Fruity cocktails
Very popular in the summer and costing less than a dollar, use your imagination to create your own unique blends. You can even spoil yourself by adding milk, sugar and crushed ice.
Tea and coffee
If you were worried about leaving behind your local Costa Coffee then you will be happy to know that the Caliphate serves some of the best lattes and cappuccinos around. The milk is truly delightful — creamy and fresh. As for the tea then the distinctive pekoe leaves of Layalina are, at the moment, the frontrunners.
Ice cream
Fluffy, velvety and sweet. If you want to treat yourself then indulge in this full fat delight all for less than 30 pence.
Snickers, Kit Kat, Bounty, Twix, Kinder Surprise, Cadburys — yes, yes we have it all.
by Abu Rumaysah al Britani
Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His aid, and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evils of our souls and the wickedness of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, then none can misguide him; and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, then none can guide him. I testify that there is none truly worthy of worship, following or obedience except Allah and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His last and final messenger.
With so much interest in the Islamic State, since its inception on 29th June 2014,1 have written this short guide that glosses over some of the main aspects of the country, including: food, weather, transport, technology, people and education.
In a time where the whole world has literally gathered against the Islamic State, I felt it was necessary to provide an alternative narrative to life under the Caliphate, which was free from many of the distortions pushed out by mainstream media.
All the views expressed in this book are my own, and all parts have been written whilst I have resided under the just shade of Islamic law in the Caliphate.
This book does not contain any information on how to perform acts of terrorism, nor does it provide any instructions on how to migrate to the Islamic State. It is simply my take on unravelling events that have transpired in the Islamic State’s first year of governance.
I hope you find this book useful and that it also becomes a valuable primary resource for future historians proving the superiority of Islam over all other ways of life, and the subsequent truth of the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Lastly, I invite all non-Muslims to embrace Islam and save themselves from hellfire by testifying none has the right to be worthy of worship, following or obedience except Allah and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His last and final Messenger.
Setting the Scene
By late 2013 it was obvious to those who had been paying attention that something special was brewing in Iraq and Syria. Truth be told, none of us really knew how earth shaking the events would turn out to be that following summer, but one thing was for sure — all of our eyes were glued attentively to what was happening and we were not looking away.
Convoys. We all remember the iconic scenes of Toyota Hiluxes laden with battle hardened mujahideen[1] zigzagging through the mountains en route to the next Syrian frontline, but as the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham entered the fore they quickly transformed the sporadic fighting into a well-oiled war machine. As the months rolled on and after crushing the treachery of the sahawat[2] it was clear that they were in their element. Brimming with confidence? They had the right to be.
Enter Saleel ul Sawarim 4.[3] If things could not get any worse for the disbelievers then the debut of this blockbuster must have rattled their souls. From the clever camera angles to the slow motion assassinations everything about the special effects scenes breathed Hollywood, and yet it was not, what we had instead was a powerful masterpiece that was Islamic to the core. It was all building up to a thunderous crescendo, but many of us were still too unaware to see it coming, and when it hit we were caught totally off guard.
29th June 2014. That date is right up there with 11th September 2001. In fact, in many ways it surpasses it purely for what it symbolises. After years of blood, sweat and tears the emirate led by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi (ha)[4] had finally achieved what no other organisation was able to — establish the Islamic State.
Yes, it is true, we all saw how on that glorious Tuesday morning those magnificent planes of terror jolted the Muslim Ummah[5] from her deep sleep and electrified the jihad,[6] but it was the Islamic State that not only managed to pump more voltage into the fight, but it fundamentally repackaged international jihadism and graduated it to juggernaut empire.
Beginning of Prophecy
It is said that the Muslim Ummah is like the rain and that its flashes of brilliance can be found scattered throughout the pages of history, but sometimes it produces real gems. Take the charisma and magnetism of Sheikh Usamah bin Laden (rh)[7] or the raw fury of Abu Musab al Zarqawi (rh) — we thought we saw it all, but then came the poetic eloquence of Sheikh Adnani (ha) and the strong leadership of Abu Bakr al Baghdadi (ha), and now we lie and wait for the next Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) and Tariq bin Ziyaad (rh) and Muhammad bin Qasim (rh). Amazing, isn’t it?
