Category Archives: UN way

Double standards (Zhang Jun)

Condoning the continuation of fighting while claiming to care about the lives and safety of people in Gaza is self-contradictory.
Condoning the continuation of fighting while advocating for the prevention of the spillover effects of the conflict is self-deceiving.
Condoning the continuation of fighting while making references to the protection of women and children and human rights is hypocritical.
All these once again show us what double standards are.



António Guterres

Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning.
The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.
The air is unbreathable. The heat is unbearable.

Protecting civilians

Protecting civilians from the effects of war has never been easy—and in some ways it seems to be getting harder—which is why the ultimate goal should be to prevent war altogether. In the meantime, states, civil society and international organizations should not hesitate to take what they have learned in order to be more responsive, more effective and more unified in protecting civilians in the wars of today and tomorrow.

The World Reaches 8 Billion People (UNDESA)

The global population is projected to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022.
The global population is growing at its slowest rate since 1950, having fallen under 1 per cent in 2020. The latest projections by the United Nations suggest that the world’s population could grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050. It is projected to reach a peak of around 10.4 billion people during the 2080s and to remain at that level until 2100.
Fertility has fallen markedly in recent decades for many countries. Today, two-thirds of the global population lives in a country or area where lifetime fertility is below 2.1 births per woman, roughly the level required for zero growth in the long run for a population with low mortality. The populations of 61 countries or areas are projected to decrease by 1 per cent or more between 2022 and 2050, owing to sustained low levels of fertility and, in some cases, elevated rates of emigration.
More than half of the projected increase in the global population up to 2050 will be concentrated in eight countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and the United Republic of Tanzania. Countries of sub-Saharan Africa are expected to contribute more than half of the increase anticipated through 2050.



This is to certify that you are one of the “7 Billion Babies”, born on 31st October 2001, the symbolic day the world’s population reached 7 billion. We wish you all the best for a beautiful life and success in this global society.


“The current desert locust upsurge has finally ended in the Horn of Africa after more than two years of intensive survey and control operations carried out by ground and air with generous support from the international community,” the FAO said in its latest dessert locust situation update.
According to the FAO, for nearly the second consecutive month, no significant locust infestations had been detected in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya during February.
The UN agency, however, stressed that although rain has not fallen recently and ecological conditions are dry, small groups of immature adults were seen moving southwards in eastern Ethiopia, which suggests that a few residual infestations may still be present.
“Therefore, surveys and vigilance should be maintained,” the FAO said.
This year’s winter breeding along both sides of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden has been very poor due to a lack of rainfall.

Criticisms of the SDGs

  1. The goals do not go far enough: The SDG targets move bit by bit, slowly looking for progress towards 2030. But a lot of people can’t wait until then. As they are living now, they might not survive to see that date. From a human rights perspective “The eradication of severe poverty worldwide is possible today, so we must eradicate it now, as fast as we possibly can.”
  2. The goals ignore underlying inequalities in the international system: Our current world order favors a rich minority. Critics say that achieving sustainable development means that we need a serious reform of our systems, for example our trading rules, and for the powerful to give up some of their power. We will see in Week 2, where Prof. David Taylor will point out that “ensuring the sustainability of one place, one location, one country, might undermine the sustainability of other places”. Also in that week, Prof. Jonathan Patz will point out that “if we have the wrong economic drivers we’re never going to meet the SDGs”.
  3. The goals are top down and bureaucratic ignoring local context: One size does not fit all when it comes to achieving sustainable development. The goals must strike a balance between respecting local context and working at the international level to reform institutions.
  4. The SDGs are wishes not goals: The goals are not binding, that means, countries are not penalised for not acting on them. It is also not clear who will implement them. But especially, they do not hold the most powerful people to account for their actions. “It is not enough to specify, however exactly, what needs to be done; governments must also agree, for each specific task, who is responsible for ensuring that it actually will get done. If no such division of labor is agreed upon, then all we have is a long list of Sustainable Development Wishes along with the pious hope that economic growth and charitable activities will move things far enough in the right direction ”
  5. Lack of data: The data that we do have is not enough for us to use the goals either as a way to guide our management of easing poverty or as a way to report on progress. If we don’t have this data, how useful can the goals be for those people making policy.

Scientific evidence on the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals as the central normative framework for sustainable development worldwide. The effectiveness of governing by such broad global goals, however, remains uncertain, and we lack comprehensive meta-studies that assess the political impact of the goals across countries and globally. We present here condensed evidence from an analysis of over 3,000 scientific studies on the Sustainable Development Goals published between 2016 and April 2021. Our findings suggests that the goals have had some political impact on institutions and policies, from local to global governance. This impact has been largely discursive, affecting the way actors understand and communicate about sustainable development. More profound normative and institutional impact, from legislative action to changing resource allocation, remains rare. We conclude that the scientific evidence suggests only limited transformative political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals thus far.







