5 thoughts on “Hannah Arendt

  1. shinichi Post author

    The Human Condition

    by Hannah Arendt

    The reason why life asserted itself as the ultimate point of reference in the modern age and has remained the highest good of modern society is that the modern reversal operated within the fabric of a Christian society whose fundamental belief in the sacredness of life has survived, and has even remained completely unshaken by, secularization and the general decline of the Christian faith. In other words, the modern reversal followed and left unchallenged the most important reversal with which Christianity had broken into the ancient world, a reversal that was politically even more far-reaching and, historically at any rate, more enduring than any specific dogmatic content or belief. For the Christian “glad tidings” of the immortality of individual human life had reversed the ancient relationship between man and world and promoted the most mortal thing, human life, to the position of immortality, which up to then the cosmos had held.

    Historically, it is more than probable that the victory of the Christian faith in the ancient world was largely due to this reversal, which brought hope to those who knew that their world was doomed, indeed a hope beyond hope, since the new message promised an immortality they never had dared to hope for. This reversal could not but be disastrous for the esteem and the dignity of politics. Political activity, which up to then had derived its greatest inspiration from the aspiration toward worldly immortality, now sank to the low level of an activity subject to necessity, destined to remedy the consequences of human sinfulness on one hand and to cater to the legitimate wants and interests of earthly life on the other. Aspiration toward immortality could now only be equated with vainglory; such fame as the world could bestow upon man was an illusion, since the world was even more perishable than man, and a striving for worldly immortality was meaningless, since life itself was immortal.

    It is precisely individual life which now came to occupy the position once held by the “life” of the body politic, and Paul’s statement that “death is the wages of sin,” since life is meant to last forever, echoes Cicero’s statement that death is the reward of sins committed by political communities which were built to last for eternity. …

    However that may be, the modern age continued to operate under the assumption that life, and not the world, is the highest good of man; in its boldest and most radical revisions and criticisms of traditional beliefs and concepts, it never even thought of challenging this fundamental reversal which Christianity had brought into the dying ancient world. No matter how articulate and how conscious the thinkers of modernity were in their attacks on tradition, the priority of life over everything else had acquired for them the status of a “self-evident truth,” and as such it has survived even in our present world, which has begun already to leave the whole modern age behind and to substitute for a laboring society the society of jobholders. But while it is quite conceivable that the development following upon the discovery of the Archimedean point would have taken an altogether different direction if it had taken place seventeen hundred years earlier, when not life but the world was still the highest good of man, it by no means follows that we still live in a Christian world. For what matters today is not the immortality of life, but that life is the highest good. And while this assumption certainly is Christian in origin, it constitutes no more than an important attending circumstance for the Christian faith. Moreover, even if we disregard the details of Christian dogma and consider only the general mood of Christianity, which resides in the importance of faith, it is obvious that nothing could be more detrimental to this spirit than the spirit of distrust and suspicion of the modern age. Surely, Cartesian doubt has proved its efficiency nowhere more disastrously and irretrievably than in the realm of religious belief, where it was introduced by Pascal and Kierkegaard, the two greatest religious thinkers of modernity. (For what undermined the Christian faith was not the atheism of the eighteenth century or the materialism of the nineteenth—their arguments are frequently vulgar and, for the most part, easily refutable by traditional theology—but rather the doubting concern with salvation of genuinely religious men, in whose eyes the traditional Christian content and promise had become “absurd.”)


    (Google Translate)







  2. shinichi Post author

    The Human Condition

    by Hannah Arendt

    (Google Translate)




    Thought and cognition are not the same. Thought, the source of art works, is manifest without transformation or transfiguration in all great philosophy, whereas the chief manifestation of the cognitive processes, by which we acquire and store up knowledge, is the sciences. Cognition always pursues a definite aim, which can be set by practical considerations as well as by “idle curiosity”; but once this aim is reached, the cognitive process has come to an end. Thought, on the contrary, has neither an end nor an aim outside itself, and it does not even produce results; not only the utilitarian philosophy of homo faber but also the men of action and the lovers of results in the sciences have never tired of pointing out how entirely “useless” thought is—as useless, indeed, as the works of art it inspires.



    Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but antipolitical, perhaps the most powerful of all antipolitical forces.



    The common prejudice that love is as common as “romance” may be due to the fact that we all learned about it first through poetry. But the poets fool us; they are the only ones to whom love is not only a crucial, but an indispensable experience, which entitles them to mistake it for a universal one.



    Action, as distinguished from fabrication, is never possible in isolation; to be isolated is to be deprived of the capacity to act.