So take a deep breath and think for a moment — yes we have it — a Caliphate[8] upon the methodology of Prophethood. Never in my lifetime did I envisage seeing it let alone live in it, but here I am relishing every moment and working hard to see it in Rome and beyond.
It has been nearly a year since the birth of the Islamic State, from the writing of this piece, and as the word spreads that the dream has indeed become reality more and more Muslims will sooner or later take that leap of faith and migrate. Yet, there are still those who are genuinely hesitant, perhaps curious, whilst there are others who have already made the decision to move, but need that extra push.
So if you want to know more about this new fledgling state and what life is really like under the Caliphate then continue reading and get ready to set fire to procrastination.
Food in the Caliphate
If you thought you would be living on stale bread and septic water then erase that culinary fib from your mind. Below are some of the most popular dishes served on the streets of the Caliphate, and some familiar snacks.
Succulent pieces of chicken or lamb married with lemon juice, lettuce, cabbage, onions and wrapped neatly in a flat round piece of bread called khubs. Sauces include mayonnaise and a spicy red pepper relish.
Sheesh Kebab
A spin off from the shawarma except this time the juicy pieces of chicken or lamb are skewed and slow cooked over a smoky charcoal grill. Scrumptious.
Falafel sandwich
A great vegetarian option, it is a satisfying meal on the go. Shredded cabbage, lettuce and tomato mixed with squashed falafels (fried chick peas) and smooth creamy humus all wrapped with wholesome flatbread.
A tempting choice for the bargain hunter this sandwich is a mirror of the falafel sandwich except it substitutes falafels for deep fried eggs.
Jubun bread
Diamond shaped pieces of delicately baked bread stuffed with melted cheese. Other fillings include spiced chicken and minced lamb.
Fruity cocktails
Very popular in the summer and costing less than a dollar, use your imagination to create your own unique blends. You can even spoil yourself by adding milk, sugar and crushed ice.
Tea and coffee
If you were worried about leaving behind your local Costa Coffee then you will be happy to know that the Caliphate serves some of the best lattes and cappuccinos around. The milk is truly delightful — creamy and fresh. As for the tea then the distinctive pekoe leaves of Layalina are, at the moment, the frontrunners.
Ice cream
Fluffy, velvety and sweet. If you want to treat yourself then indulge in this full fat delight all for less than 30 pence.
Roasted sunflower seeds. Can be found salted or unsalted. A popular snack.
Snickers, Kit Kat, Bounty, Twix, Kinder Surprise, Cadburys — yes, yes we have it all.
The great thing about food in the Caliphate is its freshness. You can be sure that the vegetables you crunch down on basked gloriously in the sunshine before reaching your dinner plate. And what about the olive groves? Yes, there are plenty of them and the pickles and rich oils that spring from them beat anything from your local Tescos or Walmart.
If nothing here tickles your taste buds then remember we have only scratched the surface; as more Muslims flock to the Caliphate from Europe, Asia, the Caribbean Islands and elsewhere you can be sure to find your mouth watering morsels somewhere. I cannot help but think that in the near future we will be eating curries and chow meins on the streets of Raqqah and Mosul.
Lastly, another great perk about food in the Caliphate is that everything is 100% halal. No squinting at the back of food packets looking for those dreaded ‘E’ numbers, alcohol additives or pork gelatine; all the meat here is thoroughly checked and approved fit for consumption.
Weather in the Caliphate
This really depends on where you are, but as it stands the Caliphate offers an exquisite Mediterranean climate that has all the makings of a plush holiday resort. Whether it is the sandy ruggedness of Barakah or the green hilly plains of Halab, wherever you are, I guarantee you will find the scenery truly breath-taking.
As for the temperature then expect extremes on both ends, because when it gets hot — it gets really hot, but it is probably not too different from the heat waves you have experienced once or twice in your lifetime, and you can do things to make it bearable. The Caliphate even offer refreshing water in masjids[9] and, surprisingly, on market streets; they also ensure men and women are appropriately covered up, which is such a blessing especially if you have had the unfortunate experience of growing up in Dar ul Kufr.[10] The sizzling summer heat also gives the greenery here a certain lushness that is rich and vivid — something you will savour and cherish.
