Category Archives: love

Alain Badiou, Nicolas Truong

La conviction est aujourd’hui largement répandue que chacun ne suit que son intérêt. Alors l’amour est une contre-épreuve. L’amour est cette confiance faite au hasard.


Claudel est particulièrement sensible àceci que l’amour véritable franchit toujours un point d’impossibilité : « Distants, encore que ne cessant de peser l’un sur l’autre »… L’amour n’est pas à proprement parler une possibilité, mais plutôt le franchissement de quelque chose qui pouvait apparaître comme impossible. Quelque chose existe qui n’avait pas de raison d’être, qui ne vous était pas donné comme une possibilité.

Saverio Tomasella

L’amour est partage et réciprocité : il s’agit d’accepter, à la fois, d’aimer et d’être aimé.
Dans l’histoire et la littérature, les interdits religieux autant que les refus familiaux ou sociaux n’empêchent pas l’amour de se réaliser. Au contraire même, ils renforcent la puissance du désir. La passion étourdissante de Roméo et Juliette est au premier rang des amours contrariées. Elle n’est que la plus connue de ces grandes passions, fictives ou réelles, qui ont enflammé tant de cœurs, à toutes les époques et sous toutes les latitudes, et dont le cinéma aujourd’hui continue à témoigner.
Malgré les difficultés inhérentes à l’époque de la communication électronique et virtuelle, sur internet notamment, les sources des empêchements à aimer ne viennent pas de l’extérieur, de la société ou des autres, mais de soi, en son for intérieur, et des convictions figées qui nous limitent.

Michael Ignatieff

In fact, they hardly touched. He remained on one side of the room, she on the other. Far from being a Don Juan, he was a sexual neophyte alone in the apartment of a fabled seductress, who had enjoyed deep romantic attachments with half a dozen supremely talented men. She was already investing their meeting with mystical historical and erotic significance, while he fought shy of these undercurrents and kept a safe intellectual distance. Besides, he was also aware of more quotidian needs. He had already been there six hours and he wanted to go to the lavatory. But it would have broken the mood to do so, and in any case, the communal toilet was down the dark hallway. So he remained and listened, smoking another of his Swiss cigars. As she poured out the story of her love-life, he compared her to Donna Anna in Don Giovanni and, moving his cigar hand to and fro – a gesture she was to capture in a line of verse – traced Mozart’s melody in the air between them.

By then it was light outside and they could both hear the sound of freezing rain falling in the Fontanka. He rose and kissed her hand and walked back to the Astoria, dazed, ‘turned over’, exalted. He looked at his watch and discovered it was eleven in the morning. Brenda Tripp clearly remembered him saying, when he threw himself down on the bed of his room, ‘I am in live, I am in love.’
In his memory, there was nothing else of his visit to the city, only Akhmatova.


meikaiれん あい 【恋愛】 特定の異性に対して他の全てを犠牲にしても悔い無いと思い込むような愛情をいだき、常に相手のことを思っては、二人だけでいたい、二人だけの世界を分かち合いたいと願い、それがかなえられたと言っては喜び、ちょっとでも疑念が生じれば不安になるといった状態に身を置くこと。
こう ふく 【幸福】 現在(に至るまで)の自分の環境に十分な安らぎや精神的な充足を覚え、あえてそれ以上を望もうとする気持をいだくことも無く、現状が持続してほしいと思うこと(心の状態)。

Helen Fisher

Romantic love is an addiction. My guess is that our modern addictions — nicotine, drugs, sex, gambling — are simply hijacking this ancient brain pathway that evolved millions of years ago, that evolved for romantic love. … The brain system evolved to focus your energy on an individual and start the mating process.
Nobody gets out of love alive. (It’s like trying to give up cigarettes and having one every afternoon. It’s just not going to happen.) You turn into a menace or a pest when you’ve been rejected. That’s when people stalk or commit suicide. … There’s a very powerful brain system that has a dramatic effect on your entire life.
Our poets, our songs, our novels, our sitcoms, our operas, our plays, have been discussing it forever and now we can confirm it with what we found in the brain.
You just crave this person. You’re willing to do crazy things, stupid things. Just as a person would while fighting a drug addiction, a lovelorn person obsesses, craves and distorts reality.

