We observe spontaneous Hawking radiation, stimulated by quantum vacuum fluctuations, emanating from an analogue black hole in an atomic Bose–Einstein condensate. Correlations are observed between the Hawking particles outside the black hole and the partner particles inside. These correlations indicate an approximately thermal distribution of Hawking radiation. We find that the high-energy pairs are entangled, while the low-energy pairs are not, within the reasonable assumption that excitations with different frequencies are not correlated. The entanglement verifies the quantum nature of the Hawking radiation. The results are consistent with a driven oscillation experiment and a numerical simulation.
Category Archives: records
※りりィ+よーじ から・・お詫びとお知らせ
先日定期健診のおり、相方である りりィ にお医者様から静養が必要との診断となりファンの皆様には真に申し訳ないのですが、静養・療養に専念するため5月からのライブ活動参加を中止することとなりました。 もちろん、私たちの他の出演者は予定通りライブを行いますのでご安心ください。
Ni Xia Lian
Daily News
ウィキペディア, Wikipedia, Wikipédia
日本語 | English | Français |
日曜(太陽) | Sunday (Sun) | Dimanche (Soleil) |
月曜(月) | Monday (Moon) | Lundi (Lune) |
火曜(火星) | Tuesday (Mars) | Mardi (Mars) |
水曜(水星) | Wednesday (Mercury) | Mercredi (Mercure) |
木曜(木星) | Thursday (Jupiter) | Jeudi (Jupiter) |
金曜(金星) | Friday (Venus) | Vendredi (Vénus) |
土曜(土星) | Saturday (Saturn) | Samedi (Saturne) |
Ryo Miyaichi
Seine neue Vier-Millimeter-Frisur ließ sich Ryo Miyaichi (23) von seiner Frau Yuka schneiden – gegen ihren Willen! Miyaichi über den „Unfall“ mit dem Rasierer: „Wir haben diskutiert. Sie wollte es eigentlich nicht. Ich aber schon. Und naja, jetzt muss ich sagen, dass sie Recht hatte. Ich würde es wohl nicht noch mal machen. Immerhin ein Vorteil: Nach dem Duschen geht‘s jetzt schneller.“
Rank / Name | Net Worth | Age | Source | Country |
#1 Bill Gates | $75.0 B | 60 | Microsoft | U. S. |
#2 Amancio Ortega | $67.0 B | 79 | Zara | Spain |
#3 Warren Buffett | $60.8 B | 85 | BRK | U. S. |
#4 Carlos Slim Helu | $50.0 B | 76 | telecom | Mexico |
#5 Jeff Bezos | $45.2 B | 52 | Amazon.com | U. S. |
#6 Mark Zuckerberg | $44.6 B | 31 | U. S. | |
#7 Larry Ellison | $43.6 B | 71 | Oracle | U. S. |
#8 Michael Bloomberg | $40.0 B | 74 | Bloomberg LP | U. S. |
#9 Charles Koch | $39.6 B | 80 | diversified | U. S. |
#9 David Koch | $39.6 B | 75 | diversified | U. S. |
#11 Liliane Bettencourt | $36.1 B | 93 | L’Oreal | France |
#12 Larry Page | $35.2 B | 42 | U. S. | |
#13 Sergey Brin | $34.4 B | 42 | U. S. | |
#14 Bernard Arnault | $34.0 B | 67 | LVMH | France |
#15 Jim Walton | $33.6 B | 67 | Wal-Mart | U. S. |
#16 Alice Walton | $32.3 B | 66 | Wal-Mart | U. S. |
#17 S. Robson Walton | $31.9 B | 71 | Wal-Mart | U. S. |
#18 Wang Jianlin | $28.7 B | 61 | real estate | China |
#19 Jorge Paulo Lemann | $27.8 B | 76 | beer | Brazil |
#20 Li Ka-shing | $27.1 B | 87 | diversified | Hong Kong |
Jan | 17 | Thu | 坂本龍一 |
Jan | 28 | Mon | 三浦友和 |
Feb | 1 | Fri | |
Feb | 2 | Sat | 박근혜 (朴槿惠、パク・クネ、 Park Geun-hye) |
Feb | 3 | Sun | |
Feb | 4 | Mon | |
Feb | 5 | Tue | 後藤次利 |
Feb | 6 | Wed | キャシー中島 |
Feb | 7 | Thu | |
Feb | 8 | Fri | |
Feb | 9 | Sat | 真野響子 |
Feb | 10 | Sun | Lee Hsien Loong (李顯龍、リー・シェンロン) |
Feb | 11 | Mon | |
Feb | 12 | Tue | |
Feb | 13 | Wed | |
Feb | 14 | Thu | |
Feb | 15 | Fri | |
Feb | 16 | Sat | |
Feb | 17 | Sun | りりィ |
Feb | 18 | Mon | Johann Schneider-Ammann |
Feb | 19 | Tue | Amy Tan, 村上龍 |
Feb | 20 | Wed | Georges-Patrick Gleize |
Feb | 21 | Thu | |
Feb | 22 | Fri | イッセー尾形 |
Feb | 23 | Sat | 中島みゆき |
Feb | 24 | Sun | |
Feb | 25 | Mon | |
Feb | 26 | Tue | |
Feb | 27 | Wed | |
Feb | 28 | Thu | グッチ裕三 |
Mar | 29 | Fri |
International Computing Centre (ICC)
The very first piece of equipment installed in the ICC Computer Centre in 1971 was an IBM Mainframe System/360 model 65.
From its inception until the late 1980s, ICC primarily provided Mainframe services to its growing number of customers. Low speed lines between ICC and its customers’ premises were mostly used as dedicated links for accessing ICC’s Mainframe System.
