Recognizing the importance of a strong library to support the work of an international organization and to serve as “a centre of international research and an instrument of international understanding,” “Junior” (John D. Rockefeller, Jr.) donated USD 2 million in 1927 for the construction and endowment of the Library of the League of Nations, which became the Library of the UN Office at Geneva in 1946.
Through negotiations by his son Nelson, in 1946 he bought for $8.5 million – from the major New York real estate developer William Zeckendorf – and then donated the land along the East River in Manhattan upon which the United Nations headquarters was built. This was after he had vetoed the family estate at Pocantico as a prospective site for the headquarters.
Category Archives: UN way
PRI’s The World
Cindy Folkers
To help ensure that the IAEA’s objective of promoting atomic energy does not interfere with the valuable work of WHO on Chernobyl and other radiation and health studies; and to bring this agreement in line with our current knowledge of radiation and health damage, we ask that WHA 12.40 be amended as follows:
- Remove the requirement that any WHO program on the health effects of nuclear energy must first be discussed with and agreed to by the IAEA.
- The provision safeguarding confidential information (article 3, para. 1) be amended to allow for nondisclosure of only such information which has no bearing on health or environmental risks of nuclear energy.
It is not the mandate of the IAEA to assume primacy over studies which research the health and environmental effects of ionizing radiation released from routine operation or accident. It is scientifically irresponsible and in no one’s best interest to limit, by assumption, the kinds of diseases which may be caused by lower-dose, long-term ionizing radiation. And because the IAEA has such a blatant objective to promote atomic energy, they should under no circumstances be allowed to assess its health and environmental effects. This is wholly outside their jurisdiction and creates mistrust among the world’s people.
Associated Press
The United States thinks the United Nations has a drinking problem.
Ambassador Joseph M. Torsella, who represents the U.S. on the U.N.’s budget committee, said Monday that the tense process of negotiating the world body’s annual budget is made more complicated by the number of diplomats who turn up drunk.
The U.N. budget is finalized in December, when holiday parties apparently lead to some revelry spilling over into budget negotiations.
The U.S. is making “the modest proposal that the negotiating rooms should in future be an inebriation-free zone,” Torsella said during a private meeting of the budget committee. The U.S. mission released a transcript of his remarks.
Some tipsy negotiating partners have left the U.S. “truly grateful for the strategic opportunities,” he said.
But Torsella said the committee should “save the champagne for toasting the successful end of the session.”
Xenia Avezov
The Brazilian-proposed concept of responsibility while protecting (RWP) has polarized opinion on how the international community should respond when civilian populations are targeted. RWP’s supporters claim it would make civilian protection interventions, especially military ones, more accountable and proportionate and rein in perceived misuse of the internationally accepted responsibility to protect (R2P). Some of RWP’s opponents see it as a deliberate ploy by states aligned with China and Russia to impede intervention. In reality, this debate is a distraction from less comfortable truths about R2P.
Alain Jourdan
Israël était appelé à rendre des comptes devant le Conseil des droits de l’homme dans le cadre de l’examen périodique universel (EPU). Son siège est resté vide. Depuis mars 2012, L’Etat hébreu boycotte cette instance.
La rupture a été consommée lorsque le Conseil des droits de l’homme a lancé la première mission d’enquête internationale indépendante sur les conséquences de la colonisation en «territoire palestinien occupé, y compris Jérusalem-Est». S’estimant trop souvent pris pour cible et déplorant «la politisation» de cette enceinte, Israël s’en est éloigné.
UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network
The United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network consists of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and a number of interrregional and regional institutes around the world, as well as specialized centres. The network has been developed to assist the international community in strengthening co-operation in the crucial area of crime prevention and criminal justice. Its components provide a variety of services, including exchange of information, research, training and public education.
The UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network Institutes (PNI):
- UNICRI – United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institutes; Turin, Italy
- UNAFEI – United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders; Tokyo, Japan
- ILANUD – United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders; San José, Costa Rica
- HEUNI – European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations; Helsinki, Finland
- UNAFRI – United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders; Kampala, Uganda.