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なんでも かんでも ディベロップ
不動産を ディベロップ
ゴルフ場を ディベロップ
カネをつぎ込んで ディベロップ
途上国を ディベロップ
サステナブルに ディベロップ
グローバルに ディベロップ
人間みんなを ディベロップ
専門能力を ディベロップ
リーダーシップを ディベロップ
あなたのキャリアを ディベロップ
いつでもどこでも ディベロップ
国際関係を ディベロップ
地域を ディベロップ
農村を ディベロップ
里山を ディベロップ
コミュニティを ディベロップ
コミュニケーションを ディベロップ
研究を ディベロップ
医薬品を ディベロップ
ビジネスを ディベロップ
新製品を ディベロップ
事業を ディベロップ
企業を ディベロップ
病気も ディベロップ
写真も ディベロップ
物語も ディベロップ
ソフトウェアを ディベロップ
ゲームを ディベロップ
Webサイトを ディベロップ
モバイルアプリを ディベロップ
環境を ディベロップ
エネルギーを ディベロップ
クリーンに ディベロップ
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ディベロップ ディベロップ


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でも そんなことは


















国連が Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) を掲げ「1990年を基準年、2015年を達成期限」としていろいろな人たちが頑張った。あまり知られてはいないが、MDGs は驚くほどうまくいった。1990年に開発途上国の半数に近い人口が一日1.25ドル以下で生活していたのが、2015年にはその割合が14%まで減少した。10億人以上の人々が極度の貧困から脱却したのだ。


Lester C. Thurow という経済学者が書いた『The Zero-Sum Society』という本がある。Thurow はかつて日本経済新聞のインタビューで「日本政府がすべきことはお札を刷り続けること」と言った人で毀誉褒貶は激しいが、『The Zero-Sum Society』には多少の真実が隠されている。

Zero-Sum という考えでは、トータルがゼロ、つまり誰かがプラスになれば誰かがマイナスになる。社会の誰にもいいということはなく、誰かを良くすれば、誰かに悪い。資源が限られているから、環境、食糧、エネルギーなど、経済・社会の問題はすべて Zero-Sum と考えられる。

1990年から2015年のあいだに10億人以上の人々が極度の貧困から脱却したということは、Zero-Sum で考えれば、どこかの生活が悪くなったということになる。それはバブルがはじけたあとの日本であり、共産体制が崩壊した旧ソ連の国々であり、ひとつにまとまりダイナミズムが失われたヨーロッパではなかったのか。

実際、国連の MDGs のおかげもあって、開発途上国の人々の生活が格段に良くなり、先進国の人々の生活が少し悪くなった。 MDGs は Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) に引き継がれ、開発途上国は少しずつ良くなり、先進国は少しずつ悪くなっている。


Zero-Sum ではない。Win-Win なのだ。開発途上国の人々の生活が良くなり、日本人の生活も良くなる。そういうことを言う人もいるだろう。でも、あの国が良くなり、この国が悪くなるというのが、現実ではないか。



World Social Report 2020: Inequality in a Rapidly Changing World
The Report examines the impact of four such megatrends on inequality: technological innovation, climate change, urbanization and international migration. Technological change can be an engine of economic growth, offering new possibilities in health care, education, communication and productivity. But it can also exacerbate wage inequality and displace workers. The accelerating impacts of climate change are being felt around the world, but the poorest countries and groups are suffering most, especially those trying to eke out a living in rural areas. Urbanization offers unmatched opportunities, yet cities find poverty and wealth in close proximity, making high and growing levels of inequality all the more glaring. International migration allows millions of people to seek new opportunities and can help reduce global disparities, but only if it occurs under orderly and safe conditions. While these megatrends and the policies aimed at managing them interact with each other in multiple ways, the focus of this report is exclusively on the direct effect of each megatrend on inequality.


UNICEF will now be able to receive, hold and disburse donations of cryptocurrencies ether and bitcoin, through its newly-established UNICEF Cryptocurrency Fund. In a first for United Nations organizations, UNICEF will use cryptocurrencies to fund open source technology benefiting children and young people around the world.



United Nations

… reconciliation processes are particularly necessary and urgent in countries and regions of the world which have suffered or are suffering situations of conflict that have affected and divided societies in their various internal, national and international facets, …
… dialogue among opponents from positions of respect and tolerance is an essential element of peace and reconciliation, …
… truth and justice are indispensable elements for the attainment of reconciliation and lasting peace, …

A/RES/61/17 International Year of Reconciliation, 2009 (PDF file)

Ian Birrell

Survivors were given soap but no water, condoms but not food. Families forced to bathe babies in sewer-contaminated water were sent risible hygiene text messages telling them to wash their hands before eating. On top of this, cholera was imported — almost certainly by United Nations troops — to a country that had, until then, been clean of the disease. Another 8,300 people were killed, and more than half-a-million contracted the disease, which has since spread to neighbouring countries.
The respected medical magazine The Lancet accused charities of competing for publicity, while I saw how their staff rented unnecessarily expensive flats, drove around in fleets of costly new vehicles and ate in fine restaurants.
The final insult? After creating endless chaos and confusion, the unaccountable aid caravan simply moves on to the next high-profile disaster.