    The possible redemption from the predicament of irreversibility──of being unable to undo what one has done──is the faculty of forgiving. The remedy for unpredictability, for the chaotic uncertainty of the future, is contained in the faculty to make and keep promises. Both faculties depend upon plurality, on the presence and acting of others, for no man can forgive himself and no one can be bound by a promise made only to himself.



    Men in plural […] can experience meaningfulness only because they can talk with and make sense to each other and themselves.



    Exasperation with the threefold frustration of action — the unpredictability of its outcome, the irreversibility of the process, and the anonymity of its authors — is almost as old as recorded history. It has always been a great temptation, for men of action no less than for men of thought, to find a substitute for action in the hope that the realm of human affairs may escape the haphazardness and moral irresponsibility inherent in a plurality of agents.



    The ideals of homo faber, the fabricator of the world, which are permanence, stability, and durability, have been sacrificed to abundance, the ideal of the animal laborans.



    Because the actor always moves among and in relation to other acting beings, he is never merely a “doer” but always and at the same time a sufferer. To do and to suffer are like opposite sides of the same coin, and the story that an act starts is composed of its consequent deeds and sufferings. These consequences are boundless, because action, though it may proceed from nowhere, so to speak, acts into a medium where every reaction becomes a chain reaction and where every process is the cause of new processes



    Thought and cognition are not the same. Thought, the source of art works, is manifest without transformation or transfiguration in all great philosophy, whereas the chief manifestation of the cognitive processes, by which we acquire and store up knowledge, is the sciences. Cognition always pursues a definite aim, which can be set by practical considerations as well as by “idle curiosity”; but once this aim is reached, the cognitive process has come to an end. Thought, on the contrary, has neither an end nor an aim outside itself, and it does not even produce results; not only the utilitarian philosophy of homo faber but also the men of action and the lovers of results in the sciences have never tired of pointing out how entirely “useless” thought is—as useless, indeed, as the works of art it inspires.



    Good works, because they must be forgotten instantly, can never become part of the world; they come and go,leaving no trace. They truly are not of this world.



    In acting and speaking, men show who they are, reveal actively their unique personal identities and thus make their appearance in the human world, while their physical identities appear without any activity of their own in the unique shape of the body and sound of the voice. This disclosure of “who” in contradistinction to “what” somebody is—his qualities, gifts, talents, and shortcomings, which he may display or hide—is implicit in everything somebody says and does.



    It can be hidden only in complete silence and perfect passivity, but its disclosure can almost never be achieved as a willful purpose, as though one possessed and could dispose of this “who” in the same manner he has and can dispose of his qualities. On the contrary, it is more than likely that the “who,” which appears so clearly and unmistakably to others, remains hidden from the person himself, like the daimon in Greek religion which accompanies each man throughout his life, always looking over his shoulder from behind and thus visible only to those he encounters. This revelatory quality of speech and action comes to the fore where people are with others and neither for (the doer of good works) nor against them (the criminal) that is, in sheer human togetherness. Although nobody knows whom he reveals when he discloses himself in deed or word, he must be willing to risk the disclosure.



    Without being forgiven, released from the consequences of what we have done, our capacity to act would, as it were, be confined to one single deed from which we could never recover; we would remain the victims of its consequences forever, not unlike the sorcerer’s apprentice who lacked the formula to break the spell.



    Slavery became the social condition of the laboring classes because it was felt that it was the natural condition of life itself. Omnis vita servitium est.

    奴隷制は、それが人生そのものの自然な状態であると考えられていたため、労働者階級の社会的状態になりました。Omnis vita servitium est。


    The miracle that saves the world, the realm of human affairs, from its normal, ‘natural’ ruin is ultimately the fact of natality, in which the faculty of action is ontologically rooted. It is, in other words, the birth of new [people] and the new beginning, the action they are capable of by virtue of being born. Only the full experience of this capacity can bestow upon human affairs faith and hope.



    For love, although it is one of the rarest occurrences in human lives,81 indeed possesses an unequaled power of self-revelation and an unequaled clarity of vision for the disclosure of who, precisely because it is unconcerned to the point of total unworldliness with what the loved person may be, with his qualities and shortcomings no less than with his achievements, failings, and transgressions. Love, by reason of its passion, destroys the in-between which relates us to and separates us from others.

    愛は、人間の人生で最も稀な出来事の1つではありますが、81 愛は、愛する人がどのような人であるか、その人の長所や短所、そしてその人の業績、失敗、罪にまったく関心がないために、比類のない自己啓示の力と、誰であるかを明らかにする比類のない明確なビジョンを持っています。愛は、その情熱により、私たちを他の人と結びつけ、私たちを他の人から切り離す中間層を破壊します。


    Society is the form in which the fact of mutual dependence for the sake of life and nothing else assumes public significance and where the activities connected with sheer survival are permitted to appear in public.