Larry Young, Brian Alexander

LoveSexThe notion of love as “mystery” is so ingrained in the human imagination, it may be our oldest cliché. Plato called it “irrational desire.” Cole Porter seemed to speak for most of us when he threw up his hands and, in a kind of musical sigh of resignation asked, “What is this thing called love?” In his classic song, a person describes being content, even if leading a “humdrum” life, until love mysteriously “flew in,” changed everything, and made “a fool of me.”
How much control do we have over love? Much less than we like to think. All that mystery, all that poetry, all those complex behaviors sur­rounding human bonding leading to the most life-changing decisions we’ll ever make, are unconsciously driven by a few molecules in our brains.

Emanuel Swedenborg

homo sibi ipsi adsciscit societates, seu semet ipsum ponit in societate talium, nam simile simili associatur, ut pro exemplo, qui avarus est, is adsciscit societates similium qui in tali cupiditate sunt; qui amat se prae aliis, et contemnit alios, is adsciscit similes; qui in vindictis jucundum habet, is tales qui in simili jucundo sunt; ita in reliquis;





  • 口ではうまく言えないけどけど好き 好みのタイプは、脳の扁桃体という部分から生まれてくる感情。扁桃体は、3歳までの刷り込みにより、自分の好みのタイプが決まります。扁桃体の判断が、ドーパミンを出すかどうか決めているんですね。
  • 外見で判断する はじめの直感を信じましょう。内面は、必ず顔つき、雰囲気、口調、声、たたずまいなどの外見にあらわれるものです。20代にもなれば、自分なりの肌で人となりを感じる感覚は身に付いています。考えても分からないときは、はじめの印象を参考にしましょう。
  • 目を見るだけで相手の気持ちが分かる 目と目で通じ合うコミュニケーションは、オキトシンというものに関連します。オキトシンは、別名「恋愛ホルモン」。他者と一対一の絆を育み、相手の感情を読みとるなど心を通じ合わせるのに重要なホルモンです。


Nora Johnson

LoveI used to think that elder love, if it even existed, was confined to rocking chairs or golf carts, that it had to be a dull business because of the physical limitations of age.
Failing memory would make interesting conversation impossible, and old people didn’t seem inclined or able to participate in the lovely stuff of love — sadly, because what better way to get through that wretchedly boring, painful and terrifying period we call our golden years?
So I certainly wasn’t looking for love when I met George. At 83, he was recently widowed, and I was a long-divorced 71.

George Saunders

saundersAs we get older, we come to see how useless it is to be selfish – how illogical, really.  We come to love other people and are thereby counter-instructed in our own centrality.
A prediction, and my heartfelt wish for you: as you get older, your self will diminish and you will grow in love. You will gradually be replaced by love.
If we’re going to become kinder, that process has to include taking ourselves seriously – as doers, as accomplishers, as dreamers.
Since, according to me, your life is going to be a gradual process of becoming kinder and more loving: Hurry up.  Speed it along.  Start right now.  There’s a confusion in each of us, a sickness, really: selfishness.  But there’s also a cure.  So be a good and proactive and even somewhat desperate patient on your own behalf – seek out the most efficacious anti-selfishness medicines, energetically, for the rest of your life.



The Bartender

Mojito cocktaiThe mojito is an old classic, whose creator is not certain. In short there are two theories where one tells the tale that the mojito was created among the black slaves in early America, where an ancestor to todays rum types was used. Another theory is that it was a traveller/explorer who invented a recipe containing mint, lime, cane sugar and the rum of the time. No matter who invented it we are certainly very happy about it.


スクリーンショット 2013-07-15 9.15.48土の中などに生息する「線虫」と呼ばれる小さな生物のオスは、食べ物よりも異性を探すことを優先していることが東京大学の調査で分かり、研究グループは、ほかの生物にも同じ傾向があるのではないかとみています。

Jim Morrison

JimMorrisonPeople are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that’s bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they’re afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they’re wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It’s all in how you carry it. That’s what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you’re letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.