- NAUSS – Naif Arab University for Security Sciences; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- AIC – Australian Institute of Criminology; Canberra, Australia
- ICCLR & CJP – International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy; Vancouver, Canada
- ISISC – International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences; Siracusa, Italy
- NIJ – National Institute of Justice; Washington D.C., USA
- RWI – Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law; Lund, Sweden
- ISPAC – International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme; Milan, Italy
- ICPC – International Centre for the Prevention of Crime; Montreal, Canada
- ISS – Institute for Security Studies; Pretoria, South Africa
- KIC – Korean Institute of Criminology; Seoul, Korea
- The Basel Institute on Governance – (International Center for Asset Recovery)
- College for Criminal Law Science (CCLS): Beijing, China
- UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; Vienna, Austria
国連アジア極東犯罪防止研修所(アジ研; UNAFEI), 法務総合研究所国際連合研修協力部
国連アジア極東犯罪防止研修所(略称「アジ研」又は「UNAFEI(ユナフェイ)」)は,国連と日本国政府との協定 (PDF ファイル) に基づいて設立された国連の地域研修所です。アジ研は,国連の政策と取組に沿いつつ,アジア太平洋地域を始めとする各国の刑事司法の健全な発展と相互協力の強化に努めています。
The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) was established in 1962 with the aim of promoting the sound development of criminal justice systems and mutual cooperation mainly in the Asia and Pacific Region.
United Nations
Scale of assessments (Japan)
1998-2000 2001-2003 2004-2006 2007-2009 2010-2012 2013-2015 |
20.573% 19.669% 19.468% 16.624% 12.530% 10.833% |
- 極度の人権侵害状況が見られること。
- 他の平和的手段を尽くした上で、最後の手段としての武力行使であること。
- 人権抑圧の停止が目的で、国益追求など他の政治目的を含めないこと。
- 状況の深刻さに比例した手段を取り、期間も最小限にすること。
- 相応の結果が期待できること。
- 国連安全保障理事会の承認があること。
- 個別の国よりも地域的国際機関が、地域的国際機関よりも国連が主導するものを優先させること。
U Thant
Dag Hammarskjöld
To be free, to be able to stand up and leave everything behind – without looking back. To say Yes. … To say Yes to life is at one and the same time to say Yes to oneself.
Yes, even to that element in one which is most unwilling to let itself be transformed from a temptation into a strength.
If only I may grow : firmer, simpler – quieter, warmer. The humility which comes from others having faith in you.
League of Nations
Ireneo Namboka
A mother is the role model for all UN staff members. A mother is the one who stays up all night when her child is sick. A mother does anything unconditionally to protect her child. A mother doesn’t ask for overtime pay. A mother doesn’t ask for a promotion either.
… And the UN staff members. Why can’t they do the same … for people worldwide who need their help? Why do they talk about their promotion all the time? Why can’t they just think about the people?
United Nations
Kofi Annan
Our people, as we often say, are our principal asset. Yet we don’t invest in them or support them properly. These are people from many lands, and from diverse cultures and traditions, who represent 80 per cent of the Organization’s resources; who give the world their remarkable skills; who are infused with the ideals of public service; and who are proud to live and breathe the global mission of this Organization.
Ban Ki-moon
… the universality of music reminds us in a profound way of our common humanity. All civilizations since the dawn of history have embraced music and venerated musicians, for love of music is a love of life – and as Rubinstein said, “if you love life, life will love you back.”
The United Nations is, ultimately, about love – love for one’s sisters and brothers, and an enduring commitment to reduce suffering and improve the well-being of the most vulnerable. Our organization may not be perfect, but its ideals are.
International Civil Service Commission
1.A. Administrative specialists
1.B. Architects, engineers
1.C. Archivists, curators, information specialists and librarians
1.D. Artists
1.E. Economists
1.F. Education specialists
1.G. Jurists
1.H. Life scientists
1.I. Dental, nutrition, medical, nursing and veterinary specialists
1.J. Physical scientists
1.K. Sales and marketing specialists
1.L. Social scientists
1.M. Statisticians and mathematicians
1.N. Transportation specialists
1.O. Writers, translators, interpreters
1.P. Professional, managerial and technical specialists for which no job family exists
1.Q. Postal services specialists
1.R. Environmental specialists
1.S. Relief specialists
1.T. Electronic communications specialists
1.U. Cultural development specialists
United Nations
Голос России
Бурные дискуссии относительно поведения председателя Генеральной ассамблеи ООН, бывшего министра иностранных дел Сербии Вука Еремича вызвало его сообщение в Твиттере о том, как он отметил в Нью-Йорке победу теннесиста Новака Джоковича на итоговом чемпионате АТР в Лондоне.
На своей странице Еремич минувшей ночью написал: «Перевернули столы в кафе, Новак чемпион мира!».
На комментарии других пользователей о том, что такое поведение недостойно главы Генассамблеи, он ответил, что такие прецеденты уже были.
Например, и ранее успехи Джоковича на турнире «Мастерс» он также отметил переворачиванием столов в другом баре. Причем в этом действе, по словам Еремича, участвовали «хозяин заведения и еще десяток послов в ООН, в том числе двое европейских».