    Power is actualized only where word and deed have not parted company, where words are not empty and deeds not brutal, where words are not used to veil intentions but to disclose realities, and deeds are not used to violate and destroy but to establish relations and create new realities.



    Action is, in fact, the one miracle-working faculty of man, as Jesus of Nazareth, whose insights into this faculty can be compared in their originality and unprecedentedness with Socrates’ insights into the possibilities of thought, must have known very well when he likened the power to forgive to the more general power of performing miracles, putting both on the same level and within the reach of man.



    Tools and instruments which can ease the effort of labor considerably are themselves not a product of labor but of work; they do not belong in the process of consumption but are part and parcel of the world of use objects.



    It is highly unlikely that we, who can know, determine, and define the natural essences of all things surrounding us, which we are not, should ever be able to do the same for ourselves–this would be like jumping over our own shadows.



    One of the obvious danger signs that we may be on our way to bring into existence the ideal of the animal laborans is the extent to which our whole economy has become a waste economy, in which things must be almost as quickly devoured and discarded as they have appeared in the world, if the process itself is not to come to a sudden catastrophic end. But if the ideal were already in existence and we were truly nothing but members of a consumers’ society, we would no longer live in a world at all but simply be driven by a process in whose ever-recurring cycles things appear and disappear, manifest themselves and vanish, never to last long enough to surround the life process in their midst. The world, the man-made home erected on earth and made of the material which earthly nature delivers into human hands, consists not of things that are consumed but of things that are used. If nature and the earth generally constitute the condition of human life, then the world and the things of the world constitute the condition under which this specifically human life can be at home on earth. Nature seen through the eyes of the animal laborans is the great provider of all “good things,” which belong equally to all her children, who “take [them] out of [her] hands” and “mix with” them in labor and consumption.86 The same nature seen through the eyes of homo faber, the builder of the world, “furnishes only the almost worthless materials as in themselves,” whose whole value lies in the work performed upon them.87 Without taking things out of nature’s hands and consuming them, and without defending himself against the natural processes of growth and decay, the animal laborans could never survive. But without being at home in the midst of things whose durability makes them fit for use and for erecting a world whose very permanence stands in direct contrast to life, this life would never be human.

    私たちが動物労働者の理想を実現しようとしていることを示す明らかな危険信号の一つは、私たちの経済全体が廃棄経済になっている程度です。この経済では、プロセス自体が突然の破滅的な終焉を迎えないようにするためには、物事は世界に現れたのと同じくらい速く貪り尽くされ、捨てられなければなりません。しかし、もし理想がすでに存在していて、私たちが本当に消費者社会の一員に過ぎないのであれば、私たちはもはや世界に住んでおらず、物事が現れては消え、顕在化しては消え、その中の生命過程を取り囲むほど長くは続かないという、絶え間なく繰り返されるサイクルの過程に動かされるだけでしょう。地球上に建てられ、地球の自然が人間の手に届ける材料で作られた人工の家である世界は、消費される物ではなく、使用される物で構成されています。自然と地球が一般的に人間の生活の条件を構成するのであれば、世界と世界の物は、この特に人間の生活が地球上でくつろげる条件を構成します。動物労働者の目を通して見た自然は、すべての「良いもの」の偉大な供給者であり、それらはすべての子供たちに平等に属し、子供たちは「[自然]の手から[良いもの]を取り上げ」、労働と消費の中でそれらと「混ぜる」。86 同じ自然が、世界の建設者であるホモ・ファーベルの目を通して見ると、「それ自体としてほとんど価値のない材料だけを提供する」。その価値はすべて、それらに対して行われた作業にある。87 自然の手から物を取り上げて消費し、成長と腐敗の自然なプロセスから身を守らなければ、動物労働者は決して生き残ることはできない。しかし、耐久性があるために使用に適しており、その永続性が生命と正反対である世界を築くために、その物々の間に居なければ、この生命は決して人間的ではないだろう。


    The fact is that the human capacity for life in the world always implies an ability to transcend and to be alienated from the processes of life itself, while vitality and liveliness can be conserved only to the extent that men are willing to take the burden, the toil and trouble of life, upon themselves.



    No human life, not even the life of the hermit in nature’s wilderness, is possible without a world which directly or indirectly testifies to the presence of other human beings.