Viktor Badaker

They say the maturity of a society can be measured by the way that society takes care of its most vulnerable, i.e. children and the elderly. The respect that we pay to those we have an advantage over is an indicator of high moral values, and a golden rule of all civilized societies.

United Nations

The United Nations experience in Bosnia was one of the most difficult and painful in our history. It is with the It is with the deepest regret and remorse that we have reviewed our own actions and decisions in the face of the assault on Srebrenica. Through error, misjudgement and an inability to recognize the scope of evil confronting us, we failed to do our part to save the people of Srebrenica from the Serb campaign of mass murder. No one regrets, more than we the opportunities for achieving peace and justice that were missed. No one laments more than we the failure of the international community to take decisive action to halt the suffering and end a war that had produced so many victims. Srebrenica crystallized a truth understood only too late by the United Nations and the world at large: that Bosnia was as much a moral cause as a military conflict. The tragedy of Srebrenica will haunt our history forever.

David Kaye

Yet across a range of areas, I learned of deep and genuine concern that trends are moving sharply and alarmingly in the wrong direction. This is especially acute in the context of media independence. Japan has well-earned pride in a Constitution that expressly protects the freedom of the press. Yet the independence of the press is facing serious threats: a weak system of legal protection, persistent Government exploitation of a media lacking in professional solidarity, and the recent adoption of the Specially Designated Secrets Act are all combining to impose what I perceive to be significant challenges especially to the mainstream media, where the vast majority of Japanese citizens get their news. Numerous journalists, many agreeing to meet with me only on condition of anonymity to protect their livelihoods, highlighted the pressure to avoid sensitive areas of public interest. Many claimed to have been sidelined or silenced following indirect pressure from leading politicians.

Barbara Crossette

By many accounts, the UN has fallen off the map.
Many factors are responsible for this situation. Inside the organization, competent staff members are silenced by an atmosphere that has made speaking out too big a risk to careers, even within the Secretariat or in high-profile missions around the world. Opaque, overburdened and ineffective UN information systems are largely not up to contemporary competition. Major international media have cut back coverage of the UN. Reporters who remain, denied access to officials and critical internal reports, are thrust into an adversarial role. Outside the UN, teaching and research about the organization have atrophied or have all but disappeared from most universities. Social media moves quickly into the vacuum, often with harmful disinformation.


OCHAは、緊急時対応とその備えを強化するための国際協力を、このパートナーシップを通じて推進してゆくつもりです。あの3月11日、いざというときのための備えが、いかに人命救助や被災者支援を左右するのかを目のあたりにしました。緊急災害時における関係機関との連携及び調整、正確な情報収集と分析・発信、そして迅速かつ的確な意思決定 ― それがまさにOCHAの目指すところです。

United Nations

Candidates for the position of the next United Nations Secretary-General

Portrait of Srgjan Kerim of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia candidate Dr. Srgjan Kerim
Dr. Srgjan Kerim
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Portrait of the candidate of the Republic of Croatia Ms Vesna Pusic
Prof. Dr. sc. Vesna Pusić
Republic of Croatia
Portrait of SG candidate of Montenegro Igor Lukšić
Dr. Igor Lukšić
Dr. Danilo Türk [Slovenia]
Dr. Danilo Türk
Ms. Irina Bokova [Bulgaria]
Ms. Irina Bokova
Ms. Natalia Gherman [Moldova]
Ms. Natalia Gherman
Republic of Moldova
Mr. António Guterres [Portugal]
Mr. António Guterres
Ms. Helen Clark [New Zealand]
Ms. Helen Clark
New Zealand
Mr. Vuk Jeremić [Serbia]
Mr. Vuk Jeremić
Republic of Serbia

Ms. Susana Malcorra

Mr. Miroslav Lajčák
Slovak Republic
Ms. Christiana Figueres
Costa Rica


Should you make your boss notice the mistake in the list of your department’s results? Should you speak on the phone with an external counterpart about claims of corruption within the organisation? Should you show up at the farewell party of someone your bosses dislike?
Because you know that if you do, they will know; the people up there, the all-powerful, enshrined in their aura of success and might, those who hold your future in their hands. They can disapprove of you, they can start rumours about you, they can sideline you. Eventually, they can send you back where you came from – a fate you suddenly cannot face, whether it is a field mission or the real world, where there are few jobs, ones for which you are clearly not qualified any longer.

United Nations Human Rights Council

Indian Council of South America was disappointed that the United States did not accept the recommendation to address the cases of Alaska, Hawaii and Dakota, and to address those through the United Nations decolonization process. The many human rights violations in Alaska, and the abuses to lands, resources and culture would continue to escalate as long as the United States was not held accountable.
International Human Rights Association of American Minorities said that the United States had yet again dodged the issue of the decolonization process for Alaska, Hawaii and Dakota. It would continue to do so with impunity as long as the Human Rights Council allowed it to sidestep the issue.

