Category Archives: power

Groupthink (集団思考)

Symptoms of groupthink:

Type I: Overestimations of the group — its power and morality

  • Illusions of invulnerability creating excessive optimism and encouraging risk taking.
  • Unquestioned belief in the morality of the group, causing members to ignore the consequences of their actions.

Type II: Closed-mindedness

  • Rationalizing warnings that might challenge the group’s assumptions.
  • Stereotyping those who are opposed to the group as weak, evil, biased, spiteful, impotent, or stupid.

Type III: Pressures toward uniformity

  • Self-censorship of ideas that deviate from the apparent group consensus.
  • Illusions of unanimity among group members, silence is viewed as agreement.
  • Direct pressure to conform placed on any member who questions the group, couched in terms of “disloyalty”
  • Mindguards— self-appointed members who shield the group from dissenting information.




そもそも 抜け出したいかどうか 定かでない

はまる 嵌る 填る ハマる
いろいろな人が いろいろなものに
そして いろいろなことに ハマる

家系図にハマる 紙飛行機にハマる
裁判傍聴にハマる Googleストリートビューにハマる
マイナーな趣味に夢中になって やめられなくなる

豆かんにハマる パンケーキにハマる
コーヒーにハマる ワインにハマる
食べ物や飲み物にのめり込んで やめられなくなる

誰かにハマる 君にハマる
誰かに夢中になる 君に夢中になる



George Orwell

Then the face of Big Brother faded away again and instead the three slogans of the Party stood out in bold capitals:

But the face of Big Brother seemed to persist for several seconds on the screen, as though the impact that it had made on everyone’s eyeballs was too vivid to wear off immediately.

German Constitution

Article 24 [Collective Security System]
(1) The Federation may by legislation transfer sovereign powers to intergovernmental institutions.
(1a) Insofar as the States [Länder] are responsible for the exercise of state rights and the discharge of state duties, they can, with consent of the Government, delegate sovereign powers to institutions for neighborhood at state borders.
(2) For the maintenance of peace, the Federation may join a system of mutual collective security; in doing so it will consent to such limitations upon its rights of sovereignty as will bring about and secure a peaceful and lasting order in Europe and among the nations of the world.
(3) For the settlement of disputes between States [Länder], the Federation will accede to agreements concerning international arbitration of a general, comprehensive, and obligatory nature.
Article 25 [Public International Law]
The general rules of public international law constitute an integral part of federal law. They take precedence over statutes and directly create rights and duties for the inhabitants of the federal territory.
Article 26 [Ban on War]
(1) Acts with the potential to and undertaken with intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare war or aggression, are unconstitutional. They have to be made a criminal offence.
(2) Weapons designed for warfare may not be manufactured, transported, or marketed except with the permission of the Government. Details are regulated by a federal statute.

Italian Constitution

Article 11.

Italy repudiates war as an instrument offending the liberty of the peoples and as a means for settling international disputes; it agrees to limitations of sovereignty where they are necessary to allow for a legal system of peace and justice between nations, provided the principle of reciprocity is guaranteed; it promotes and encourages international organizations furthering such ends.

Constitution of Japan



Article 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy

Article I.

The High Contracting Parties solemly declare in the names of their respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce it, as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another.

Article II.

The High Contracting Parties agree that the settlement or solution of all disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them, shall never be sought except by pacific means.







Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 习近平

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio
(Pope Francis I)


Membership: 1.196 billion
Annual spending: $0.17 trillion
Brazil, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Portugal, Philippines, Costa Rica. Aruba, Belgium, Ireland, …
Population: 1.344 billion
Annual spending: $10.23 trillion
(March 13, 2013)
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been elected as the new pope.
(March 14, 2013)
China’s national legislature formally gave Xi Jinping the title of president.

Frank Slade

Women! What could you say? Who made them? God must have been a fucking genius. Hair … they say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls … just wanted to go to sleep forever? Or lips … and when they touched, yours were like… that first swallow of wine … after you just crossed the desert. Tits. Hoo-ah! Big ones, little ones, nipples staring right out at you, like secret searchlights. Mmm. Legs. I don’t care if they’re Greek columns … or secondhand Steinways. What’s between them… passport to heaven. I need a drink. Yes, Mr. Simms, there is only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing: pussy. Hah! Are you listening to me, son? I’m giving you pearls here.