Winter has the same frostiness that you get in most European countries, bar may be Scandinavia. In northern Syria it can get very cold, and in the Halab region in January 2015 entire towns were covered with layers of bright fluffy snow. Do not fret too much about it though, because the Caliphate will cushion the cost of heating your home and you will also get to enjoy the wonders of the renowned mazoot soba.[11]
With the headquarters of the Caliphate, at the present time, being closer to the equator daylight hours do not swing around as they do with countries in the upper regions of the northern hemisphere. Expect night and day to alternate in equal portions of 12 hours each, give or take a couple of hours as the seasons progress.
Transport in the Caliphate
The Caliphate is an expanding kingdom, and is therefore heavily reliant on a good transport network. As a citizen of the Islamic State you are not just a resident of Raqqah or Fallujah you are part of a transnational empire that refuses to confine your identity with man-made borders.
Nothing helps to explain this more than the annihilation of the border between Iraq and Syria in 2014. The bulldozing of this satanic boundary by the mujahideen that had separated Muslims for so long was a picture perfect moment. Sykes and Picot would have baulked in horror at the scene, Alhamdulillah.[12]
It reminds me of a short conversation I had with a young man called Abu Yusuf, on entering the Caliphate in early October 2014, which remains with me till this day.
We and around 40 other muhajireen[13] were sitting under olive trees masking ourselves from the cowardly drones when I asked him, “So akhi, where are you from?” “Palestine.” he replied. On hearing this I smiled and said, “Inshaa’Allah[14] we will conquer and liberate it soon.” I was expecting him to smile and acknowledge the statement, but instead he replied, “No brother. Inshaa’Allah we will liberate and conquer Burma, Central African Republic, China and the whole world until it is all under the law of Allah.”
Wow, I could not believe my ears. Here we had a teenager, not more than 18 or 19, from one of the most oppressed places in the world, and yet his mind-set was that of a statesman — bold and visionary. It was from this point on that I realised the Caliphate had attracted some of the brightest talent to its land, and that the West had a monumental task on their hands in their crusade against the Islamic State.
The large swathes of territory captured by the Islamic State, as Western commentators coin it, will remain and can only get bigger, and I am certain those reading this message ten or twenty years from now will testify to this. As it stands, the land grab is pretty big, and one of the first priorities of the Islamic State will have to be those long windy pieces of tarmac called roads.
I recently met a muhajir[15] from Egypt who also happened to hold a degree in civil engineering, he was tasked with the heavy responsibility of maintaining the Caliphate’s roads in the popular province of Raqqah. “How is the work going?” I asked. “Okay. Maintaining the roads shouldn’t be too difficult,” he replied confidently, “but we will need a lot of asphalt.”
The Caliphate is dead serious about state building, and the transport network showcases this brilliantly. Most, if not all, of the provinces have their own means of transport made available for the public, which at the moment is largely made up of buses and bright yellow taxis.
Private ownership is also a nice alternative, especially if you prefer to avoid the hustle and bustle of public transport. The most popular brand of car here is the South Korean Kia and Hyundai, but you can find other models, just keep in mind that the Caliphate operates a left hand drive system.
Chinese motorbikes are also very widespread, more so than cars, and are a great option if you are on a budget. You can pick up a brand new Honda Akkad or Part for around $500, or $300 second one full charge will give you around 40km riding time, which is not that great, but I guess the convenience of charging your battery for free on the Caliphate’s electric grid offsets this.
The natural progression for the transport network in the Islamic State has to be trains then ships and aeroplanes, but everything is on the table: zeppelins, hovercrafts, trams, microlites, cable cars or perhaps a new creation invented by some witty entrepreneur.
Manufacturing plants are probably also in the pipelines and will help the Caliphate become less dependent on foreign goods.
Technology in the Caliphate
They say that need is the mother of all creativity, and the battlefield has to be up there as one of the most powerful places for inspiration. The Islamic State’s turbocharged drive for conquest is unmatched, and there is absolutely no question that it will lead them to technological milestones.
You only need to look to their jaw dropping media releases, particularly from Furqan and Hayat, to see how far ahead of the game they are Each scene is beautifully crafted and has the ability to captivate and, most importantly, persuade.
However, it is not the Caliphate’s futuristic media wing that should set pulses racing, because the real place for hands on innovation lies more appropriately in the field of warfare. A quick glance at history shows that many of the day to day items we take for granted actually have their roots in the military, and computers are a great example of this, others include GPS technology and the microwave cooker.