    There is perhaps no clearer testimony to the loss of the public realm in the modern age than the almost complete loss of authentic concern with immortality, a loss somewhat overshadowed by the simultaneous loss of the metaphysical concern with eternity. The latter, being the concern of the philosophers and the vita contemplativa, must remain outside our present considerations. But the former is testified to by the current classification of striving for immortality with the private vice of vanity. Under modern conditions, it is indeed so unlikely that anybody should earnestly aspire to an earthly immortality that we probably are justified in thinking it is nothing but vanity.



    The fact that man is capable of action means that the unexpected can be expected from him, that he is able to perform what is infinitely improbable. And this again is possible only because each man is unique, so that with each birth something uniquely new comes into the world. With respect to this somebody who is unique it can be truly said that nobody was there before. If action as beginning corresponds to the fact of birth, if it is the actualization of the human condition of natality, then speech corresponds to the fact of distinctness and is the actualization of the human condition of plurality, that is, of living as a distinct and unique being among equals.



    Here it is self-evident that public admiration and monetary reward are of the same nature and can become substitutes for each other. Public admiration, too, is something to be used and consumed, and status, as we would say today, fulfils one need as food fulfils another: public admiration is consumed by individual vanity as food is consumed by hunger.



    The private realm of the household was the sphere where the necessities of life, of individual survival as well as of continuity of the species, were taken care of and guaranteed. One of the characteristics of privacy, prior to the discovery of the intimate, was that man existed in this sphere not as a truly human being but only as a specimen of the animal species man-kind. This, precisely, was the ultimate reason for the tremendous contempt held for it by antiquity. The emergence of society has changed the estimate of this whole sphere but has hardly transformed its nature. The monolithic character of every type of society, its conformism which allows for only one interest and one opinion, is ultimately rooted in the one-ness of man-kind.

    家庭という私的な領域は、生活の必需品、個人の生存、そして種の継続が配慮され保証される領域であった。親密な関係が発見される以前のプライバシーの特徴の 1 つは、人間がこの領域に真の人間としてではなく、動物種である人類の標本としてのみ存在していたことです。まさにこれが、古代人がこの領域に対して抱いていた甚だしい軽蔑の究極の理由でした。社会の出現により、この領域全体の評価は変わりましたが、その本質はほとんど変わりませんでした。あらゆる種類の社会の一枚岩的な性格、つまり 1 つの関心と 1 つの意見のみを認める従順さは、究極的には人類の一体性に根ざしています。


    The distinctive trait of the household sphere was that in it men lived together because they were driven by their wants and needs. The driving force was life itself—the penates, the household gods, were, according to Plutarch, “the gods who make us live and nourish our body”19—which, for its individual maintenance and its survival as the life of the species needs the company of others. That individual maintenance should be the task of the man and species survival the task of the woman was obvious, and both of these natural functions, the labor of man to provide nourishment and the labor of the woman in giving birth, were subject to the same urgency of life. Natural community in the household therefore was born of necessity, and necessity ruled over all activities performed in it. The realm of the polis, on the contrary, was the sphere of freedom, and if there was a relationship between these two spheres, it was a matter of course that the mastering of the necessities of life in the household was the condition for freedom of the polis.

    家庭領域の特徴的な特徴は、人々が自分たちの欲求とニーズに突き動かされて一緒に暮らしていたことです。その原動力は生命そのものでした。プルタルコスによれば、ペナテス、つまり家庭の神々は「私たちを生かし、私たちの体を養う神々」19 でした。生命は、個体の維持と種の生命としての生存のために、他者との交わりを必要とします。個人の維持は男性の仕事であり、種の存続は女性の仕事であるべきであることは明らかであり、これら 2 つの自然な機能、すなわち、栄養を提供する男性の労働と出産する女性の労働は、どちらも生命の同じ緊急性にさらされていました。したがって、家庭内の自然な共同体は必然性から生まれ、必然性がその中で行われるすべての活動を支配していました。対照的に、ポリスの領域は自由の領域であり、これら 2 つの領域の間に関係がある場合、家庭内の生活必需品の習得がポリスの自由の条件であることは当然のことでした。


    However, of the three, action has the closest connection with the human condition of natality; the new beginning inherent in birth can make itself felt in the world only because the newcomer possesses the capacity of beginning something anew, that is, of acting. In this sense of initiative, an element of action, and therefore of natality, is inherent in all human activities. Moreover, since action is the political activity par excellence, natality, and not mortality, may be the central category of political, as distinguished from metaphysical, thought.