United Nations

Two dots (..) indicate that the item is not applicable.
Three dots (…) indicate that data are not available or are not separately reported.
An em dash (—) indicates that the value is zero (magnitude zero).
0 or 0.0 indicates that the magnitude is not zero, but less than half of the unit employed.

Hervé Ladsous

HelveAs Conflicts Multiply, Peacekeeping Confronts an Identity Crisis” rightly points out that peacekeeping has grown remarkably since the founding of the United Nations 70 years ago.
The challenges we face — in South Sudan, in the Central African Republic, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, to name a few — are indeed immense, but this is not due to an “identity crisis.” We peacekeepers know exactly who we are: We are the blue helmets and blue berets from all over the world who go to forgotten conflicts to do what others can’t or won’t do and create a window for a sustainable peace to take hold.
We are undeniably imperfect, and we remain determined both to evolve and to address our challenges head on. But as we approach the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21, we are also deeply proud of our more than 125,000 military, police and civilian staff that serve the United Nations in 16 peacekeeping operations worldwide in some of the world’s most dangerous places.

Somini Sengupta

SenguptaSeventy years after the founding of the United Nations, peacekeeping is bigger and costlier than ever — and confronting an identity crisis.
Not since the soul-searching that followed Rwanda and Srebrenica 20 years ago, when the United Nations was unable to prevent two successive genocides, has peacekeeping come under such scrutiny. The organization’s top leaders and donors are asking: What is peacekeeping accomplishing today, and how can it be made to work in some of the world’s worst war zones, where there is often no peace to keep?

Michelle Shephard

New threats from “stateless” terrorism dominate world order and global politics.
No one wants to talk about peacekeeping in far away lands
when politicians talk of war at home.



Ban Ki-moon

There’s some misperception that UN Secretary-General or United Nations organization is a neutral body. It can not be a neutral body in a sense, it is an impartial body.

Morten Jerven

PoorNumbersHow do they even come up with these numbers? That was the question that I wanted to answer. It was 2007 and I went to Zambia to do the fieldwork for my doctoral thesis in economic history. I wanted to examine how national income estimates were made in African countries. I was struck by the derelict state of the Central Statistical Office in Lusaka. The planned agricultural crop survey was being delayed by the need for car repairs, most of the offices were dark, and the computers were either missing or very old. The national accounts division had three employees, of whom only one was regularly in the office while I was visiting. No one at the office could account for how the income estimates had been made more than a decade ago. In the library there was a dearth of publications and no record of any activity that may or may not have taken place in the late 1970s, the 1980s, and the early 1990s.
The data and methods used to estimate Zambian national income had last been revised in 1994. A short report on methodology had been pre- pared, but it was unpublished and was circulated internally as a manual for the national accountants. It revealed the real state of affairs of national income statistics in Zambia. I was surprised by the lack of basic data and the rudimentary methods in use. Regular and reliable data were available only on government finances and the copper sector. The entire agricultural sector was accounted for by observing trends in crop forecasts for eight agricultural commodities. For the rest of the economy there really was no usable data. The construction sector was assumed to grow at the same rate as cement production and imports. Retail, wholesale, and transport sec- tors were all assumed to grow at the same rate as agricultural and copper production, while business services were assumed to grow at the same rate as trade and transport.

United Nations

Several MDG targets have been met

  • The world has reduced extreme poverty by half
  • Efforts in the fight against malaria and tuberculosis have shown results
  • Access to an improved drinking water source became a reality for 2.3 billion people
  • Disparities in primary school enrolment between boys and girls are being eliminated in all developing regions
  • The political participation of women has continued to increase
  • Development assistance rebounded, the trading system stayed favourable for developing countries and their debt burden remained low

World Health Organization

Sudden onset disasters (SOD) occur with little or no warning and often cause excessive injuries far surpassing the national response capacities. These challenges can arise in both developing and developed countries. The demand for rapid trauma care is particularly critical in the aftermath of earthquakes.
Following SODs a large number of Foreign Medical Teams (FMTs) often arrive in-country to provide emergency care to patients with traumatic injuries and other life-threatening conditions. Experience has shown that in many cases the deployment of FMTs is not based on assessed needs and that there is wide variation in their capacities, competencies and adherence to professional ethics. Such teams are often unfamiliar with the international emergency response systems and standards, and may not integrate smoothly into the usual coordination mechanisms. These problems were especially evident following the Haiti earthquake and Pakistan floods of 2010.

Gillian Sorensen, Jean Krasno

Since the birth of the United Nations in 1945, eight men, from Norway, Sweden, Burma (or Myanmar), Austria, Peru, Egypt, Ghana and South Korea have held this important post. The next secretary-general should be a woman.