Friedrich Hayek
Weather: humid and rainy
Appetite: far above financial means
Socks: beginning to have holes
Mending talents: growing
Bank account: $45
The New York Times Editorial Board
Right-wing political forces in Japan, encouraged by the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, are waging a campaign of intimidation to deny the disgraceful chapter in World War II when the Japanese military forced thousands of women to serve in wartime brothels. …
… The Abe government is playing with fire in pandering those demanding a whitewash of wartime history. “They want to bully us into silence,” Takashi Uemura, a former Asahi reporter, said in describing how ultranationalists have made violent threats against him and his family.
Mr. Abe, under criticism from China and South Korea and frustration in the United States, said in March that he would uphold the apology. In it, Japan admitted that tens of thousands of women from South Korea and elsewhere were coerced into sexual slavery. This is where the historical truth stands, despite revisionist scheming.
基礎自治体 | 数 | ||
市 | 790 | ||
町 | 746 | ||
村 | 183 | ||
市町村計 | 1719 | ||
特別区 | 23 | ||
総計 | 1742 |
Commune (France)
Taille de la commune | Nombre de communes | Part de la population |
< 500 habitants | 19 916 | 6,9 % |
< 2 000 habitants | 31 539 | 24,4 % |
< 3 500 habitants | 33 694 | 33,1 % |
< 5 000 habitants | 34 616 | 39,0 % |
< 10 000 habitants | 35 728 | 50,8 % |
< 20 000 habitants | 36 235 | 61,5 % |
< 50 000 habitants | 36 557 | 76,5 % |
< 100 000 habitants | 36 640 | 84,8 % |
Total | 36 681 | 100,0 % |
The Babylonians have one most shameful custom. Every woman born in the country must once in her life go and sit down in the precinct of Venus, and there have sexual relations with a stranger… Here there is always a great crowd, some coming and others going; lines of cord mark out paths in all directions among the women, and the strangers pass along them to make their choice. A woman who has once taken her seat is not allowed to return home till one of the strangers throws a silver coin into her lap, and takes her with him beyond the holy ground. When he throws the coin he says these words—‘The goddess Mylitta prosper thee.’
The silver coin may be of any size; it cannot be refused, for that is forbidden by the law, since once thrown, it is sacred. The woman goes with the first man who throws her money, and rejects no one. When she has gone with him, and so satisfied the goddess, she returns home, and from that time forth no gift however great will prevail with her…A custom very much like this is found also in certain parts of the island of Cyprus.
Gerda Lerner
The Sumerian word for female prostitute, kar.kid, occurs in the earliest lists of professions dating back to ca. 2400 B.C. Since it appears right after nam.lukur… one can assume its connection with temple service. It is of interest that the term kur-garru, a male prostitute or transvestite entertainer, appears on the same list but together with entertainers. This linkage results from a practice connected with the cult of Ishtar, in which transvestites performed acts using knives. On the same list we find the following female occupations: lady doctor, scribe, barber, cook. Obviously, prostitution, while it is a very old profession, is not the oldest.
Al Jazeera
In 1967, at the height of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, the Israeli Air Force launched an unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty, a US Navy spy ship that was monitoring the conflict from the safety of international waters in the Mediterranean.
Israeli jet fighters hit the vessel with rockets, cannon fire and napalm, before three Israeli torpedo boats moved in to launch a second more devastating attack. Though she did not sink, the Liberty was badly damaged. Thirty-four US servicemen and civilian analysts were killed, another 171 were wounded.
Later Israel apologised for what it claimed to be a tragic case of mistaken identity. It said that it had believed the ship to be hostile Egyptian naval vessel. US President Lyndon Johnson was privately furious but publicly the White House chose not to challenge the word of its closest Middle East ally and accepted that the attack had been a catastrophic accident.
However, as this exclusive Al Jazeera investigation reveals, fresh evidence throws new light on exactly what happened that fateful day …
Les services de l’État en Haute-Savoie
Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill, 蔣中正
Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender
Issued, at Potsdam, July 26, 1945
- We do not intend that the Japanese shall be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation, but stern justice shall be meted out to all war criminals, including those who have visited cruelties upon our prisoners. The Japanese Government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. Freedom of speech, of religion, and of thought, as well as respect for the fundamental human rights shall be established.
- Japan shall be permitted to maintain such industries as will sustain her economy and permit the exaction of just reparations in kind, but not those which would enable her to re-arm for war. To this end, access to, as distinguished from control of, raw materials shall be permitted. Eventual Japanese participation in world trade relations shall be permitted.
- The occupying forces of the Allies shall be withdrawn from Japan as soon as these objectives have been accomplished and there has been established in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people a peacefully inclined and responsible government.
Henry Ford
Mr. Schiff’s firm helped finance the Japanese war against Russia, and in return desired Japan as a Jewish ally. The wily Japs, however, saw the game and kept their relations with Mr. Schiff to purely business matters. Which fact is well worth bearing in mind when reading the widespread propaganda for war with Japan. If you will give particular attention, you will observe the same interests which are just now engaged in most loudly “defending” the Jew, are most active in spreading anti-Japanese sentiments in this country.
The Japanese war with Russia, however, enabled Mr. Schiff to advance his plan to undermine the Russian Empire, as it has now been accomplished by Jewish Bolshevism. With funds provided by him, the basic principles of what is now known as Bolshevism, were sown among the Russian prisoners of war in Japan, who were sent back as apostles of destruction. Then followed the horrible murder of Nicholas Romanoff, Czar of Russia, with his wife, his crippled son, and his young daughters, the full tale of which has now been told by the Jew who managed the crime.
