The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories, everything that has ever been and ever will be is happening RIGHT NOW.
Most people do not even consider the concept of time but there is nothing in the laws of physics to state that it should move in the forward direction that we know.
The laws of physics are symmetric ultimately meaning that time could have easily moved in a backward direction as it does forward.
Category Archives: the best
Mike Campbell
Jeff Beck has the combination of brilliant technique with personality. It’s like he’s saying, “I’m Jeff Beck. I’m right here. And you can’t ignore me.” Even in the Yardbirds, he had a tone that was melodic but in-your-face – bright, urgent and edgy, but sweet at the same time. You could tell he was a serious player, and he was going for it. He was not holding back.
When he got into his fusion phase, the cover of Stevie Wonder’s “‘Cause We’ve Ended as Lovers,” on Blow by Blow, got me immediately. The tone was so pure and delicate. It’s like there was a vocalist singing, but there was a guitarist making all of the notes. I saw him last year at a casino in San Diego, and the guitar was the voice. You didn’t miss the singer, because the guitar was so lyrical. There is a spirituality and confidence in him, a commitment to being great. After I saw that show, I went home and started practicing. Maybe that’s what I took from him: If you want to be Jeff Beck, do your homework.
見わたせば 花も紅葉もなかりけり
浦のとまやの 秋の夕暮
私 特別貧乏だと思ってないんです 自分の書いてる人たちが 正直言うと
極貧っていう帯がついたこともあるんですが 普通の貧乏です
年収500万で 子供育てて 家を建てて 35年ローン ごくごく普通の話だと思ってます
それを貧乏というんだったら お金持ちはいったいどこにいるんだっていう話です
幸 不幸についてもよく言われるんですけども
一生懸命生きている人の口から 幸せとか不幸とか言う言葉を 私は聞いたことがないんです
Jeff Beck, Jason Rebello, Vinnie Colaiuta, Tal Wilkenfeld
Martha Argerich
Steve Vai
I don’t believe in ‘greatest’. I believe in favorites.
Filippo “Pippo” Inzaghi
Hitoshi Oonuma
Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)
Le 17 février, le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) commémorera son 150e anniversaire et le début de son action visant à porter secours à des millions de personnes et à améliorer la vie d’un nombre incalculable de personnes frappées par des conflits armés. Alors que des populations subissent les affres de la guerre en Syrie, au Mali, en République démocratique du Congo et ailleurs, le CICR est plus que jamais déterminé à poursuivre sa mission humanitaire.
Franco Basaglia
(2002年1月15日) 我が国において最初に産業の空洞化問題が論じられたのは1980年代後半である。1985年のプラザ合意以降の急速な円高の進展等を背景に、我が国の製造業の生産拠点が急速に海外に移転した。このため、国内の雇用が減少し、技術水準が低下するのではないかといった恐れから、産業の空洞化問題が取り上げられた。その後、一時は沈静化したものの、1993年初頭以降の円高に伴い産業の空洞化の議論が再燃した。
産業の空洞化の処方箋を考える際の重要な視点は、どこまでをガバメント・リーチとするかという点にある。従来、この種の経済問題が発生した場合、できるできないにかかわらず、ある程度、政府が処方箋を考える傾向にあった。現在は、未成熟の経済体制の時代と違い、我が国は成熟した自由主義経済の中にある。加えて、以前は官民の間に情報の非対称性が存在したが、現在はそれもなくなり、官はイニシアチブを取って政策を遂行するほどの知見を持ち得なくなった。さらに、財政の限界も顕在化してきており、政府が実施できる政策の範囲も限られている。すなわち、政府の役割は時代とともに変化してきており、限定的なものになりつつある。以上を考慮に入れ、政府は分相応の処方箋を考えるべきである。その際、政府は企業に対し、その企業行動やグローバル化を阻害するような対応は厳に慎むべきである。 。。。 日本企業が海外で活躍していることを誇りに思うのはいけないことだろうか。産業の空洞化現象を我が国企業のグローバル化現象の一環として捉え、我が国企業が自己責任のもとで自由に経済活動を行うこと自体問題なのだろうか。
National Intelligence Council
The world of 2030 will be radically transformed from our world today. By 2030, no country—whether the US, China, or any other large country—will be a hegemonic power. The empowerment of individuals and diffusion of power among states and from states to informal networks will have a dramatic impact, largely reversing the historic rise of the West since 1750, restoring Asia’s weight in the global economy, and ushering in a new era of “democratization” at the international and domestic level. In addition to individual empowerment and the diffusion of state power, we believe that two other megatrends will shape our world out to 2030: demographic patterns, especially rapid aging; and growing resource demands which, in the cases of food and water, might lead to scarcities. These trends, which are virtually certain, exist today, but during the next 15-20 years they will gain much greater momentum. Underpinning the megatrends are tectonic shifts—critical changes to key features of our global environment that will affect how the world “works”.
William R. Shea
Seeing is believing, but we do not see with our eyes only. We look at the world with the aid of inherited images that we may strive to improve but that we do not work to replace unless something dramatic occurs. The traditional Earth-centred system was confirmed not just by the everyday experience of seeing the Sun rise and set, but by the high-powered geometry that was embodied in Ptolemy’s Almagest, the result of centuries of diligent observation and detailed computation. Anyone who opens that great classic today cannot fail to be impressed by the mathematical sophistication that is displayed on virtually every page. Better still, those who use the Ptolemaic methods to determine the position of the planets find that they work. Indeed, elementary astronomy is still presented from the standpoint of a motionless Earth, and we learn to calculate where Venus or Mars will be in the night sky on the assumption that the celestial vault revolves once every twenty-four hours. We know, of course, that this is a fiction, but it remains a convenient fiction. It would not merely be pedantic, but foolish, to correct people who say that the Sun moves from east to west by pointing out that it is really the Earth that rotates from west to east. If you doubt this, try playing the rigorous astronomer at the next cocktail party. You may well discover that people are neither impressed nor amused.
Hannah Arendt
There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is dangerous.