Edgar Morin

Life is born from the Land. We are all sons of the earth and that is where our roots reside. That means that we don’t just have regional native lands nor national nor European. This is a first reality. The second is that we are bound to a common destiny and we have many common problems to solve: economic, demographic, ecologic problems, problems of drugs and so forth. We therefore have a common terrestrial identity and a common destiny. But we must still become conscious and develop an organized system adequate to that conscientiousness.

2 thoughts on “Edgar Morin

  1. shinichi Post author

    Il nous faut apprendre à être, c’est-à-dire apprendre à vivre, à partager, à communiquer …

    Ne pas sacrifier l’essentiel à l’urgence mais obéir à l’urgence de l’essentiel. 

    Tout ce qui ne régénère pas, dégénère. 

    Souvent, à l’origine des fanatismes, des dogmatismes, des imprécations, des fureurs… il y a l’incompréhension de soi et d’autrui.


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