「ハロー!シューシャイン!」 アメリカ兵をみると寄ってゆく靴磨きの子ども達。軍服のポケットからキャンディを撒いてその場をしのぐ米兵。ワッと地べたに群がる子ども達。戦争孤児にとっても生きる糧がある町だった。
昭和40年代に入って、とうとう 「民生」 だけになった。それから8年間、南京町の中華料理店は 「民生」 一軒だけの状態が続いた。中華食材の店もわずかになって南京町の名前とはかけ離れた様だった。
Haghal Jagul
Current (June 2014) military situation:
Controlled by Syrian opposition
Controlled by Syrian government
Controlled by Iraqi government
Controlled by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
Controlled by Syrian Kurds
Controlled by Iraqi Kurds
Suite aux intempéries d’hier soir au Salève, le téléphérique ne fonctionnera pas ce mercredi 11 juin, a annoncé Patrick Roxo, de la Société du Téléphérique du Salève (STS). Événement rare, malgré les protections et sécurités déployées sur l’installation, une pièce du système électrique à été endommagée par la foudre de la veille provoquant l’arrêt de sécurité du téléphérique.
ルイ・ゴンザレス・デ・クラヴィーホ, リュシュアン・ケーレン, 杉山正樹
金子静枝, 小川一真
Natasha Marrian
Former president Nelson Mandela was a member of the South African Communist Party’s (SACP’s) central executive committee at the time of his arrest in 1962, the SACP and the African National Congress (ANC) confirmed on Friday.
Even though it had always been denied, the ANC and the SACP confirmed that Mr Mandela had served on the party’s central executive committee in their statements paying tribute to the antiapartheid icon. There had been much debate about the issue among historians and academics.
SACP deputy general secretary Solly Mapaila on Thursday said he was a member of the party, but it was denied at the time for “political reasons”.
“There was a huge offensive by the oppressive apartheid regime at the time against communists. They portrayed the ANC as a communist organisation, but it was not,” he said.
Mr Mapaila said all the Rivonia Trialists were members of the party.
1) 在留期間が3か月に満たない旅行者等短期滞在者は、移動が激しく特定地点による実数は把握困難であることから、これら短期滞在者は除外している。
2) 3か月以上海外に在留している邦人は、生活の本拠をわが国から海外へ移した永住者と、海外での生活は一時的なもので、いずれわが国に戻るつもりの長期滞在者とに分けて集計している。
Philip Shenon
A groundbreaking, explosive account of the Kennedy assassination that will rewrite the history of the 20th century’s most controversial murder investigation
The questions have haunted our nation for half a century: Was the President killed by a single gunman? Was Lee Harvey Oswald part of a conspiracy? Did the Warren Commission discover the whole truth of what happened on November 22, 1963?
In a miracle of modern publishing, “A Cruel and Shocking Act” is getting published across the world — in nine different languages — at almost the same moment.
eBaum’s World
International Rugby Board
Former Japan international Yoshiharu Yamaguchi is the recipient of the Spirit of Rugby Award, having been another who changed many a life for the better through his role as rugby coach, teacher and mentor at Fushimi Technical High School.
On his arrival in the early 1970s, the under-performing school was plagued by delinquent behaviour and had little in the way of a sporting culture. Yamaguchi tackled the problems head-on, using Rugby’s core values as the driving force for change.
Within seven years, the school had won the Japan National High Schools Championship and continued to be a dominant force in rugby throughout the next two decades.
Louis Aragon, 大島博光
Enseigner c’est dire espérance
教えるとは 希望を語ること
étudier fidélité
学ぶとは 誠実を胸にきざむこと
Ils avaient dans l’adversité
Rouvert leur Université
À Clermont en plein cœur de France
Ivor Armstrong Richards
These metaphysical entities, variously named Ideas, Notions, Concepts or Universals, may be divided into two kinds, sensuous arid supersensuous. The sensuous are those which may be apprehended by the senses, such as ‘red’, ‘cold’, ’round’, ‘swift’, ‘painful’, and the supersensuous, those apprehended not in sensuous perception but otherwise. Logical relations, ‘necessity’ or ‘impossibility’, and such ideas as ‘willing’, ‘end’, ‘ cause’, and ‘being three in number’, have in this way been supposed to be directly apprehensible by the mind. Amongst these supersensuous Ideas good is to be found.
Nothing could be simpler than such a view, and to many people the subsistence of such a property of goodness appears not surprising. But to others the suggestion seems merely a curious survival of abstractionism, if such a term may be defended by its close parallel with obstructionism. A blind man in a dark room chasing a black cat which is not there would seem to them well employed in comparison with a philosopher apprehending such ‘Concepts’.
Жесткость и нормативность пионерской системы воспитания почти не ощущается в визуальных артефактах, представленных в проекте «Пионерская выдержка». Анализируя действия, которые монументально воплощены в скульптурные композиции, а также предметы, взаимодействующие с ними, можно увидеть, пусть и зашифрованную в безадресное, обобщенное, типологическое, романтическую поэтику идеологии…
一(いち) 100 |
十(じゅう) 101 |
百(ひゃく) 102 |
千(せん) 103 |
万(まん) 104 |
十万 105 |
百万 106 |
千万 107 |
億(おく) 108 |
十億 109 |
百億 1010 |
千億 1011 |
兆(ちょう) 1012 |
十兆 1013 |
百兆 1014 |
千兆 1015 |
京(けい、きょう) 1016 |
十京 1017 |
百京 1018 |
千京 1019 |
垓(がい) 1020 |
十垓 1021 |
百垓 1022 |
千垓 1023 |
秭(し) 1024 |
十秭 1025 |
百秭 1026 |
千秭 1027 |
穣(じょう) 1028 |
十穣 1029 |
百穣 1030 |
千穣 1031 |
溝(こう) 1032 |
十溝 1033 |
百溝 1034 |
千溝 1035 |
澗(かん) 1036 |
十澗 1037 |
百澗 1038 |
千澗 1039 |
正(せい) 1040 |
十正 1041 |
百正 1042 |
千正 1043 |
載(さい) 1044 |
十載 1045 |
百載 1046 |
千載 1047 |
極(ごく) 1048 |
十極 1049 |
百極 1050 |
千極 1051 |
恒河沙(ごうがしゃ) 1052 |
十恒河沙 1053 |
百恒河沙 1054 |
千恒河沙 1055 |
阿僧祇(あそうぎ) 1056 |
十阿僧祇 1057 |
百阿僧祇 1058 |
千阿僧祇 1059 |
那由他(なゆた) 1060 |
十那由他 1061 |
百那由他 1062 |
千那由他 1063 |
不可思議(ふかしぎ) 1064 |
十不可思議 1065 |
百不可思議 1066 |
千不可思議 1067 |
無量大数(むりょうたいすう) 1068 |
Best Friends Cocoa
Although many people use the term “hot cocoa” interchangeably with “hot chocolate,” there’s a big difference between the two. Hot chocolate, or “drinking chocolate,” is made from ground chocolate (which contains cocoa butter), which is mixed with hot milk to make the beverage. Our hot cocoa, however, is made with cocoa powder only (which contains no cocoa butter, and is thus very low in fat), along with nonfat dried milk, sugar and natural flavorings. Because of this, you can mix our hot cocoa mix with nothing but hot water and get a rich cocoa flavor with much less fat and calories than the typical hot chocolate.