Такое объяснение еще больше раззадорило сербских пользователей «Твиттера», которые до глубокой ночи продолжали битву с генсеком в комментариях.
Многие стали напоминать Еремичу, что его главная задача в Нью-Йорке — защита интересов Сербии, а не устраивание дебошей в барах, и что его пребывание там оплачивают из своих налогов граждане страны.
Вук Еремич также является президентом Теннисного союза Сербии.
Шиничи Кушима
Журавлики также помогли навести мосты между ООН и японскими гражданами.
Для меня, японца, очень важно, что ООН проявляет участие к нам.
Beyoncé Knowles
The premises of dependency theory are that:
- Poor nations provide natural resources, cheap labor, a destination for obsolete technology, and markets for developed nations, without which the latter could not have the standard of living they enjoy.
- Wealthy nations actively perpetuate a state of dependence by various means. This influence may be multifaceted, involving economics, media control, politics, banking and finance, education, culture, sport, and all aspects of human resource development (including recruitment and training of workers).
- Wealthy nations actively counter attempts by dependent nations to resist their influences by means of economic sanctions and/or the use of military force.
Dependency theory states that the poverty of the countries in the periphery is not because they are not integrated into the world system, or not ‘fully’ integrated as is often argued by free market economists, but because of how they are integrated into the system.
United Nations
Contributions by Member States to the United Nations regular budget for the year 2011
Member State | Scale of assessments (percentage) |
United States of America | 22.000 |
Japan | 12.530 |
Germany | 8.018 |
United Kingdom | 6.604 |
France | 6.123 |
Italy | 4.999 |
Canada | 3.207 |
China | 3.189 |
Spain | 3.177 |
Mexico | 2.356 |
Republic of Korea | 2.260 |
Australia | 1.933 |
Netherlands | 1.855 |
Brazil | 1.611 |
Russian Federation | 1.602 |
>Lilia McGonigle
United Nations
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 sets a common standard to ensure that all human beings are treated equally. The United Nations has advanced and supported democracy and democractic goverance through electoral assistance provided to over 50 countries since 2010 alone. The UN has assisted in milestone elections in many countries, including Afghanistan, Burundi, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Nepal, Sierra Leone, the Sudan, and Timor-Leste. The United Nations has formulated more than 80 treaties and declarations protecting and promoting human rights, for example, banning the participation of children under 18 in armed conflict and prohibiting the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.
>Greening the Blue
>During 2011, the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) in New York consumed 10,077 cartons of paper, each approximately10 inches tall.. If we were to stack all that paper up, it would build a structure 8,397 feet tall, or over 15 times the height of the Secretariat Building (544 feet).
Printing is not just about paper either, but also about the ink, which not only has environmental but also financial consequences. In 2011, UNHQ in New York spent approximately $1.2 million on toners/cartridges. 60% of that spend was on colour cartridges. Do we really need it? Go easy on the colour.
Less is more, both for the environment and for our budget!
>Susan Candiotti, Mick Krever
>More than 35 pounds of cocaine was discovered in at least one bag that turned up at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
The narcotics were uncovered on January 16 inside hollowed-out books that had been shipped from Mexico City in a bag made to look like a diplomatic pouch.
The bag was being screened at the United Nations’ postal receiving center when the cocaine was discovered.
It lacked a destination address and was without a return address.
Authorities have not located the intended recipient, he said.
>Ban Ki-moon
>At this time of economic uncertainty and transition, the demands on our Organization continue to grow. That places immense responsibility on us all. I thank you, once again, for the commitment and sense of high purpose that you bring to our work each and every day.
Despite these tough times, the true nature of our calling unites us: to help people in need and make the world a better place. That is the compact that underpins our work — a compact between one another, between Member States and the Secretariat, and between the Organization and the world’s people.
Looking ahead, I pledge to stand by you to create the good working conditions that are so necessary for us to succeed in our mission. Your commitment, creativity and hard work shape all that we do, and I am proud to serve alongside you.
United Nations
The General Assembly closed its main session midday Saturday with the adoption of a $5.15 billion United Nations budget for the 2012-2013 biennium and an unexpected intervention by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who commended Member States for having risen to that challenge with “energy, creativity and an indispensable willingness to make the hard choices”.
In a “collective achievement”, United Nations Member States “found savings, while protecting the Organization’s ability to “get the job done”, the Secretary-General said. “We worked together and made history,” he declared, by approving a budget by the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) that was lower than the one for the previous biennium.
