Scientists have found that phenylethylamine, or PEA, is a neurotransmitter chemical in the brain that causes you to fall madly in love with someone. It is a natural form of amphetamine that floods the regions of the brain involved in sexual excitement.
Studies show that people who profess high passion for each other have equally high levels of PEA.
A Chemistry Lesson for Lovers
by Bob Condor
Love at First Sight or Chemical Romance?
The three chemicals that combine to create this phenomenon are oxytocin, phenylethylamine, and endorphins. Together they produce intense feelings of pleasure within the body, hence the attraction to the person who makes you feel good.
Oxytocin, released during sexual orgasm in both men and women, is thought to enhance the ability in humans to bond with one another. Its production can be stimulated by other physical means as well, such as massage, and is present during child-birth, encouraging mother-child bonding. In a study, published in 1999, researchers found “that oxytocin may be mediating emotional experiences in close relationships.”
The second ingredient in this triple-cocktail of love is phenylethylamine, or PEA. This is “a neurotransmitter chemical in the brain that causes you to fall madly in love with someone. It is a natural form of amphetamine that floods the regions of the brain involved in sexual excitement.” Bob Condor’s article, “A Chemistry Lesson for Lovers,” is based on the work of Professor Robert Friar and Theresa Crenshaw, a sex-therapist, experts on the “biochemistry of love.” Says Crenshaw, “PEA could well be the visual component of the chemistry of love at first sight.”
And finally, endorphins, the body’s natural morphine, accounts for the pleasurable feelings of “being in love.” Studies have shown that blood endorphin production during sexual intercourse can increase up to 200%. Endorphins produce a sense of well-being, of feeling soothed and at peace. But beware! Like many drugs, endorphins can create a “drug-like dependency.” And there are those who become addicted to their “love high.”