Indeed, leaving be that townsman avoided townsman and that well nigh no neighbor took thought unto other and that kinsfolk seldom or never visited one another and held no converse together save from afar, this tribulation had stricken such terror to the hearts of all, men and women alike, that brother forsook brother, uncle nephew, and sister brother and oftentimes wife husband; nay (what is yet more extraordinary and well nigh incredible) fathers and mothers refused to visit or tend their very children, as they had not been theirs. By reason whereof there remained unto those (and the number of them, both males and females, was incalculable) who fell sick, none other succour than that which they owed either to the charity of friends (and of these there were few) or the greed of servants, who tended them, allured by high and extravagant wage; albeit, for all this, these latter were not grown many, and those men and women of mean understanding and for the most part unused to such offices, who served for well nigh nought but to reach things called for by the sick or to note when they died; and in the doing of these services many of them perished with their gain.
The Decameron
by Giovanni Boccaccio
The Decameron itself is comprised of 100 “novels” (or “novellas” — short stories) told over a ten-day period by ten young people: seven ladies, and three young men who flee the plague to a countryside villa, and who vow to tell each other tales each day to pass the time. In the Proem of the Decameron, Boccaccio’s description of the bubonic plague that fell upon Florence in 1348 is one of the most accurate, reliable, and detailed to have survived. The “Brigata,” or ten young people, tell the tales of the Decameron, which range from tragic romances to erotic visions, to mysterious and ghostly tales of apparitions and magic.
by 濱田篤郎、海外勤務健康管理センター
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