Ahmed Dogan
Julie Kummer
Robert Sherrod
War is a horribly fascinating thing.
To the marines on Saipan, the suicide of Japanese soldiers in the last days of the battle for the island, was an old story. But there were 20,000 civilians on the island, too, and many of them elected to die for the Emperor, or perhaps to escape a conqueror represented by Jap propaganda as hideously brutal. In this dispatch, TIME Correspondent Robert Sherrod describes the gruesome deeds, incomprehensible to the occidental mind, which followed the U.S. victory:
We thought we had seen everything in the line of Jap military suicides by the time the last charge of the Japs had been beaten…
(Why is “bra” singular and “panties” plural?)
As pointed out above, bra is short for brassiere which is a word for a single object, whereas any item of clothing that covers both legs separately is referred to in plural as it comprises two leg coverings put together. Eg. trousers, pants, pantaloons, the full grammar being “a pair of pants”. Underwear is a shortened version of these, therefore is plural, eg. panties, knickers, undies.
Strangely enough you cannot refer to a single trouser or a single pant, it is “trouser-leg” or “pant-leg”!
Francis Marcouin, Keiko Omoto
Ilz se mouchent dans des mouchoirs de papier de soye de Chine, de la grandeur de la main a peu prez, et ne se servent jamais deux fois d’un mouchoir, de sorte que toutes les fois qu’ilz ne mouchoyent, ils jestoyent leurs papiers par terre, et avoyent le plaisir de les voir ramasser a ceux de deca qui les alloyent voir, ou il y avoit grande presse du peuple qui s’entre batoit pour un ramasser principallement de ceux de l’Ambassadeur …
Le ses epees et dagues sont faictes en fasson de simmetterre tres peu courbe, et de moyenne longueur et sont sy fort tranchantz que y mettant un feuillet de papier et soufflant ilz couppent le papier, et encore de leur papier quy est beaucoup plus deslie que le notre et est faict de soye sur lesquels ils escrivent avec un pinceau. …
Quand ilz mangeoient ils ne touchent jamais leur chair sinon avec deux petits batons qu’ils tiennent avec trois doigts.
>Charles Weever Cushman
>World Bank, USAID
>The sixth debate of the Emerging Issues in Today’s HIV Response Debate Series titled, “Treatment as Prevention” featured expert panelists arguing for and against the proposition:
“Countries should spend a majority of what is likely to be a flat or even declining HIV prevention budget on ‘treatment as prevention’.”
Recent studies have shown that persons living with HIV who are on antiretroviral treatment, are much less infectious and therefore much less likely to transmit HIV to others. The HPTN-052 randomised study found a 96% reduction in HIV transmission from an HIV-infected person to his/her sexual partner, for the 76% of cases where intra-couple transmission took place. Results suggesting similar levels of acquisition risk reduction were reported in the 2010 Partners in Prevention study. What do these latest results mean for HIV prevention programming? Should “treatment as prevention” become HIV prevention policy in countries? For all persons or only for adults in long-term sexual partnerships? Does the type of epidemic (i.e. concentrated, mixed, generalized) matter? How feasible are these interventions? Is it ethical not to implement them, given that their efficacy between long-term sexual partners is known? Should prevention resources be diverted away from other interventions, such as behavior change efforts, to fund increased ART? Who will pay for costs of the increased volumes of drugs? Do we know enough about the side-effects or about drug resistance? These questions and others related to treatment as prevention were discussed.
>Google Maps
>Гомельская область, 26 апреля. После чернобыльской аварии радиацией были заражены не только земли Украины, пострадали несколько районов России и почти треть всей территории Беларуси. Многие населенные пункты навсегда исчезли с карты республики.
Роза ветров это была или злой рок, но спустя несколько месяцев после взрыва на Чернобыльской АЭС баба Дуня похоронила сына. Потом один за другим умерли ещё четверо её детей.
Баба Дуня просит прощения за некрашеный пол и за то, что угостить нечем. Гости-то нежданные. А для себя она давно уже не готовит. Целыми днями одна сидит на лавочке, проклинает Чернобыль.
Сегодня на загрязнённой территории живёт больше миллиона белорусов, то есть каждый девятый. Свои болезни большинство из них связывают с катастрофой 1986.
В Японии, чтобы остановить радиацию, реакторы накрыли специальной тканью и залили смолой. 25 лет назад таких технологий не было. Люди защищали себя, как могли. Детей не выпускали на улицу, а в эту деревню приезжали военные и заливали крыши домов специальным раствором.
