Ashar Aziz

Cybergeddon is a possibility. Attacks on critical infrastructures such as the power grid or financial institutions could wreak havoc not just on United States economy, but in fact, the world economy.

2 thoughts on “Ashar Aziz

  1. shinichi Post author

    Cybergeddon refers to humanity’s battle for survival during a large-scale viral assault on all extant computerized networks, systems and activities.

    The recent decade has shifted the perception of cybergeddon among growing numbers of technoliterati from a “Chicken Little” notion to an imminent reality, with notable experts affirming that a massive attack on the Internet through increasingly sophisticated hacking programs and mechanisms by malicious perpetrators (referred to in internet slang as “black hat hackers”) is possible. Such an assault would render all economic, political and military regulation ineffective, leading to global chaos and societal collapse.


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