    しかし、3 つのうち、行動は人間の出生の条件と最も密接に関係しています。出生に内在する新しい始まりが世界に感じられるのは、新参者が何かを新たに始める能力、つまり行動する能力を持っているからです。この意味での主導権、行動の要素、したがって出生の要素は、すべての人間の活動に内在しています。さらに、行動は卓越した政治的活動であるため、死ではなく出生が、形而上学的思考とは区別される政治的思考の中心的カテゴリーである可能性があります。


  3. shinichi Post author



    『The Human Condition』
    Hannah Arendt 著
    University of Chicago Press、1970年刊


    20世紀にドイツでのユダヤ人迫害からフランスに逃れ さらにアメリカに逃げざるをえなかったアーレントの生涯は、17世紀にポルトガルでのユダヤ人迫害から逃れオランダへ移住してきた両親から生まれたスピノザの生涯を思い出させる。

    アーレントは『アウグスティヌスの愛の概念(Love and Saint Augustine)』のなかに「地上での人間の性質と 人間が世界に属していることを 克服できるのは 愛だけだ」と書いて「愛をもつこと」で未来に希望を見い出そうとしたが、それは、スピノザが『エチカ(Ethica)』のなかに「人間の感情はすべて 喜び 苦しみ 欲望から派生している」と書いて「喜びをもつこと」で未来に希望を見い出そうとしたというのに、似ている。


    アーレントはナチズムの被害者ではあったが、その批判は、あくまでも外側からの批判だ。ヴィクトール・フランクルの『夜と霧(Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager)』のような内側からの体験とは違う。でも、だからといって、アーレントの全体主義への批判が霞むわけではない。


    フランス革命に批判的だっただけでなく、イギリス革命やロシア革命についても批判的で「革命家のヒロイズムは 人間のリアリティに対して無感覚になっただけ」「人々が求めたのは政治以前の暴力だった」「最も急進的な革命家は、革命の翌日には保守派になる」などの文章を残している。


    で今週は、ハンナ・アーレントの多くの本のなかから一冊を選んで読む。『The Human Condition』(Hannah Arendt 著、University of Chicago Press、1970年刊)だ。

    全体主義のことや革命のことを書いたアーレントの文章は、キラキラしていた。どの文章にも共感し、好印象を持った。愛のことを書いた文章は、キリスト教とか神とかいう部分に抵抗を感じたせいか、それほどいいとは思えなかった。そしてこの『The Human Condition』のなかの働くことについての文章は、読んでいて嫌な気分になった。異和感を感じ続けたと言ったほうがいいのかもしれない。

    日本国憲法の第27条「すべて国民は、勤労の、権利を有し、義務を負う」の、「勤労の義務を負う」という部分に感じる異和感や、軽犯罪法 1条4号 の浮浪行為(生計の途がないのに、働く能力がありながら就業する意思を有さず、一定の住居をもたずにうろつく行為)によって拘留されるか罰金が科せられるということへの異和感と同じ感じだ。

    アーレントはこの本の多くの部分を 3つのタイプの「Human Activities」の説明に費やしている。「Labor」「Work」「Action」の3つだ。日本語では「Activity」と「Action」を「行動」と「活動」、「Labor」と「Work」を「労働」と「仕事」と訳して混同を防いでいるようだが、紛らわしいことこの上ない。

    そんなことはともかく、アーレントは「Labor」「Work」「Action」を厳格に区別し、それぞれの意味について深く考察している。あわせて「political concept(政治的概念)」と「social concept(社会的概念)」、「public realm(パブリック領域)」と「private realm(プライベート領域)」といったことについても考察を深める。

    くどいくらいのわかりにくい考察の後、アーレントは「vita activa(活動的生活)」と「contemplativa(黙考的生活)」について書く。そのなかには「Knowledge is acquired not simply by thinking, but by making(知識は考えることだけでなく、作ることによって得られる)」という文章がでてくる。

    アーレントの「Work」についての、そして「science(科学)」についての偏見ともとれる特殊な考え方から、アーレントならではの結論めいた文章が出てくる。望遠鏡という《「Work」の産物 》がガリレオなどのさまざまな発見につながり、「Work」が「contemplation(黙考)」よりも重要になり、「science」が「philosophy(哲学)」より重要になってしまったというのだ。


    アーレントは18歳の時にマールブルク大学で教授のハイデッガーと出会い、哲学に没頭した。ハイデッガーとは後に不倫関係になる。またヨナスとも出会い終生の友になる。その後フライブルク大学ではフッサールのもとで一学期を過ごし、ハイデルベルク大学ではヤスパースの指導を受けた。博士論文の『Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin(アウグスティヌスの愛の概念)』は今でも多くの人に読まれている。



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