Деревня Залесье относится к зоне периодического радиационного контроля. Собирать грибы и ягоды здесь можно только в определённых местах. А вот земли в Залесье давно уже возделывают. Люди научились выживать в новых условиях.
Каждый год на ликвидацию последствий выделяются миллиарды белорусских рублей. Это львиная доля бюджета. Совместными усилиями белорусы вернули к жизни тысячи гектаров земли. Но 270 населенных пунктов по-прежнему остаются заражёнными. Соседняя с Залесьем и некогда процветающая деревня так после Чернобыля и не ожила. Вот уже четверть века её, как и ещё 429 деревень, нет на карте Беларуси.
>Marcia Reiss
>Central Intelligence Agency
>Japan’s huge government debt, which exceeds 200% of GDP, persistent deflation, reliance on exports to drive growth, and an aging and shrinking population are major long-term challenges for the economy.
Country | Public Debt (billion USD) | % of GDP | per capita (USD) |
USA | $9,133 | 62% | $29,158 |
Japan | $8,512 | 198% | $67,303 |
Germany | $2,446 | 83% | $30,024 |
Italy | $2,113 | 119% | $34,627 |
India | $2,107 | 52% | $1,772 |
China | $1,907 | 19% | $1,427 |
France | $1,767 | 82% | $27,062 |
UK | $1,654 | 76% | $26,375 |
Brazil | $1,281 | 59% | $6,299 |
Canada | $1,117 | 84% | $32,829 |
Spain | $823 | 60% | $17,598 |
Mexico | $577 | 37% | $5,071 |
Greece | $454 | 143% | $42,216 |
Netherlands | $424 | 63% | $25,152 |
Turkey | $411 | 43% | $5,218 |
Belgium | $398 | 101% | $38,139 |
Egypt | $398 | 80% | $4,846 |
Poland | $381 | 53% | $9,907 |
South Korea | $331 | 23% | $6,793 |
Singapore | $309 | 106% | $65,144 |
Taiwan | $279 | 34% | $12,075 |
Public Debt is total of all government borrowings less repayments that are denominated in a country’s home currency. |
>RAND Corporation
Roy E. Appleman, James M. Burns, Russell A. Gugeler, John Stevens
Neuropsychiatric or “combat fatigue” cases, were probably greater in number and severity in the Okinawa campaign than in any other Pacific operation. Such cases resulted primarily from the length and bitterness of the fighting, together with heavy hostile artillery and mortar fire. The influx of from three to four thousand cases crowded the field hospitals and resulted in needless evacuations from the island. Treatment was instituted as far forward as possible in the hope of making it more effective as well as of retarding the flow to hospitals. Rest camps for neuropsychiatric cases were established by divisions in addition to the corps installations. On 25 April Tenth Army opened one field hospital to handle only such cases. Early treatment produced good results. About half of the cases were finally treated in divisional installations; the other half, comprising the more serious cases, were treated in the field hospitals. About 80 percent of the latter were returned to duty in ten days, but half of these had to be reassigned to noncombat duties.
The Washington Post
Aamer, Shaker Abdur-Raheem (Saudi Arabia)
Abasin, Said (Afghanistan)
Abbas, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Abbasi, Feroz (UK)
Abd, Allah Ab Aljalil Abdal Rahman (Yemen)
Abderrahmane, Slimane Hadj (Denmark)
Abdoh AKA Al Hag, Atag Ali (Yemen)
Abdul Rahman, Wesam (Jordan)
Abdullah, Abu (Algeria)
Abdullah, Ahmad (Morocco)
Abdullah, Jamal (Uganda)
Abdullah, Noorudeen (Morocco)
Abdulraheem, Othman (Yemen)
Abdulsalam, Reswan (Morocco)
Agha, Ismail (Afghanistan)
Ahmad, Ali (Pakistan)
Ahmad, Ejaz (Pakistan)
Ahmad, Rashid Hasan (Sudan)
Ahmed, Hamed Abderrahman (Spain)
Ahmed, Faluvi Abdullah (Yemen)
Ahmed, Faruq Ali (Yemen)
Ahmed, Ruhal (UK)
Ahmed, Sarfaraz (Pakistan)
Ait Idir, Mustapha 6 (Algeria)
Akhmyarov, Rustam (Russia)
Al Adahi, Mohamed (Yemen)
Al Ajmi, Abdullah Saleh Ali (Kuwait)
Al Anazi, Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Areeni, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Asadi, Mohamed Ahmed (Yemen)
Al Aseemi, Fahd Sultan Ubaid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Askari, Mohsin Ali (Yemen)
Al Asmar, Khalid (Jordan)
Al Assani, Fahmi Salem (Yemen)
Al Azmi, Saad Madai Saad (Kuwait)
Al Azraq, Majid Hamoud (Yemen)
Al Baasi, Mohsin Abdullah (Yemen)
Al Badaah, Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Bahlul, Ali Hamza Ahmed Sulayman (Yemen)
Al Bahooth, Ziyad bin Salih bin Muhammad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Baidhani, Abdulkhaliq (Yemen)
Al Banna, Jamil (Jordan)
Al Barakati, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Blooshi, Salah Abdul Rasool (Bahrain)
Al Busayss, Adil Said Al Haj Obeid (Yemen)
Al Darbi, Ahmed (Yemen)
Al Dhabbi, Khalid Mohamed Saleh (Yemen)
Al Dhabi, Salah Mohamed Saleh (Yemen)
Al Dihani, Mohammed Funaitel (Kuwait)
Al Dini, Omar Saeed (Yemen)
Al Dossary, Juma Mohammed (Bahrain)
Al Fawzan, Fahd Fawzan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Fifi, Jaber (Saudi Arabia)
Al Fouzan, Fahd (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghaith, Abdurahman ba (Yemen)
Al Ghamdi, Abdur Rahman Uthman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghamdi, Khalaf Awad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghamdi, Saeed Farhah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghamdi, Zaid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghanimi, Abdullah Muhammad Salih (Saudi Arabia)
