World of Work magazine is published three times a year by the Department of Communication and Public Information of the ILO in Geneva and distributed free of charge. Also published in Arabic, Chinese, Finnish, French, Hindi, Japanese, Norwegian and Spanish.
The media landscape is changing fast and the ILO Department of Communication wants to make full use of digital platforms to serve our existing audiences better and reach new ones, including youth. We hope this will help us increase the impact of the ILO’s news and information offer. As a result, this will be the last paper version of the ILO magazine “World of Work” in its current format. The content of future editions will be available on a revamped ILO public website. And we plan to have special print editions around major ILO events.
World of Work
The Magazine of the ILO – No. 74, May 2012—dgreports/—dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_182788.pdf
World of Work magazine is published three times a year by the Department of Communication and Public Information of the ILO in Geneva and distributed free of charge. Also published in Arabic, Chinese, Finnish, French, Hindi, Japanese, Norwegian and Spanish.
The media landscape is changing fast and the ILO Department of Communication wants to make full use of digital platforms to serve our existing audiences better and reach new ones, including youth. We hope this will help us increase the impact of the ILO’s news and information offer. As a result, this will be the last paper version of the ILO magazine “World of Work” in its current format. The content of future editions will be available on a revamped ILO public website. And we plan to have special print editions around major ILO events.
ILO 駐日事務所
ジュネーブのILO本部コミュニケーション・広報局より年3回発行されている広報誌の一部記事の和訳と日本における関連記事を掲載した日本語版広報誌の最新号(通巻17号)が完成しました。本部広報誌が2012年5月発行の第74号で休刊になるのに伴い、日本語版も本号が最終号となります。本号では、1992年に創刊された本部広報誌の20年にわたる歴史をたどるとともに2012年のILO総会で一般討議が行われた若者の雇用危機を特集しています。他に、小売業職場の高齢化適応の問題、病欠者の職場復帰ツールとしてのケース・マネジメント、アジアにおける危機後の生活及び生計手段の再建に向けたこの10年のILO活動、鉱業における女性などに関する記事が掲載されています。最新号をご覧になりたい方はこちらへ(PDF版・4,923KB)。印刷版をご希望の方は、ILO駐日事務所(TEL: 03-5467-2701 FAX: 03-5467-2700 E-mail:までご相談下さい。