Andreas Gross

The United Nations Organisation as we know it today is the result of a series of compromises which were negotiated primarily amongst the great powers during the second world war and its immediate aftermath. The UN is the result of a catastrophic conflict and is meant primarily to avoid that a catastrophic conflict happens again. In the minds of its founders, it should overcome the weaknesses and the failures of the Society of Nations to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”.
The UN is also the result of a number of reforms which have changed its structure and working methods over 64 years of existence. Reform is a continuous process which cannot be dissociated from the organisation itself: reform initiatives of the United Nations have been proposed since its very foundation.

1 for 7 Billion

The Secretary-General of the United Nations has to confront the most difficult and complex problems we face. He or she has the power to prevent wars through mediation, speak truth to power and push governments to take action on issues like climate change and human rights.
Seven billion people across the world are affected by his or her decisions. Yet the Secretary-General is chosen in secret, by just five countries, in an opaque and outdated process.

  • There is no job description
  • There is no public scrutiny of candidates
  • The Security Council’s “shortlist” contains just one name
  • Backroom deals can get you elected
  • No woman has ever held the post

The UN has had excellent leaders but this has been despite, not because of, the process. Geared towards the least-objectionable, lowest common denominator candidate, the process falls far short of the UN’s own principles, current practice at other international organisations and basic recruitment standards.
In 2016 a new Secretary-General will be appointed. We have a unique opportunity to call for change. Most countries agree that the current process is unsuitable. The UN itself has overhauled other recruitment practices. We have reached a tipping point when change is both achievable and essential – for the UN’s credibility and ability to tackle the challenges we face.

Ban Ki-moon

The United Nations is needed more than ever at this time of multiple crises. Poverty, disease, terrorism, discrimination and climate change are exacting a heavy toll. Millions of people continue to suffer deplorable exploitation through bonded labour, human trafficking, sexual slavery or unsafe conditions in factories, fields and mines. The global economy remains an uneven playing field.
At this critical moment, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering the marginalized and vulnerable. On United Nations Day, I call on Governments and individuals to work in common cause for the common good.



Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)

The IASC Transformative Agenda is a series of concrete actions that will visibly transform the way in which the international humanitarian system responds to a crisis. It focuses on improving the timeliness and effectiveness of our collective response through:
   (i) better leadership,
  (ii) improved coordination structures, and
 (iii) greater accountability to people we seek to serve.

David Bosco

While Israeli officials have never admitted intentionally targeting the United Nations, many Israelis contest the notion that the United Nations is a benign and impartial actor in Gaza, devoted only to ensuring the well-being of refugees in the territory. The Israeli government and the U.N. refugee organization for Palestinians — the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) — regularly trade accusations: U.N. officials have criticized Israel’s economic blockade of the territory, while Israeli officials have routinely accused UNRWA of parroting Hamas’s arguments and even being complicit in some of its activities.
The United Nations’ struggles in Gaza are an extreme version of a dilemma the global body faces in hot spots around the world: how to preserve its prized neutrality as it becomes involved in bitter conflicts with very little middle ground?

Greening the Blue

Moving Towards a Climate Neutral UN: The UN System’s Footprint and Efforts to Reduce It

There is an urgent need to improve the UN’s on-the-ground performance in resource efficiency, energy consumption and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, both in headquarters and in country offices. This will be achieved by sharing knowledge and scaling up existing solutions.

Serge Schmemann

0622SERGE-master675Statistics are not usually effective at depicting tragedy, which is why United Nations reports rarely generate passion. But the figures released this past week by the United Nations refugee agency offer perhaps the starkest reflection of the strife raking vast stretches of the globe.
The number of people around the world forced by conflict to flee their homes, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reported, has soared past 51 million, the highest number since World War II.
Half the refugees are children; a growing number of these are on their own, according to the report. More than half of the 6.3 million refugees under the refugee agency’s care have been in exile for five years or more, testifying to conflicts that rage on and on. Most are what the United Nations refers to as “internally displaced” — people who have fled their homes but not their countries.

Australian Associated Press

One of the key architects of a UN initiative to end world poverty has accused the Abbott government of shirking its responsibilities by slashing aid spending.
Jeffrey Sachs is the UN’s special adviser on the millennium development goals (MDGs), which comprise eight targets that aim to significantly improve living standards for the world’s poorest people by 2015.
One of the commitments rich nations made as part of the MDGs was to lift aid spending to a percentage of gross national income – a pledge postponed by Labor and abandoned altogether by the Coalition.
The government also confirmed $7.6bn worth of cuts to the aid program over five years, which is the biggest savings measure announced in the budget.