Al Habardi, Mane Shaman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Habashi, Raafat (Yemen)
Al Haj, Sarqawi (Yemen)
Al Hamd, Adel Saleh (Yemen)
Al Harbi, Ibrahim Daifullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Harbi, Tariq (Saudi Arabia)
Al Hassan, Sameer Naji (Yemen)
Al Ilmi, Muhammad (Morocco)
Al Jowfi, Rashid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Juaid, Rami Sad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Judaan, Hamood (Saudi Arabia)
Al Juhani, Badr (Saudi Arabia)
Al Juhdali, Ziyad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Jutaili, Fahd bin Salih bin Sulaiman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Kaabi, Jamil Ali (Saudi Arabia)
Al Kandari, Abdullah kamel bin Abdullah Kamal (Kuwait)
Al Kandari, Fayiz Mohammed Ahmed (Kuwait)
Al Kazimi, Ali Nasser (Yemen)
Al Khalafi or Khalaqi, Asim (Saudi Arabia)
Al Khalidi, Sulaiman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Khalifa, Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim (Bahrain)
Al Khowlani, Idrees (Saudi Arabia)
Al Kouri, Farouq Ahmed (Yemen)
Al Maaliki, Sad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Mahdi, Ali Yahya Mahdi (Yemen)
Al Madhoni, Musaab (Yemen)
Al Marrah, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Marri, Jarallah (Qatar)
Al Marwallah, Bishir Naser Ali (Yemen)
Al Matari, Fahd Al Haimi (Yemen)
Al Matrafi, Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Merbati, Isa (Bahrain)
Al Mosleh, Abdullah Hamid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Muhajiri, Abdulmajeed (Yemen)
Al Muhammad, Mahmood (Syria)
Al Mujahid, Mahmoud Abdulaziz (Yemen)
Al Muraqi, Khalid bin Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Musa, Abdul Wahab (Saudi Arabia)
Al Mutairi, Khalid Abdullah Mishal (Kuwait)
Al Mutairi, Nasser Nijer Naser (Kuwait)
Al Naimi, Abdulla Majid (Bahrain)
Al Nasir, Ibrahim Muhammad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Nukhailan, Naif (Saudi Arabia)
Al Nur, Anwar Hamdan (Saudi Arabia )
Al Nusairi, Adil Uqla Hasan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Odah, Fawzi Khalid Abdullah Fahad (Kuwait)
Al Omar, Wasm Awad Al Wasm (Saudi Arabia)
Al Omari, Musa bin Ali bin Saeed (Saudi Arabia)
Al Otaiba, Bandar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Owshan, Abdul Aziz Sad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Owshan, Saleh bin Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Owshan, Sulieman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qaaid, Rashid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qadasi, Khalid Massah (Yemen)
Al Qadasi, Walid (Yemen)
Al Qahtani, Abdullah Hamid al Muslih (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qahtani, Jaber Hasan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qahtani, Mohamed (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qahtani, Sad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qosi, Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud (Sudan)
Al Qurashi, Muhammad Abdur-Rahman Abid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Rabahi, Abdullah Ameen (Yemen)
Al Rabeesh, Yusuf (Saudi Arabia)
Al Rabiah, Fwad Mahmoud (Kuwait)
Al Rahabi, Abdulmalik Abdulwahhab (Yemen)
Al Raimi, Ali Yahya Mahdi (Yemen)
Al Raimi, Ismail Ali (Yemen)
Al Rawi, Bisher (Iraq)
Al Razehi, Ali Ahmed Muhammad (Yemen)
Al Salami, Ali Abdullah (Yemen)
Al Salami, Saleh Abdullah (Yemen)
Al Samh, Adil Abu (Yemen)
Al Sarim, Saeed Ahmed (Yemen)
Al Sayegh, Adnan Muhammad Ali (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shabani, Fahd Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shahrani, Muhammad bin Abdur Rahman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shaibani, Bandar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shamiri, Mustafa (Yemen)
Al Shammari, Abdulaziz SayerOwain (Kuwait)
Al Shammari, Majid Afas Radi Al Tumi (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shammari, Zain (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shamri, Anwar Hamdan al Noor (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shaqoori, Usamah (Morocco)
Al Shaqoori, Yunus (Morocco)
Al Shareef, Fahd Umar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shareef, Sultan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Sharikh, Abdul Hadi (Saudi Arabia)
Al Sharikh, Abdur Razaq (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shehri, Abdus Salam Ghaithan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shehri, Saeed Ali Jabir ale Khuthaim (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shehri, Salim (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shehri, Yusuf Muhammad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Siblie, Abdullah Yahya Yousuf (Yemen)
Al Suwaidi, Abdulaziz (Yemen)
Al Towlaqi, Fahmi (Yemen)
Al Umar, Ibrahim bin Umar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Unzi, Abdullah Thani Faris Al Sulami (Saudi Arabia)
Al Unzi, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Unzi, Rakan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Unzi, Sultan Sari Saail (Saudi Arabia)