As long as the Caliphate continues to wage jihad, and it has to, then the creative juices of inventors will flow and lead to bold advances. The recent deployment of a civilian truck that transforms into a rocket launcher in the Battle of Baiji proves how effective war is in stimulating innovation.
The natural progression for technology on the frontlines has to be, in my opinion, anti-aircraft artillery, and if the Caliphate is successful in producing something viable then it should be a real game changer.
The Islamic State’s deft use of media and hi-tech weaponry to further its aims also shows that Islam[16] is not an enemy to modern technology, and in many ways it has propelled the Caliphate brand into something that is stylish and cool.
Inside the Islamic State you will have access to the usual gizmos such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and of course the internet. Keep in mind that mobile networks are still in the making, but apps such as Skype, Kik, WhatsApp and Telegram, to name but a few, are great alternatives.
As far as the future is concerned, then renewable and non-renewable energy is one place where the Caliphate can move leaps and bounds. Nestled in an energy hotspot, Islamic State scientists will, no doubt, think of innovative ways to tap into the vast amount of resources locked in their surroundings including, amongst others, wind, sunlight, fossil fuels, timber, earth minerals, metal ores, and fresh water; however, this is just one idea amongst a sea of others, and I would still advise keeping your eyes firmly on the battlefields for the real movers and shakers.
People in the Caliphate
If you thought London or New York was cosmopolitan then wait until you step foot in the Islamic State, because it screams diversity. In my short time here I have met people from absolutely every walk of life, proof that the Caliphate’s pulling power is strong and tenacious.
The country has also become a magnet for talent It has been successful in recruiting skilled professionals that are crucial for state building. Scholars, judges, preachers, soldiers, doctors, data analysts, telecommunication experts, economists, mechanics, chefs, teachers, civil engineers etc. are just some examples that I can rattle off the top of my head, and are also real life examples of people I have physically met.
The Caliphate oversees the rapid influx of migrants with stunning control and successfully maintains the social order by adhering to the laws enshrined in the Quran[17] and Sunnah[18] — simple, but very effective.
I cannot see a Baltimore riot springing up here anytime soon and that is a dead cert, not because those in charge will deal with matters with an iron fist, but because there is no blur between right and wrong. What I mean by this is that citizens are not hypocritically led to believe that all cultures can coexist, and then have this belief torn apart by the bigoted reality on the ground. Everyone is judged with the right law (which is Islam), and told what is the truth (which is Islam), and the dangers and impracticalities of multiculturalism are well and truly nipped at the bud.
Another thing worth mentioning about the Islamic State community is hospitality. A muhajir carries a certain aura with him in the Caliphate, and the appreciation shown by the Muslims here for his emigration is palpable. The people of Iraq and Syria have gone through a lot, and the last thirty years have been particularly testing marred by dictatorships, crippling sanctions and brutal occupation.
Sadly, as cruel as Saddam Hussein and the Assad gang have been the violence thrashed out by America and her allies has been just as bad, if not worse, I mean who can justify sanctions that lead to the deaths of up to half a million children?
In early May 2015, a US airstrike slaughtered up to fifty women and children in the northern Syrian village of Bir Mahli in what is surely to be described as a ‘mishap’, and even if this were the case where is the compensation for the victims, and where is the international outcry for such a horrible miscalculation? And if only it were a miscalculation, but sadly my experiences of American military action in the Islamic State casts a dark shadow of doubt over this.
Rewind to 28th December 2014, and I am in the popular town of Bab, Syria talking casually to a friend outside his house. It is a cool winter night and everything seems normal. In a matter of moments the haunting shriek of a missile fills the air, and crashes into a building one hundred meters away, followed by an almighty explosion. As the ground shakes beneath our feet we see the bright light of a second missile pierce the sky and strike again. Silence.
More than forty civilians were killed in that building that day, and I can still smell the charred aftermath of that cowardly act of war, and I also remember feeling angry — very angry. That building was not a training camp or bomb factory it was a regular police station housing prisoners, and that airstrike was precise and deliberate.
Outrages like these are just the tip of the iceberg, but they help show what life has been like for ordinary people in Iraq and Syria, because prior to the entrance of the Islamic State it was considerably worse. The horrors of Bashar Assad and the Shia government, across the now demolished border, had everyone in despair and so when the Islamic State came rolling in with the justice of the shariah[19] everyone was understandably in euphoria.
