, where that has already happened.
Robert Pierce
In 1947, Robert Pierce worked for a religious non-profit organization called Youth for Christ, whose mission was to evangelize the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The young evangelist held a Crusade in China, where thousands made public commitments as followers of Christ during four months of evangelistic rallies.
While there Pierce saw widespread hunger. It is said that he felt compassion for others. Pierce later wrote these words in the flyleaf of his Bible: “Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God.” Dragging a movie camera across Asia, Pierce showed the resulting pictures to church audiences in North America. He asked for money to help children. He showed their faces and begged Christians to “adopt” one. In 1950 he incorporated this personal crusade as World Vision, which was then a service organisation for missionaries.
Pierce was also a filmmaker and during his leadership World Vision used movies, shown mainly for church audiences, as the main marketing tool. Since in the worldview of Pierce Christianity was the only religion able to counter communism, these movies were full of anti-communist cold war rhetoric and promoted Christian missionizing as a way to counter communism. In particular, movies like “The Red Plague” or “The Poison of Communism” radicalized originally apolitical evangelicals and the movies used by World Vision at that time can therefore also be seen as political propaganda movies. With the extensive use of movies as funding tool, Bob Pierce’s World Vision had a leading role in the development of the evangelical social action movie.
Wendy MacNaughton
Andrew Kincaid
Nowadays, Japan is a mostly secular country. The bulk of Japanese tell poll-takers that they don’t consider themselves part of any religion. Certainly, many people observe various Shinto and Buddhist festivals, but the vast majority seem to do so more out of cultural habit than actual belief. Religion has little impact on daily life in Japan in the 21st century.
This was not the case in Japan’s early days. Japan’s indigenous religion is called Shinto, meaning “the Way of the Gods”. No one knows when exactly it developed, and it lacked any sort of coherent structure as is often seen in religious systems. Shinto is essentially an animistic religion, which is to say that its adherents imbue everything in nature–mountains, trees, streams, rocks, etc–with a spirit.
In Japan, these spirits were known as kami. They were generally considered friendly to humans, but they could be angered by human actions, particularly if humans polluted holy places with uncleanliness. When angered, kami could bring about natural disasters and other mischief. In order to keep the kami happy, early Shinto practitioners practiced various cleanliness rituals.
The Shinto belief system grew into a complex network of deities, spirits, and demons. It’s pretty easy to see how a huge variety of mythological creatures can develop from a religion that claims everything has a spirit!
John Hick, Clark H. Pinnock, Alister E. McGrath, R. Douglas Geivett, W. Gary Phillips
Religious pluralism is the greatest challenge facing Christianity in Western culture today. The belief that Christ is the only way to God is being challenged, and increasingly, Christianity is seen as just one among many valid paths to God.
In Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World, four perspectives are presented by a major advocate of each:
- Normative Pluralism: all ethical religions lead to God (John Hick)
- Inclusivism: salvation is universally available, but is established by and leads to Christ (Clark Pinnock)
- Salvation in Christ: agnosticism regarding those who haven’t heard the gospel (Alister McGrath)
- Salvation in Christ alone: (R. Douglas Geivett and W. Gary Phillips)
This book allows each contributor to not only present the case for his view, but also to respond to the critiques of the other contributors and to critique their views in turn.
Église Notre-Dame-de-Toute-Grâce du plateau d’Assy
Sergey Ponomarev
ムスリムになるのは大変簡単で、口で「アシュハドアッラーイラーハイッラッラー ワアシュハドアンナムハンマダンラスールッラー(アッラーのほかに神はなく、ムハンマドがアッラーの使徒であることを私は証言します)」と言えばそれだけで十分です。
Art Lindsley
Conventional wisdom holds that any belief in absolutes, especially of a religious nature, leads inevitably to the oppressive absolutism of such movements as the Inquisition, the Crusades and even Nazism. As a result, Christian apologists have been hard-pressed to make a case for the rational absolutes that are a necessary part of belief in Jesus. Art Lindsley takes up the task in True Truth. While maintaining the indispensability of absolutes, he ably demonstrates that faith in Christ is necessarily opposed to and incompatible with the abuses of oppression, arrogance, intolerance, self-righteousness, closed-mindedness and defensiveness. Surprisingly, Lindsley shows that it is relativism which often harbors dangerous, inflexible absolutisms. Here is a book that actively challenges the dismissal of truth, preparing the way for more effectively proclaiming the gospel and living Christianly in a postmodern world.
Embassy of Ireland
Article 8 of the Irish Constitution makes the following affirmation:
- The Irish language as the national language is the first official language.
- The English language is recognised as a second official language.
Liese Katschinka
Tunisian women have traveled to Syria to wage ‘sexual jihad’, performing intercourse with dozens of Islamist fighters and returning home pregnant, Tunisia’s Interior Minister Lotfi ben Jeddou told MPs.
The Tunisian girls “are [sexually] swapped between 20, 30, and 100 rebels and they come back bearing the fruit of sexual contacts in the name of sexual jihad and we are silent doing nothing and standing idle,” the minister said during an address to the National Constituent Assembly on Thursday.
“After the sexual liaisons they have there in the name of ‘jihad al-nikah’ [sexual holy war] they come home pregnant,” ben Jeddou continued.
