Tariff Reform, Britain, 1903. Possible consequences to the British Workman if Free Trade was government policy. (Photo by: Photo12/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Source: London School of Economics. British Political Posters, c1905-c1910 <https://www.flickr.com/photos/lselibrary/sets/72157613396150105>.
Protectionist Counter-attack: In this poster the protectionists seem to have conceded to the free traders that a “Free Trade shop” would have more goods in the windows, but the argument has shifted to the idea that the foreign goods have been supplied at the expence of British industry and that British workers and housewives can’t afford the cheaper prices becuase they are unemployed and have no money. There is considerable anti-foreigner, anti-German and even anti-semitic sentiment expressed here. Note the well dressed man standing under the entrace to the Cobden Club, who is talking to a possibly Jewish money lender, the dachshund standing on the pavement, and the names of the speakers of the “Free Imports Meeting” organised by the Cobden Club ( Mr. Schmidt, Schwetter (“sweater”), Blowoffski, and Dumpiani (dumping)). In the background unemployed workers are marching on London in protest.
A Free Trade Forecast
Tariff Reform, Britain, 1903. Possible consequences to the British Workman if Free Trade was government policy.
Tariff Reform in Britain.
Tariff Reform, Britain, 1903. Possible consequences to the British Workman if Free Trade was government policy. (Photo by: Photo12/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Free Trade vs Tariffs
Cobden and the Anti-Corn Law League
Source: London School of Economics. British Political Posters, c1905-c1910 <https://www.flickr.com/photos/lselibrary/sets/72157613396150105>.
Protectionist Counter-attack: In this poster the protectionists seem to have conceded to the free traders that a “Free Trade shop” would have more goods in the windows, but the argument has shifted to the idea that the foreign goods have been supplied at the expence of British industry and that British workers and housewives can’t afford the cheaper prices becuase they are unemployed and have no money. There is considerable anti-foreigner, anti-German and even anti-semitic sentiment expressed here. Note the well dressed man standing under the entrace to the Cobden Club, who is talking to a possibly Jewish money lender, the dachshund standing on the pavement, and the names of the speakers of the “Free Imports Meeting” organised by the Cobden Club ( Mr. Schmidt, Schwetter (“sweater”), Blowoffski, and Dumpiani (dumping)). In the background unemployed workers are marching on London in protest.
A Free Trade Forecast
Tariff Reform, Britain, 1903. Possible consequences to the British Workman if Free Trade was government policy.