Foreign minister Julie Bishop says many nations won’t reach their MDGs by 2015, including in Papua New Guinea, where none will be achieved despite massive aid assistance from Australia.
She has argued that since the MDGs were forged in 2000, the focus has shifted to economic development, which has helped lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the Asia-Pacific region.
The government will soon unveil a new strategy for the aid program, focusing on economic transformation and performance benchmarks to ensure goals are met and value for money is achieved.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

In the history of Earth, the law of nature has led animals, plants and other forms of life to evolve into diversified species adapting themselves to unique environments and to become its integral part to form the ecosystems. Biological diversity represents this dynamic process spanning hundreds of millions of years, and has been the key to survival, sustainability and prosperity of those species and the ecosystems in which they flourish.
Human society has evolved in a process of adapting itself to such a diversified natural environment. Nature and natural resources have been the foundation of defining peoples’ life, their society and civilizations. Various forms of cultures and institutions in human society – political, religious, social or economic – have been built upon services provided by a unique natural environment and natural resources arising from biological diversity.
Cultural diversity mirrors biological diversity. It is the concern of many people that biodiversity must be appreciated in terms of human diversity, since different cultures and people from different walks of life perceive and apprehend biodiversity in different ways due to their distinct heritage and experiences.
Diversity in humanity and diversity in nature are inseparable. They are assets of peoples and our planet for prosperity for present and future generations. These are essential for achieving sustainable development. However, they are now in imminent danger owing to present-day human activities.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

At the dawn of this new millennium, humankind has a historic opportunity, not to say responsibility, to make a case that is stronger than ever for a “culture of sustainability”, because cultural diversity and biodiversity are both values of and for the very long term. By focusing on “sustainable diversity”, we assume that human beings belong to the biological universe while, at the same time, they are the only species on earth that has the privilege of creating diverse forms of culture in time and space. Accordingly, they determine the earth’s whole future. This places a special obligation on them to ensure a proper balance between environmental health (especially biodiversity) and equitable development. Thus, cultural diversity should be regarded as a powerful guarantee of biodiversity.
The perceived separation between biological diversity and cultural diversity obscures the reality that both diversities are mutually reinforcing and mutually dependent. We cannot understand and conserve the natural environment unless we understand the human cultures that shape it. Each culture possesses its own sets of representations, knowledge and practices. Human action with respect to the environment, including management itself, is a social act and an expression of culture.

Julian Burger

Julian_BurgerIt held its first session in 1995 with the request by the General Assembly that it should complete the adoption of the declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples before the end on the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People in December 2004. Ten years on and with only two of the 45 articles and 19 preambular paragraphs adopted at first reading, members of the Commission might consider this, even by UN standards, slow-going. Someone with an eye for figures will calculate that at the current rate of adoption a further 310 years will be necessary – a time-frame beyond the imagination of even the most stonewalling States.
So why is the adoption so slow? Are the principles just too controversial and complex? Are the protagonists – indigenous peoples on the one hand and States on the other – irreconcilable? Has the process been at fault or can we expect a sudden breakthrough so that all the frustration – and there has been plenty of that – will seem little more than the inevitable setbacks on the way to reaching consensus?

International New York Times

The International Court of Justice in The Hague rightly ordered Japan to stop its current whaling program in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary around Antarctica, a large reserve established by the International Whaling Commission. The United Nations’ highest court came down clearly on the side of conservation and international opinion.
The court ruled that Japan’s whaling is not scientific research and does not justify the number of whales killed. The suit, brought by Australia, showed that since 2005 there were only two peer-reviewed papers based on research of just nine killed whales. Meanwhile, some 3,600 minke whales have been killed since 2005. The court suggested that Japan’s whaling is commercial, and ordered it to revoke all scientific whaling permits.
The fight to protect the whales is not over because the ruling covers only the Southern Hemisphere. Japan continues to issue scientific permits for up to 200 minke whales, 100 sei whales, 50 Bryde’s whales and 10 sperm whales in the northern Pacific Ocean. Japan should cease whaling everywhere instead of waiting for the next international reprimand that is sure to come.

United Nations

Divorces and crude divorce rates by urban/rural residence

Rank Country Rate (per 1,000 people)
1. Russian Federation 4.7
2. Belarus 4.1
3. Latvia 4.0
United States 3.6
4. Lithuania 3.2
5. Republic of Moldova 3.1
6. Belgium 2.9
6. Cuba 2.9
8. Ukraine 2.8
9. Czech Republic 2.7
10. Denmark 2.6
10. Jordan 2.6

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

For some, the global water crisis is about absolute shortages of physical supply. The Report rejects this view. It argues that the roots of the crisis in water can be traced to poverty, inequality and unequal power relationships, as well as flawed water management policies that exacerbate scarcity…. Faced with the threat of climate change and mounting pressure on the world’s freshwater resources, the 21st century water governance challenge may prove to be among the most daunting faced in human history.

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative

A growing number of general partners (GPs) and their limited partner investors (LPs) are adopting a more structured approach to managing environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) risks and opportunities. One reason for this is a conviction that companies that address ESG issues can achieve better growth, cost savings, and profitability, while strengthening stakeholder relations and improving their brand and reputation. GPs, LPs, associations, and the private equity industry at large have an aligned interest in communicating how the management of ESG factors contributes positively to risk-adjusted returns.

