The significance above and beyond the end of a world which was announced by some actually what will happen is a natural regeneration of mother earth. There will be changes in mother earth and like any change this will lead to some difficult situations and it will manifest in some beneficial situations.
21 December 2012, represents the end of the Mayan calendar, but not the end of the world, according to Guatemalan officials who came to the United Nations to debunk doomsday predictions.
Carlos Batzín, the Minister of Culture of Guatemala said the date is really the beginning of a new era, the B’aktun era in the Mayan Culture and a time to celebrate.
“The significance above and beyond the end of a world which was announced by some actually what will happen is a natural regeneration of mother earth. There will be changes in mother earth and like any change this will lead to some difficult situations and it will manifest in some beneficial situations.”
Guatemala’s Minister of Tourism, who also came to the UN for the Monday news conference used the opportunity to promote travel to the country.