Al Utaibi, Bajad bin Daifillah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Utaibi, Bandar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Utaibi, Muhammad Suroor (Saudi Arabia)
Al Utaibi, Naif Fahd Al Aseemi (Saudi Arabia)
Al Warifi, Mukhtaar (Yemen)
Al Yafii, Al Khadir Abdullah (Yemen)
Al Zahrani, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Zahrani, Sad Ibrahim Ramzi al-Jundubi (Saudi Arabia)
Al Zahrani, Yasser Talal (Saudi Arabia)
Al Zamil, Adil Zamil Abdull Mohssin (Kuwait)
Al Zuhairi, Ahmed Zaid (Yemen)
Al-Harith, Jamal Udeen (United Kingdom)
Ali, Abu Sana (Morocco)
Ali, Sahibzada Usman (Afghanistan)
Ali, Sarfraz (Pakistan)
Ali, Syed Saim (Pakistan)
Amin, Aminullah (Pakistan)
Amin, Omar Rajab (Kuwait)
Amro, Jalal Salem bin (Yemen)
Anaam, Suhail Abdo (Yemen)
Ansar, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Anwar, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Aouzar, Mohamed (Morocco)
Aqeel, Sulaiman bin (Yemen)
Arbaish, Khalid bin Suleiman (UNKNOWN)
Aseeri, Turki Mashawi Zayid Ale Jabali (Saudi Arabia)
Ashraf, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Aslam, Noor (Afghanistan)
Asnar, Khalid (Jordan)
Ayub, Haseeb (Pakistan)
Azzam, Hussein (Jordan)
Babikir, Muhammad al Ghazali (Sudan)
Badr, Badrzaman (Afghan)
Bajadiyah, Saeed (Morocco)
Bameri, Bahktiar (Iran)
Barak (Afghanistan)
Batarfi, Ayman Saeed (Yemen)
Bayifkan, Lutfi (Turkey)
Begg, Moazzam (United Kingdom)
Belkacem, Bensayah (Algeria)
Belmar, Richard (United Kingdom)
Benchakaroun, Brahim (Morocco)
Benchellali, Mourad (France)
Binmoojan, Muhammad (Morocco)
Boumediene, Lakhdar (Algeria)
Bukhari, Abdul Hakeem (Saudi Arabia)
Celik, Abdullah (Turkey)
Celikgogus, Yuksel (Turkey)
Chekkouri, Redouan (Morocco)
Chekkouri, Younes (Morocco)
Dad, Fazal (Pakistan)
Deghayes, Omar (UNKNOWN)
Dergoul, Tarek (United Kingdom)
Dukhan, Mamar (Syria)
Ehsannullah (Afghanistan)
Eksi, Mustafa (Turkey)
El Hadj, Boudella (Algeria)
Elgazzar, Adel Fattouh Aly (Egypt)
El-Weldi, Reda Fadel (Egypt)
Farooq, Muhammad Naim (Afghanistan)
Fauzee, Ibrahim (Maldives)
Fazil or Fadhil, Mullah (Afghanistan)
Feroze, Muhammad (Morocco)
Fouzan, Fahed (Saudi Arabia)
Ghaffar, Maulvi Abdul (Afghan)
Ghanem, Mohamed Ragab Abu (Yemen)
Ghazi, Fahd Abdullah Ahmad (Saudi Arabia)
Gherebi, Falen (Libya)
Ghezali, Mehdi Muhammed (Sweden)
Ghulab, Sher (Afghanistan)
Gul, Lall (Afghanistan)
Gul, Nate (Afghanistan)
Gumarov, Ravil (Russia)
Habib, Mamdouh (Australia)
Hajii , Adil Kamel Abdullah (Bahrain)
Hamada, Mohamed (Yemen)
Hamdan, Salim Ahmed (Yemen)
Hamdi, Yasir Esam (United States)
Hamdoon, Zahir Omar bin (Yemen)
Hamza, Abu (Saudi Arabia)
Hanif, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Hassan, Imad Abdullah (Yemen)
Hassan, Mohammad Mohammad (Yemen)
Hatem, Saeed (Yemen)
Hicks, David (Australia)
Hkimi, Adel (Tunisia)
Iilyas, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Ikassrien, Lahcen (Morocco)
Iqbal, Asif (United Kingdom)
Iqbal, Faid or Faiq (Pakistan)
Iqbal, Zafar (Pakistan)
Irfan, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Ishaq, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Ishmuradov, Timur (Russia)
Ismail, Yasin Qasem Mohammad (Yemen)
Jamaluddin, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Jan, Aziaullah (Pakistan)
Joaid, Abdul Rahman (Saudi Arabia )
Kanouni, Imad (France)
Khadr, Abdur Rahman (Canada)
Khadr, Omar (Canada)
Khairkhwa, Khairullah (Afghanistan)
Khan, Alef (Pakistan)
Khan, Alif (Afghanistan)
Khan, Aziz (Afghanistan)
Khan, Aziz (Pakistan)
Khan, Badshah (Pakistan)
Khan, Ejaz Ahmad (Pakistan)
Khan, Haji Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Khan, Hamood ullah (Pakistan)
Khan, Issa (Pakistan)
Khan, Juma (Afghanistan)
Khan, Merza (Afghanistan)
Khan, Muhammad Ejaz (Pakistan)
Khan, Muhammad Kashif (Pakistan)
Khan, Tariq Aziz (Pakistan)
Khasraf, Mohamed Nasser Yahya Abdullah (Yemen)
Khazhiyev, Shamil (Russia)
Kifayatullah (Pakistan)
Koochi, Naeem (Afghanistan)
Kudayev, Rasul (Russia)
Kurnaz, Murat (Turkey)
Lagah, Lofti Ben Suihi (Tunisia)
Lahmar, Saber (Algeria)
Maimoundi, Hassan (UNKNOWN)
Mamrouk, Adel Ben Hamida (Tunisia)
Manzoor, Hafiz Liaqat (Pakistan)
Marouz, Muhammad (Morocco)
Maula, Abdul (Pakistan)
Mazloom, Fazel (Afghanistan)
Mazrou, Alaa Abdel Maqsoud (Egypt)
Mehmood, Majid (Pakistan)
Mehmood, Talli (Pakistan)
Mert, Nuri (Turkey)
Meshad, Sherif (Egyptian)
Mingazov, Ravil (Russia)
Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Mohammed, Hajii Faiz (Afghanistan)
Mohammed, Jan (Afghanistan)
Mohammed, Wazir (Afghanistan)
Mubanga, Martin (United Kingdom)
Muhammad, Ali (Pakistan)
Muhammad, Mirza (Afghanistan)
Muhammad, Shah (Pakistan)
Mujarrad, Talal Ahmed Mohamed (Yemen)
Muqaddam, Murtada (Saudi Arabia)
Murshid, Ayoub (Yemen)
Mustafa, Khaled ben (France)
Nabaytah, Hassan (Jordan)
Nabiyev, Yusuf (Tajikistan)
Naqibullah (Afghanistan)
Naseer, Muneer bin (Pakistan)
Nasri, Riadh Mohammad (Tunisia)
Nauman, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Nechla, Mohamed (Algeria)
Noor, Yusuf Khaleel (Saudi Arabia)
Odigov, Ruslan (Russia)
Omar, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Omar, Othman Ali (Yemen)
Osman, Haji (Afghanistan)
Osman, Mohammad (Afghanistan)
Ould Slahi, Mouhamedou (Mauritania)
Paracha, Saifullah (Pakistan)
Patel, Mustaq Ali (France/India?)