The sexual Jihad Fatwa made its first appearance in Syria several months back. It allows for fighters to enter sexual relations with a woman after agreeing upon a temporary contract that loses effect after a few hours, Fars News reported in August.
The temporary nature of the contract allows the woman to have sex with multiple partners a day.
- 妙適淸淨句是菩薩位
- 慾箭淸淨句是菩薩位
- 觸淸淨句是菩薩位
- 愛縛淸淨句是菩薩位
- 一切自在主淸淨句是菩薩位
- 見淸淨句是菩薩位
- 適悅淸淨句是菩薩位
- 愛淸淨句是菩薩位
- 慢淸淨句是菩薩位
- 莊嚴淸淨句是菩薩位
- 意滋澤淸淨句是菩薩位
- 光明淸淨句是菩薩位
- 身樂淸淨句是菩薩位
- 色淸淨句是菩薩位
- 聲淸淨句是菩薩位
- 香淸淨句是菩薩位
- 味淸淨句是菩薩位
- 内外権威者の多くは、禅宗が日本人の性格を築きあげる上にきわめて重要な役割を勤めたという点で、意見をひとしくしている。
- 禅は仏陀の精神を直接見ようと欲するのである。
- 禅は、無明と業の密雲に包まれて、われわれのうちに眠っている般若を目ざまそうとするのである。無明と業は知性に無条件に屈伏するところから起こるのだ。禅はこの状態に抗う。知的作用は論理と言葉となって現れるから、禅は自から論理を蔑視する。
- つまり、「心は心に非ざるが故に心なり」で、否定がすなわち肯定で、否定と肯定とは相互に「非」の立場にある、絶対に相向い立っているが、この「非」の立場が、ただちに「即」である。自分はこれを禅の論理というのである。
- 真理がどんなものであろうと、身をもって体験することであり、知的作用や体系的な学説に訴えぬということである。
- 禅は科学、または科学的の名によって行なわれる一切の事物とは反対である。禅は体験的であり、科学は非体験的である。
- 禅匠は、ある理屈づけに対して、その方が都合がいいと思えば、かならずしも伝統的の解釈にしたがわずに、それによって、自分自身の哲学的構造を打樹てていいのだ。禅徒はときとすると、儒教徒、ときとすると道教徒、また、ときとすると神道家とさえなりうるのである。禅的経験は、また、西洋哲学によっても説明することができる。
Raise The Board
Tulshi Sen
We are what we believe. We don’t get what we want, we get what we are. We are what we believe in.
広隆寺, 中宮寺
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse
It’s not the clothes you wear, the ceremonies you perform, or the meditation you do. It’s not what you eat, whether you drink, or who you have sex with. It’s whether you agree with the four fundamental discoveries the Buddha made under the Bodhi tree, and if you do, you can call yourself a Buddhist.
Eid Mubarak
Eid Mubarak is a traditional Muslim greeting reserved for use on the festivals of Eid ul-Adha and Eid ul-Fitr. Eid means “Feast” and refers to the occasion itself, and Mubarak means “Blessed.”
Muslims wish each other Eid Mubarak after performing the Eid prayer. The celebration continues until the end of the day for Eid ul-Fitr (or al-Fitr) and continues a further three days for Eid ul-Adha (or Al-Adha). However, in the social sense people usually celebrate Eid ul-Fitr at the same time as Eid ul-Adha, visiting family and exchanging greetings such as “Eid Mubarak”. This exchange of greetings is a cultural tradition and not part of any religious obligation.
Christian Party
British Humanist Association, Christian Party
Paul in Uijeongbu
Taejongdae is famous for the ritual of praying for rain, performed when there are droughts, and rain which falls down on the 10th day of lunar May is called the “Taejong Rain“.
If it rained on the 10th day of the 5th moon, the farmers were glad as it was a sign of a good crop year and the rain was called King Taejong’s rain. This day is the death anniversary of Taejong, the third king of the Joseon Dynasty. As he lay dying there was a drought. He was sorry about it and said, “If I die may I go to the Emperor of Heaven and ask him for rain for our people”, and when the king died it suddenly started raining. After that the people called any rain on this day Taejong’s rain.
Precipitation in Seoul on 10 May 2013 the 10th day of the 5th month |
Precipitation in Seoul on 18 June 2013 the 10th day of the 5th moon (Lunar calendar) |
大洗磯前神社, 臼田甚五郎
Albert Einstein
I came—though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents—to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression. Mistrust of every kind of authority grew out of this experience, a skeptical attitude toward the convictions that were alive in any specific social environment—an attitude that has never again left me, even though, later on, it has been tempered by a better insight into the causal connections. It is quite clear to me that the religious paradise of youth, which was thus lost, was a first attempt to free myself from the chains of the ‘merely personal,’ from an existence dominated by wishes, hopes, and primitive feelings. Out yonder there was this huge world, which exists independently of us human beings and which stands before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partially accessible to our inspection and thinking. The contemplation of this world beckoned as a liberation, and I soon noticed that many a man whom I had learned to esteem and to admire had found inner freedom and security in its pursuit. The mental grasp of this extra-personal world within the frame of our capabilities presented itself to my mind, half consciously, half unconsciously, as a supreme goal. Similarly motivated men of the present and of the past, as well as the insights they had achieved, were the friends who could not be lost. The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has shown itself reliable, and I have never regretted having chosen it.