三省堂 新明解国語辞典

(第4版)れんあい【恋愛】 特定の異性に特別の愛情をいだいて、二人だけで一緒に居たい、出来るなら合体したいという気持ちを持ちながら、それが、常にはかなえられないで、ひどく心を苦しめる・(まれにかなえられて歓喜する)状態 

(第5版)れんあい【恋愛】 特定の異性に特別の愛情をいだき、高揚した気分で、二人だけで一緒にいたい、精神的な一体感を分かち合いたい、出来るなら肉体的な一体感も得たいと願いながら、常にはかなえられないで、やるせない思いに駆られたり、まれにかなえられて歓喜したりする状態に身を置くこと。

(第6版)れんあい【恋愛】 特定の異性に対して他の全てを犠牲にしても悔い無いと思い込むような愛情をいだき、常に相手のことを思っては、二人だけでいたい、二人だけの世界を分かち合いたいと願い、それがかなえられたと言っては喜び、ちょっとでも疑念が生じれば不安になるといった状態に身を置くこと。


   手紙ありがたう しつかりした精神をもつて 元気で居ることを聞いて 喜んで居ます
   国家は多事であるが 私は丈夫で居るから安心してください 今度のような決心をしなければならない事情を早く話せばよかつたけれど 先生とあまりちがつたことをいうことになるので ひかへて居つたことを許してくれ 敗因について一言いわしてくれ
   我が国人が あまり皇国を信じ過ぎて 英米をあなどつたことである
   我が軍人は 精神に重きをおきすぎて 科学を忘れたことである
   明治天皇の時には 山県 大山 山本等の如き陸海軍の名将があつたが 今度の時は あたかも第一次世界大戦の独国の如く 軍人がバツコして大局を考へず 進を知つて 退くことを知らなかつたからです
   戦争をつづければ 三種神器を守ることも出来ず 国民をも殺さなければならなくなつたので 涙をのんで 国民の種をのこすべくつとめたのである
   穂積大夫は常識の高い人であるから わからない所があつたら きいてくれ
   寒くなるから 心体を大切に勉強なさい
   九月九日                                        父より



Simon May

By imputing to human love features properly reserved for divine love, such as the unconditional and the eternal, we falsify the nature of this most conditional and time-bound and earthy emotion, and force it to labour under intolerable expectations. This divinisation of human love is the latest chapter in humanity’s impulsive quest to steal the powers of its gods, and the longest-running such attempt to reach beyond our humanity. Like the others it must fail; for the moral of these stories is that the limits of the human can be ignored only at terrible cost.

Harshal Patel

A mother’s task is never ending. It doesn’t stop even she’s in the office or anywhere away from home. There’s no day offs or time outs. No amount of money would compensate for the enormous tasks that a mother takes, but the hugs, smiles, kisses of her children are enough to soothe, to lift her up and to refresh her soul. She is like a wonder woman. She takes different roles at different times. She could be a teacher, then a counselor, a nurse, a caregiver, a protector, a playmate or a friend. She would try hard to be what she thinks her children need her to be in a given moment. A mother will do everything even the unimaginable out of her enormous love for her children.

Katie Melua

This is the closest thing to crazy I have ever been
Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen,
This is the nearest thing to crazy I have ever known,
I was never crazy on my own…
And now I know that there’s a link between the two,
Being close to craziness and being close to you.

Katie Melua

The sun is only shining like it always does
But I never noticed it in the sky before
And you don’t need to worry
‘Cause I need your love, my friend
There’s a strong kind of feeling when I know you’re near
Nobody alive can take it away from me
And I feel like I’ve known you for a thousand years
Bring it out into the light
‘Cause I think I’m gonna write it on the walls of the world
So everyone will know today the love I hold for you
I will write it on the walls of the world
So that the sun won’t fade away the words I say to you
I love you
And I know I’m not a loser when I’m on my own
I could be miles away in another land
And it keeps me together when I’m far from home
I won’t keep it out of sight
And I think I’m gonna write it on the walls of the world
So everyone will know today the love I hold for you
I will write it on the walls of the world
So that the sun won’t fade away the words I say to you
I love you

Paul Simon

when you’re weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all
I’m on your side, when times get rough, and friends just can’t be found
like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down
when you’re down and out, when you’re on the street, when evening falls so hard
I will comfort you, I’ll take your part, when darkness comes, and pain is all around
like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down


sky is alone
sea is alone
I am alone by myself
sky is with clouds
sea is with waves
always talking together
laughing joyfully
loving innocently
always living together
why am I alone
with full of tears in my mind
I have to live
without a love
in such a loneliness


Haruki Murakami

Numbers aren’t the important thing … what matters is deciding in your heart to accept another person completely. When you do that, it is always the first time and the last.


