- Universalism vs. particularism (What is more important, rules or relationships?)
- Individualism vs. collectivism/communitarianism (The individualist culture sees the individual as the end and improvement to communal arrangements as the means to achieve it. The communitarian culture sees the group as its end and improvements to individual capacities as a means to that end.)
- Neutral vs. emotional – egalitarian vs hierarchical (Do we display our emotions?)
- Specific vs. diffuse – analytic rational vs synthetic intuitive (How separate we keep our private and working lives)
- Achievement vs. ascription (Do we have to prove ourselves to receive status or is it given to us?)
- Sequential vs. synchronic (Do we do things one at a time or several things at once?)
- Internal vs. external control – inner directed vs outer directed (Do we control our environment or are we controlled by it?)