(Responding to changing habits in the media marketplace, U.S. News Media Group announced that it will discontinue its subscription-based monthly print magazine, going to newsstand and targeted-distribution print publishing while expanding its array of successful digital products.)
Bill Holiber
This allows us to continue to grow our online business and position ourselves to take advantage of the emerging platforms for distributing information.
U.S. News Completes Transition to Digital Publishing Model
U.S. News Staff
Responding to changing habits in the media marketplace, U.S. News Media Group announced that it will discontinue its subscription-based monthly print magazine, going to newsstand and targeted-distribution print publishing while expanding its array of successful digital products.
In 2011, U.S. News will publish eight newsstand print publications focused on single topics, including its Best Colleges and Best Hospitals rankings franchises. Subscribers to the monthly print magazine will have the remainder of their subscriptions filled by other publications.
“This allows us to continue to grow our online business and position ourselves to take advantage of the emerging platforms for distributing information,” says company president Bill Holiber.
The website, usnews.com, now averages more than 9 million monthly unique visitors. The site emphasizes U.S. News’s traditional strength as a provider of journalism and useful consumer information including a growing range of rankings and research content. In addition to the well-known college and hospital rankings, usnews.com hosts data and tools that allow consumers to evaluate mutual funds, high schools, cars, online education, health plans, and more. A ranking of Best Law Firms launched in September and a travel site based on finding the best vacation options is in the beta phase. Congress Tracker, an extensive data base allowing citizens to examine the records of every member of Congress, is part of an expanding group of public policy tools.
U.S. News Weekly is a digital magazine that debuted in 2009 and is being adapted for iPad and other tablet devices.
“We continue to look for new ways to provide information that helps people make important decisions,” says Brian Kelly, Editor of U.S. News Media Group. “Whether picking a college or voting for a senator, it’s clear from the response of our users that accurate, searchable information produced with journalistic integrity is something they value highly.”
Founded in 1933 as U.S. News and merged with World Report in 1948, the magazine had long been one of the nation’s three major newsweeklies. In addition to news analysis, U.S. News has always offered extensive consumer information under it’s “News You Can Use®” brand. As the media landscape has changed radically in recent years, U.S. News has created niche digital products that have won strong consumer acceptance and demonstrate consistently high search results.
In addition, the company has developed a series of websites under the usnews.com brand: Politics & Policy, Money, Health, Education, Autos, and Travel. Each is designed to serve users seeking specific information and to provide advertisers with an engaged, in-market audience that returns on a year-round basis. The company has diversified its revenue to include e-commerce products, lead generation, licensing, and other sources. U.S. News is also developing applications to publish on emerging tablet display platforms and other mobile devices.
“We have maintained and grown a loyal audience who knows they can come to us for reliable information that makes their lives easier,” says Kelly. “The way we deliver that information may change, but not the needs of our readers.”