Joseph M Torsella

We welcome the major first step toward streamlining the organization represented by the 2% reduction in the staffing table, for the first time in many years. As we have said many times, staffing costs represent the primary driver of the vast expansion in the UN regular budget in previous biennia and this agreement is a recognition that the first step in addressing spiraling costs is to eliminate unnecessary, duplicative or outdated posts. Likewise, we applaud the action taken today to freeze UN pay for one year and UN allowances for two. At a time when the budgets and crucial services of many common system organizations have been squeezed, these measures will hold compensation costs in place until we can act in the next session on the recommendations to bend the 5-year pay curve down to an appropriate level, and make the total compensation package more sustainable the session thereafter.

Susan Strange

The international organisation is above all a tool of national government, an instrument for the pursuit of national interest by other means. This elementary perception of old-fashioned realists is obscured – probably unconsciously – by most of the rather extensive literature on international regimes. Too often, a regime is represented as merely the consequence of a harmonising process, through which governments have coordinated their common interests. The power element is underplayed. Yet in reality, many international regimes have not so much been the result of a coming-together of equals, but the end-result of a strategy developed by a dominant state, or sometimes by a small group of dominant states.

Charles-Joseph de Ligne

Charles_Joseph_de_LigneLe congrès danse beaucoup, mais il ne marche pas.

C’est une chose étrange qu’on voit ici, pour la première fois, le plaisir conquiert la paix.

J’aime les gens distraits ; c’est une marque qu’ils ont des idées et qu’ils sont bons : car les méchants et les sots ont toujours de la présence d’esprit.

Il y a deux espèces de sots : ceux qui ne doutent de rien et ceux qui doutent de tout.

C. Ellison, B. Frantz, B. Lampson, R. Rivest, B. Thomas, T. Ylonen

The original X.500 plan is unlikely ever to come to fruition. Collections of directory entries (such as employee lists, customer lists, contact lists, etc.) are considered valuable or even confidential by those owning the lists and are not likely to be released to the world in the form of an X.500 directory sub-tree. For an extreme example, imagine the CIA adding its directory of agents to a world-wide X.500 pool.
The X.500 idea of a distinguished name (a single, globally unique name that everyone could use when referring to an entity) is also not likely to occur. That idea requires a single, global naming discipline and there are too many entities already in the business of defining names not under a single discipline. Legacy therefore militates against such an idea.


X.400 is a suite of ITU-T Recommendations that define standards for Data Communication Networks for Message Handling Systems (MHS) — more commonly known as “email”.
At one time X.400 was expected to be the predominant form of email, but this role has been taken by the SMTP-based Internet e-mail.

Ian Williams

Almost the only party at the UN without an effective intelligence service is the UN Secretary General himself – remember that traditionally the head of the UN Security Service has, more often than not, often comes from the NY Police Department. It was never explained how, for example, Paul Volcker’s Oil For Food inquiry acquired details of personal phone calls fromUN staff and outsiders alike, and certainly one of their American team members regularly leaked documents from the investigation to hostile legislators in Washington.
Of course, whoever does it, all this spying, is illegal and unethical. But it will continue as long as the UN has any relevance, and indeed since security services spy almost instinctively, even afterwards! The Secretariat’s best defence is to be as transparent as possible so that all member states, including the well-meaning innocent ones who do not run surveillance operations have equal access to information. But any high ranking official, like the rest of us in these days of pervasive and intrusive governments, just has to assume that everything we say and do electronically is being monitored. If nothing else, it should bring back the importance of traditional diplomacy since face to face communication has, at least, less chance of being overheard.

USUN New York

1. (U) Summary.  The selection of the thirty-one members of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Organizational Committee remains stalled over the regional breakdown of the ECOSOC seats (reftel).  USUN, however, has managed to facilitate a rotational agreement among the top ten financial contributors regarding their representation on the PBC over the first two-terms, which allows for participation by each of the top contributors.  The agreement will allow the financial contributors to name their representatives as soon as ECOSOC acts, in accordance with the process spelled out in the resolutions.
2. (C) The donors’ discussions were not without controversy as Germany, in particular, demanded a longer-term rotational scheme to ensure that Japan would not become a de facto permanent member of the PBC (a proposal the Japanese termed “insulting”).  In the end, the leading contributors were able to agree on a rotation for the first four years while agreeing that the German proposal would serve as “an indicative template” beyond that.  As is common in New York, the agreed language masks an underlying unresolved difference of opinion.  End Summary.


niger2012Dimitra is a participatory information and communication project which contributes to improving the visibility of rural populations, women in particular.
The goal of Dimitra is to highlight the role of women and men as producers, so that their respective interests are better taken into consideration and they can fully participate in the rural development of their communities and countries. The project builds the capacities of rural populations, women in particular, through the dissemination of information and the exchange of experiences.
Dimitra is part of the FAO-Belgium Knowledge Management and Gender Partnership Programme.


wfp_logoThe World Food Programme (WFP) is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide.
In emergencies, we get food to where it is needed, saving the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters. After the cause of an emergency has passed, we use food to help communities rebuild their shattered lives.
WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded.

