Banking deserts are areas with inadequate banking services. They are usually in rural space due to being less populated, thus there are less profit opportunities for large institutions.
Banking deserts are areas with inadequate banking services. They are usually in rural space due to being less populated, thus there are less profit opportunities for large institutions.
Banking desert
Book desert
Food desert
Medical desert
Transit desert
Underfunded public school system
US bank branch closures widen social inequality
FT Film
銀行のない 銀行砂漠。
食ベ物がない 食糧砂漠。
医者がいない 医療砂漠。
電車もバスも来ない 交通砂漠。
図書館も本屋もない 本の砂漠。
自由のない 管理社会という砂漠。
なにも見えない 透明社会という砂漠。