R.J. Rummel

Power kills, absolute Power kills absolutely.
Putting the human cost of war and democide together, Power has killed over 203,000,000 people in this century.
The way to end war and virtually eliminate democide appears to be through restricting and checking Power. This means to foster democratic freedom.
Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide (among other things, the killing of people by a government because of their indelible group membership: race, ethnicity, religion, language), politicide (the murder of any person or people by a government because of their politics or for political purposes), and mass murder (the indiscriminate killing of any person or people by a government).

128,168,000 victims: the deka-megamurderers

  • 61,911,000 murdered: the Soviet Gulag (ГУЛаг) State
  • 35,236,000 murdered: the Communist Chinese Ant Hill
  • 20,946,000 murdered: the Nazi Genocide State
  • 10,214,000 murdered: the Depraved Nationalist Regime

19,178,000 victims: the lesser mega-murderers

  • 5,964,000 murdered: Japan’s Savage Military
  • 2,035,000 murdered: the Khmer Rouge Hell State
  • 1,883,000 murdered: Turkey’s Genocidal Purges
  • 1,670,000 murdered: the Vietnamese War State
  • 1,585,000 murdered: Poland’s Ethnic Cleansing
  • 1,503,000 murdered: the Pakistani Cutthroat State
  • 1,072,000 murdered: Tito’s Slaughterhouse

4,145,000 victims: suspected megamurderers

  • 1,663,000 murdered? Orwellian North Korea
  • 1,417,000 murdered? Barbarous Mexico
  • 1,066,000 murdered? Feudal Russia

Daniel Webster

Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of power. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.

Joseph Trento

The United States deliberately allowed Japan access to the United States’ most secret nuclear weapons facilities while it transferred tens of billions of dollars worth of American tax paid research that has allowed Japan to amass 70 tons of weapons grade plutonium since the 1980s, a National Security News Service investigation reveals. These activities repeatedly violated U.S. laws regarding controls of sensitive nuclear materials that could be diverted to weapons programs in Japan. The NSNS investigation found that the United States has known about a secret nuclear weapons program in Japan since the 1960s, according to CIA reports.

Energy has always been Japan’s Achilles’ heel. Her need for oil in the face of an American embargo triggered Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, and the continued shortage was a recurring theme in her defeat in that war. Only one act could take more credit for Japan’s humiliation – the splitting of the atom that gave birth to the nuclear bomb. Now Japan would turn that same atom to its own purposes — to ensure a stable source of energy well into the next century and, equally important, to ensure that the homeland never again suffered the indignity of defeat.



Paul Kennedy

We should abjure our pathetic obsessiveness with political personalities, and ridicule talk-show-host sensationalism for being what it is: an insult to our intelligence. Surely the media has the duty to report accurately, but also to put things in context. Does the coming of the Tory-Liberal Democrat coalition herald a new age in Britain’s long history? One doubts it, since they in their turn have to grapple with the massive deficits, the overstretched armed forces, the immigration issue and the contorted relationship with Europe. Does Putin’s rule in Russia make much of a difference? What can even his authoritarian government do to alter the mass alcoholism, the demographic disintegration, the mutterings of the minorities and the incompetencies of a non-incentive social order?

>Ryan Sager


Astroturf, in the political sense, is thought to have been coined by Senator Lloyd Bentsen, who used it to describe the “mountain of cards and letters” he got promoting what he saw as the interests of insurance companies. “A fellow from Texas can tell the difference between grass roots and Astroturf,” Bentsen said in 1985, “this is generated mail.”
Generated mail is a pretty old idea. In Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” Brutus is persuaded to assassinate Caesar in part by letters of support from the public — letters that were actually faked by Cassius “in several hands … as if they came from several citizens.”
More recently, a Washington lobbying firm working for the coal industry was caught sending bogus letters to members of Congress — supposedly from community organizations — urging them to oppose the House cap-and-trade bill. Such brazen fraud is rare, though, and politicians are usually pretty savvy about seeing through it. More effective are campaigns aimed at generating news coverage to convince people that many other people hold a certain position. This is what Republicans are now accused of doing. What’s unclear is how this differs from old-fashioned political organizing.