WFP0Born in 1961, WFP pursues a vision of the world in which every man, woman and child has access at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. We work towards that vision with our sister UN agencies in Rome — the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) — as well as other government, UN and NGO partners.
On average, WFP reaches more than 90 million people with food assistance in 80 countries each year. About 12,000 people work for the organization, most of them in remote areas, directly serving the hungry poor.


IFADlogoThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference. The conference was organized in response to the food crises of the early 1970s that primarily affected the Sahelian countries of Africa. It resolved that “an International Fund for Agricultural Development should be established immediately to finance agricultural development projects primarily for food production in the developing countries.” One of the most important insights emerging from the conference was that the causes of food insecurity and famine were not so much failures in food production but structural problems relating to poverty, and to the fact that the majority of the developing world’s poor populations were concentrated in rural areas.
Photo mission PhilippinesIFAD is dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries. Seventy-five per cent of the world’s poorest people – 1.4 billion women, children and men – live in rural areas and depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods.
Working with poor rural people, governments, donors, non-governmental organizations and many other partners, IFAD focuses on country-specific solutions, which can involve increasing poor rural people’s access to financial services, markets, technology, land and other natural resources.

Ruba Nadda

cairo_time01Juliette is a Canadian magazine editor who arrives in Cairo for a vacation with her long-time husband, a UN official working in Gaza. Delayed, her husband asks his friend—a handsome Egyptian named Tareq—to watch over Juliette. Juliette finds herself falling in love not only with the city but with Tareq. From the surprise of men-only cafes, to the aroma of a hookah pipe, to the expanse of the Nile, the film captures the seductive charm of Cairo.


UNsyriaЭксперты ООН подтверждают применение в Сирии зарина. По итогам анализа химических данных окружающей среды и медицинского осмотра пострадавших сделан вывод, что газ доставлялся “в достаточно большом объеме” ракетами класса земля-земля.
Химическая атака произошла 21 августа в пригороде Дамаска Гута. Пока не последовало заявлений о принадлежности ракет тем или иным военным формированиям. Доклад расследования передан генсеку ООН Пан Ги Муну.
В связи с нарушением Женевской Конвенции США планируют нанести военный удар по Сирии и лишить правительство полномочий, но сейчас дата операции отложена на неопределенный срок.
Президент РФ Владимир Путин предлагает не спешить с силовыми мерами и взять запасы сирийского химического оружия под международный контроль. Глава Сирии Башар Асад поддерживает эту идею.

General Assembly of the United Nations

UNThe General Assembly,

Reaffirming the Charter of the United Nations, including the principles and purposes contained therein, and recognizing that human rights, the rule of law and democracy are interlinked and mutually reinforcing and that they belong to the universal and indivisible core values and principles of the United Nations,
Stressing that democracy, development and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms are interdependent and mutually reinforcing,
Reaffirming that democracy is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives,
Reaffirming also that, while democracies share common features, there is no single model of democracy and that democracy does not belong to any country or region, and reaffirming further the necessity of due respect for sovereignty, the right to self-determination and territorial integrity,



United Nations

UN1I solemnly declare and promise to exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me as an international civil servant of the United Nations, to discharge these functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the United Nations only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization.
I also solemnly declare and promise to respect the obligations incumbent upon me as set out in the Staff Regulations and Rules.


Thousands of Syrians fleeing the conflict in their homeland have streamed into northern Iraq in a sudden movement across a recently constructed bridge.


International Maritime Organization

We, the participants to the IMO Regional Conference on the Development of a Global Strategy for Women Seafarers, 2013, having deliberated on the contribution of women seafarers to the maritime industry and the attendant challenges which confront them;

Declare that we commit and agree to:

  • Work towards enhancing greater awareness of the role of women as a valuable resource to the maritime industry and to the promotion of safe, secure and efficient shipping and the protection of the environment;
  • Advocate, in our respective countries the promotion for the adoption of policies and regulations which support access for women to maritime education and the merchant marine professions;
  • Participate in the development of a Global Strategy for Women Seafarers through sharing of information, experience and best practices, and contributing to relevant associations and networks;
  • Encourage our respective governments to work with the International Maritime Organization, through the Technical Cooperation Committee, to endorse the objectives of the Global Strategy for Women Seafarers;
  • Forge partnerships and solicit support of governments and non-governmental organizations including national and regional Women in Maritime Associations (WIMAs) as well as international and regional bodies, to facilitate the implementation of a Global Strategy for Women Seafarers; and
  • Work with national and local organizations to raise awareness and facilitate the implementation of the Global Strategy for Women Seafarers.



Rockefeller Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation today awarded a grant to the United Nations Climate Change secretariat to launch Momentum for Change: Women for Results, an initiative to showcase the active role that women play in addressing climate change. The three-year grant will support activities to inform governments, media and the public at large about the role of women in solving climate change.