As a muhajir and citizen of the Caliphate you are a symbol of liberation and change. You are loved and supported, because you are a walking reminder that tyranny now has a formidable foe. You are also a symbol of Islam, and so do not be surprised if people here seek your counsel and advice and beware of self-conceit and pride.
As for the future, then expect great things because the foundations have been set for an electrifying confrontation in which the Muslims will, ultimately, emerge victorious and that requires great minds and incredible sacrifices in the form of amazing people.
Education in the Caliphate
In the past year, America and her allies have gone to extraordinary lengths to convince the world that the Islamic State is nothing more than a militant organisation, but with every day that passes this is proving more and more difficult.
I vividly remember my first steps in the Caliphate and being taken back by the sheer expansiveness of the land that was wrestled away from Bashar Assad, and as we were escorted by car through the rocky plains of the province of Halab, Abu Ishaaq al Britani who also managed to make it with me exclaimed whilst smiling jubilantly, “This is our country!” and however strange it sounded to me at that time he was right — Muslims now had a homeland. It was only a few months later from that timeless statement that Abu Ishaaq attained martyrdom in battle, and I ask Allah to accept him and elevate his status in Paradise.
The point here is that the Islamic State has land — a lot of land, and it also has infrastructure with all the hallmarks of a country, and by this I mean hospitals, courts, fire brigades, an electricity grid, prisons, a working transport network, agriculture etc. which all converges to point out one extraordinary thing — a remarkable education system.
The improved quality of life experienced in the Caliphate was not the result of a fortunate set of circumstances it was deliberate, and borne out of hard work and patience. The Islamic State takes training very seriously. There are no cowboy academies here, and so whatever field you end up in keep in mind that you will need to reach certain benchmarks.
This disclosure will, of course, be very comforting for Muslim parents who too want to take that plunge with their children and migrate to the Islamic State, and I hope it does act as a reassurance, because there is no better place to bring up your loved ones.
Institutes are already springing up across the country offering courses on Arabic, maths and science and astonishingly in Raqqah, less than a year from the announcement of the Caliphate, citizens now have the fantastic opportunity to study medicine.
The chance to immerse yourself in an academic subject that interests you is, of course, very fulfilling but remember the other perks including segregated schooling and above all a healthy learning environment that Muslim students naturally find impossible to get in Dar ul Kufr.
Another great thing about education in the Islamic State is the curriculum. There are no classes promoting homosexuality, evolution, music, drama, interfaith and the rest of the rubbish taught in non-Muslim schools. Your child’s delicate mind is well and truly protected in the Caliphate, and you can be sure that he or she will go on to achieve amazing things in the name of Islam, with the permission of Allah.
Capitalism Is Dead
The Islamic State has achieved gargantuan feats in astonishingly little time, and it stands as a towering example of how a successful state can be built without international assistance, and I guess that is their secret.
In the last fifty years or so we have seen developing countries in South America, Africa and Asia feel the brunt of trickledown economics and bad advice, and it has crippled them. The Islamic State, on the other hand, has stuck to its guns and moved forward with the shariah and made incredible gains.
Critics might weigh in and say it is too early to draw conclusions, but I would argue the Caliphate’s rapid rise to the top is just too extraordinary to ignore.
The baby state has successfully fought off attacks from the likes of the Syrian Army, Iraqi Army, Shia militia, Hezbollah, Peshmerga, PKK, Ahraar al Sham, Jabhat al Nusra, FSA and a fifty plus coalition led by America, all in the form of stunning counter offensives and audacious land grabs.
It has also, decisively, won the support of a multinational Muslim community made up of influential tribes, state building professionals and powerful militant networks in a way no other organisation or country has ever done, and furthermore convinced them to translate this support into action.
This makes them incredibly dangerous, because it gives them access to an invaluable supply of human resources that has the critical mass to take its enemies to the point of exhaustion.
If you were to ask me where I see the world in the next few decades I would respond by saying that I do not see America, Europe and much of the Middle East. The Islamic State’s adherence to Islam is just too strong and its support base is just too big.
Of course, there will be people who disagree with this assessment, and arguably it is not just a game of numbers, but if history tells us anything it shows us that the pride of nations very often clouds their perception of the reality on the ground, and no one needs to understand this more than America.
I say this because however attractive the American dream once was its sparkle has resoundingly dimmed in the wake of the Islamic State, whose slick and powerful ideology is grabbing much more curiosity and attention.