“All budgets are tough, but this year was particularly difficult, as Governments and peoples everywhere are struggling in this time of financial austerity,” he said, praising the “compact” between Member States and the United Nations Secretariat and all United Nations staff. Today, member nations kept their promises — to each other and to the world’s people. In turn, he gave his pledge, and he would instruct all his managers to do the same, to do more and better with less, to make the most of “our precious resources”.
He would ensure that Member States contributions, and that all mandates given to the Secretariat, were fully and efficiently delivered and at a savings. “You can count on my commitment,” he said, concluding with his best wishes for a “Merry Christmas and a very healthy and happy New Year” for all.
>Colum Lynch
>The 10 worst U.N. Security Council resolutions ever
- The Somalia Swan Song Resolution: 1863
- The Condi & Sergei Do-Nothing Iran Resolution: 1835
- The “We Command You to Stop Killing Your People … Please” Resolution: 1706
- The Pick Your Terrorist Resolution: 1530
- The “Trust Me, He’s a Terrorist” Resolutions: 1267 and 1390
- The Genocide Rescue Brigade That Never Was Resolution: 912
- The Bosnian Unsafe Haven Resolution: 819
- The Iraqi Collateral Damage Resolutions: 661 and 687
- The “You Say Territories I Say Des Territoires” Resolution: 242
- The “What’s Bad For the Bolsheviks, Is Bad For the Yanks” Resolution: 82
>Matthew Russell Lee
>As the UN budget fight whimpered past 5 am on Christmas Eve, the heralded US drive for reform and transparency came down to a desire to cut $7 million rather than $5 million from the budget of the UN Mission in the Ivory Coast, UNOCI …
Some diplomats lay sleeping on couches on the first and second floors of the North Lawn building; the UN staff required to formalize the votes on Christmas eve waited over cold pizza and hot water without tea bags.
Recorded votes were predicted on the Responsibility to Protect, and the Myanmar item left over from the Third Committee due to Program Budget Implications. “Our colleagues left us the Law of the Sea too,” a representative said, predicting a General Assembly vote by 8 am. Others said noon. We’ll see.
>International Criminal Court
>The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community.
The ICC is an independent international organisation, and is not part of the United Nations system.
- There is increasing public dissatisfaction with the institutions of global governance
- There is increasing public disenchantment with traditional democracy
- The power and confidence of Southern voices have risen dramatically
- The major conferences have begun to level the North-South playing field
- Southern Civil Society Organizations gain protection from the UN in criticizing their governments
- Various new roles offered within the UN system have helped expand Civil Society Organization horizons
- The new political divides are very different from the old
>Say NO – UNiTE
>Please help us make the world a safer place for women and girls by sending a donation today. The United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, managed by UN Women, supports initiatives around the world to bring about real change in the lives of women, girls and their communities. …
>Nicole Kidman
>Jason Ditz
>Kaveh L Afrasiabi
>John Baird
>UN Radio
>Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
>Farid Zarif
>Jamey Keaten
Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil- for-Food Programme
Under the management of Organization of the Office of the Iraq Programme (OIP),
Contracts Processing and Monitoring Division (CPMD) processed applications received from permanent and observer missions in accordance with Resolution 986, an approved distribution plan, and the 661 Committee Procedires. CPMD also supervised the independent inspection agents (Lloyd’s. Cotecna) and was responsible for authenticating the delivery of humanitarian goods into Iraq. CPMD was managed by a director, namely John Almstrom (1998-2000) and Farid Zarif (2000-2004).
>Jonathan Wachtel
>United Nations Godzilla Countermeasures Center
>Keith Porter
>Ian Martin
>Alvaro de Soto
>Sergei N. Martynov
>Woody Allen
>Mahmoud Abbas
>Desmond Parker
>Julian Borger, Georgina Smith
>Göran Björkdahl
>Dag Hammarskjöld
>Barak Ravid
>Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, sent a classified cable to the Foreign Ministry last week, stating that Israel stands no chance of rallying a substantial number of states to oppose a resolution at the UN General Assembly recognizing a Palestinian state in September.
Under the headline “Report from the frontline at the UN,” Prosor – considered one of the most experienced and senior Israeli diplomats – offered a very pessimistic estimate as to Israel’s ability to significantly affect the results of the vote. Even though he did not state so explicitly, Prosor implies that Israel will sustain a diplomatic defeat.
“The maximum that we can hope to gain [at the UN vote] is for a group of states who will abstain or be absent during the vote,” Prosor wrote, adding that his comments are based on more than 60 meetings he held during the past few weeks with his counterparts at the UN. “Only a few countries will vote against the Palestinian initiative,” he wrote.