4 thoughts on “IBM

  1. shinichi Post author

    The Four V’s of Big Data
     ・ Volume (Scale of data; 大きなデータ)
     ・ Velocity (Speed of data; 速く処理されるデータ)
     ・ Variety (Diversity of data; バラバラなデータ)
     ・ Veracity (Certainty of data; 不確かなデータ)


    Volume (Scale of data; 大きなデータ)





    Velocity (Speed of data; 速く処理されるデータ)



    Srinath Perera
    Big data established the value of insights derived from processing data. Such insights are not all created equal. Some insights are more valuable shortly after it has happened with the value diminishes very fast with time. Stream Processing enables such scenarios, providing insights faster, often within milliseconds to seconds from the trigger.


    Variety (Diversity of data; バラバラなデータ)





    Veracity (Certainty of data; 不確かなデータ)



    Kevin Fink
    It is not uncommon to be handed a dataset without a lot of information as to where it came from, how it was collected, what the fields mean, and so on. In fact, it’s probably more common to receive data in this way than not. In many cases, the data has gone through many hands and multiple transformations since it was gathered, and nobody really knows what it all means anymore.


    Bruce Ratner
    The regression theoretical foundation and the tool of significance testing employed on big data are without statistical binding force. Thus, fitting big data to a prespecified small-framed model produces a skewed model with doubtful interpretability and questionable results.


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