In the last century, America and their Zionist masters were extremely successful in tapping into the inner cravings of mankind and enslaving them with worldly pursuits, and in many ways they have perfected the art better than anyone else.
However, this has also, critically, been their biggest downfall, because although the gambit paid off in winning over supporters that love American culture, and all of its trappings, it has created men and women that yearn for comfort and luxury.
The Islamic State, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. Instead of focusing on ease, it has successfully sold hardships and sacrifices, including death and imprisonment by packaging them in the form of jihad and state building. A hard sell, you might think, but when an ordinary Muslim offsets this against the chance to please Allah and attain His eternal Paradise it quickly becomes something worth enduring.
Having said this, the irony is that despite the Islamic State’s focus on the Hereafter, as being the ultimate prize, their jihad and skilled governance will, eventually, lead them to obtaining the treasures of the world anyway, which is already becoming evident in their young portfolio, as this guide points out. But the main point here is that it is their perseverance that, in the end, will prove too much for America and her allies. America simply does not have the stomach for the fight ahead, it is too long and too difficult.
Diehard followers of Western values will, no doubt, bite their fingertips in rage at this conclusion, but is it really that hard to believe? A few years ago journalists and commentators were bashing their keyboards, and describing a new era after the so-called Arab Spring swept across North Africa and the Middle East, hailing it as a victory for democracy. Barack Obama, meanwhile, had the volatile Pak-Afghan region marked out as the biggest threat to Western interests. The point here is, no one saw the Islamic State coming and they are critically ill prepared for the tsunami lurking menacingly on the horizon.
As objective as I have tried to be in my take of unfolding events there is, of course, a distinct Islamic undertone. Yes, I believe wholeheartedly in the prophecies of the final Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) that promise Muslims the keys to Europe and the White House, and therefore for me it is only really a waiting game.
However, it is also worth pointing out that there is a rational side to the argument that uncovers fatal weaknesses in America’s war plan, the greatest of which is their lack of grit and determination; because as this fight goes down to the wire (and it will) that is all that will be left, it will be who can knuckle down and dig in the most, and for me the Islamic State comes out as the victor.
So in finishing, as the Islamic State army edges closer and closer to Damascus and Baghdad, as a lion stalks its prey, watch closely at how defeat eats away at the loser, because these two cities are just appetisers.
When we descend on the streets of London, Paris and Washington the taste will be far bitterer, because not only will we spill your blood, but we will also demolish your statues, erase your history and, most painfully, convert your children who will then go on to champion our name and curse their forefathers.
About the Author
Abu Rumaysah al Britani otherwise known as Siddhartha Dhar is a British ISIS fighter. He was born in Walthamstow district of London in 1984. In 2014 he escaped to Syria via a Paris-bound coach after being arrested on suspicion of terrorism.
A Muslim who fights a non-Muslim with his wealth, life and tongue in order to make the word of Allah (God) the highest.
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Various rebel groups who united treacherously to fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham.
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A powerful documentary released by al-Furqan media showcasing colossal gains by the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham.
Abbreviation for hafidhahullah meaning, “May Allah protect him.”
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Community of Muslims bound together by the religion of Islam.
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Fighting the non-Muslim by your wealth, life and tongue in order to make the word of Allah the highest.
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Abbreviation for rahimahullah meaning, “May Allah have mercy on him.”
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The highest authority for Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide implementing Islam internally and carrying it externally as a foreign policy by way of jihad.
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Places of worship for Muslims.
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Any land where the law and order is non-Islamic even if the majority of the population are Muslims.
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A portable furnace used in the home that generates heat by burning diesel.
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All praise be to Allah.
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Plural of ‘muhajir’. Meaning emigrants to the Islamic State.
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If Allah wills.
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Migrant to the Islamic State.
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Submitting to Allah by tawheed (monotheism) and following the command of Allah by obedience and purifying yourself from shirk (polytheism) and the people of shirk (polytheism).
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The actual words of Allah which were revealed to the final messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Arabic language, which is worship when recited and written in the pages of Uthman (ra) and collected by multiple transmission.
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What has been attributed to the final messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) whether his sayings, actions or consent.
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The totality of the divine rules mentioned or derived from the revelation (of the final messenger Muhammad (pbuh)).