Qaid, Yaseen (Yemen)
Qassim, Khalid Ahmed (Yemen)
Quraish, Nasr Abdullah (Yemen)
Rafiq, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Rahim, Abdul (Pakistan)
Rahim, Abdur (Afghanistan)
Rahman, Ahmed Abdel (Egyptian)
Rahman, Asadullah (Afghanistan)
Rahmatoulah (Afghanistan)
Raouf, Mullah Abdel (Afghanistan)
Rashid, Hani Saleh (Yemen)
Rasul, Shafiq (UK)
Raza, Abid (Pakistan)
Raza, Muhammad Arshad (Pakistan)
Razaq, Abdul/Abdur (Pakistan)
Razeq, Abdul (Afghanistan)
Rehman, Abdul (Afghanistan)
Rehman, Abdul (Pakistan)
Rehman, Hafiz Khalil ur (Pakistan)
Rehman, Sajid-ur (Pakistan)
Ridha, Yazidi (Tunisia)
Ridouane, Khalid (France)
Rustam (Afghanistan)
Saeed, Hafiz Ehsan (Pakistan)
Saeed, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Safeesi, Abdul Sattar (Pakistan)
Sagheer, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Salahuddin, Ghazi (Pakistan)
Salman, Mohamed bin (Yemen)
Sarajudim (Afghanistan)
Sassi, Mohammed Ben Sala (Tunisia)
Sassi, Nizar (France)
Sattar, Abdul (Pakistan)
Saud, Abu (Saudi Arabia)
Sen, Ibrahim (Turkey)
Sen, Mesut (Turkey)
Shaalan, Hani Abdo Muslih (Yemen)
Shah, Rostum (Afghanistan)
Shah, Sliman (Afghanistan)
Shah, Sulaiman (Afghanistan)
Shah, Syed Zia Hussain (Pakistan)
Shaqroon, Ibrahim bin (Morocco)
Sharofov, Rukmiddin (Tajikistan)
Shehzada, Mullah (Afghanistan)
Sidiq, Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Sidiq, Muhammad (Afghanistan)
Sultan, Zahid (Pakistan)
Tabarak, Abdallah (Morocco)
Tahir, Mohammad (Afghanistan)
Tariq, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Tariq, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Ullah, Asad (Afghanistan)
Utain, Riyad (Yemen)
Uthman, Abdul Rahim Mohammad Uthman (Yemen)
Uyar, Salih (Turkey)
Uzel, Turgut (Turkey)
Vakhitov, Aryat (Russia)
Vohidov, Muqim (Tajikistan)
Wali, Badshah (Afghanistan)
Wali, Jehan/Jan (Pakistan)
Wazeer, Abdullah ba (Yemen)
Wazir, Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Yadel, Brahim (France)
Zaeef, Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Zaman, Badar uz (Pakistan)
Zaman, Qaisir (Pakistan)
Zemiri, Ahcene (Algeria)
Zemmouri, Moussa (Belgium)
>А́нна Па́вловна Па́влов
>Еле́на Па́влова
>Inga-Britt Ahlenius
Charter of the United Nations Articles 53, 77 and 107
The term enemy state as used in paragraph 1 of this Article applies to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory of the present Charter.
The trusteeship system shall apply to such territories in the following categories as may be placed thereunder by means of trusteeship agreements:
b. territories which may be detached from enemy states as a result of the Second World War;
Nothing in the present Charter shall invalidate or preclude action, in relation to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory to the present Charter, taken or authorized as a result of that war by the Governments having responsibility for such action.
Leo Szilard
Suppose Germany had developed two bombs before we had any bombs. And suppose Germany had dropped one bomb, say, on Rochester and the other on Buffalo, and then having run out of bombs she would have lost the war. Can anyone doubt that we would then have defined the dropping of atomic bombs on cities as a war crime, and that we would have sentenced the Germans who were guilty of this crime to death at Nuremberg and hanged them?
Dwight Eisenhower
…in [July] 1945… Secretary of War Stimson, visiting my headquarters in Germany, informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. I was one of those who felt that there were a number of cogent reasons to question the wisdom of such an act. …the Secretary, upon giving me the news of the successful bomb test in New Mexico, and of the plan for using it, asked for my reaction, apparently expecting a vigorous assent.
During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of ‘face’. The Secretary was deeply perturbed by my attitude…
Harry Truman
I knew what I was doing when I stopped the war that would have killed a half million youngsters on both sides if those bombs had not been dropped. I have no regrets and, under the same circumstances, I would do it again — and this letter is not confidential.
We have spent 2 billion dollars on the greatest scientific gamble in history – and won.