아침 햇살에 내가 처음 눈을 떴을때
나를 반겨 주는 얼굴이 그대이길 바래
짙은 어둠 속에서 내가 힘들어 할때
나의 어깨 감싸줄 사람 그대 이길 바래
사랑해 오직 단 한 사람
나의 전부를 다 주고픈 사람
항상 그대 곁에서 난 꿈을 꾸고 싶어요
내 모든걸 다 바쳐서 그댈 사랑하며
항상 그대 안에서 난 편히 쉬고 싶어요
그대 나와 가는 길이 행복할수 있게
벽에 걸린 사진이 빛이 바랄 때까지
내 곁에 있는 단 한 사람 그대이길 바래
깊은 절망 속에도 항상 내 곁에 서서
나의 손을 잡아줄 사람 그대 이길 바래
사랑해 오직 단 한 사람
나의 전부를 다 주고픈 사람
항상 그대 곁에서 난 꿈을 꾸고 싶어요
내 모든걸 다 바쳐서 그댈 사랑하며
항상 그대 안에서 난 편히 쉬고 싶어요
그대 나와 가는 길이 행복할수 있게
때로는 슬픈 일이 그대와 날 힘들게도 하겠죠
하지만 변함없는 우리 사랑으로 지켜나가요
항상 그대 곁에서 난 꿈을 꾸고 싶어요
내 모든걸 다 바쳐서 그댈 사랑하며
항상 그대 안에서 난 편히 쉬고 싶어요
그대 나와 가는 길이 행복할수 있게



Alain Badiou, Nicolas Truong

L’amour ne peut pas se réduire à la rencontre, car il est une construction. […] Le point le plus intéressant, au fond, ce n’est pas la question de l’extase des commencements. Il y a bien sûr une extase des commencements, mais un amour, c’est avant tout une construction durable. Disons que l’amour est une aventure obstinée. Le côté aventureux est nécessaire, mais ne l’est pas moins l’obstination. Laisser tomber au premier obstacle, à la première divergence sérieuse, aux premiers ennuis, n’est qu’une défiguration de l’amour. Un amour véritable est celui qui triomphe durablement, parfois durement, des obstacles que l’espace, le monde et le temps lui proposent.

Latin Central

  • Amor vincit omnia.
    Omnia vincit amor.
  • Amor caecus est.
  • Amor non est medicabilis herbis.
    Nullis amor est medicabilis herbis.
  • Sine amor, nihil est vita

Val Patterson

Now that I have gone to my reward, I have confessions and things I should now say. As it turns out, I AM the guy who stole the safe from the Motor View Drive Inn back in June, 1971. I could have left that unsaid, but I wanted to get it off my chest.
I really am NOT a PhD. What happened was that the day I went to pay off my college student loan at the U of U, the girl working there put my receipt into the wrong stack, and two weeks later, a PhD diploma came in the mail. I didn’t even graduate, I only had about 3 years of college credit. In fact, I never did even learn what the letters “PhD” even stood for. For all of the Electronic Engineers I have worked with, I’m sorry, but you have to admit my designs always worked very well, and were well engineered, and I always made you laugh at work.
Now to that really mean Park Ranger; after all, it was me that rolled those rocks into your geyser and ruined it. I did notice a few years later that you did get Old Faithful working again. To Disneyland – you can now throw away that “Banned for Life” file you have on me, I’m not a problem anymore – and SeaWorld San Diego, too, if you read this.
My regret is that I felt invincible when young and smoked cigarettes when I knew they were bad for me. Now, to make it worse, I have robbed my beloved Mary Jane of a decade or more of the two of us growing old together and laughing at all the thousands of simple things that we have come to enjoy and fill our lives with such happy words and moments. My pain is enormous, but it pales in comparison to watching my wife feel my pain as she lovingly cares for and comforts me. I feel such the ‘thief’ now – for stealing so much from her – there is no pill I can take to erase that pain.

What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. …
Love is the greatest feeling in the whole world. When you are in love, you see mainly the positive sides of the character of the person, you are in love with. Everyone wonder sometimes what the reasons I love you are. …
What is true love? The true love is something that everyone wants to feel, but it is a fact that only a little part of the people has the luck to meet her. …

Debra Ollivier

American women (and Americans in general) tend to be very goal-oriented when it comes to love, sex, and dating. Rather than setting things in motion and embracing the unknown, Americans generally prefer to set things in stone with a list of clear objectives, goals and outcomes: Is he/she my soul mate or my future spouse? Where, exactly, is this relationship going? Does he/she love me, or not? From the time we’re little girls, we grow up thinking about love in terms of total love or absolute rejection — unlike the French.
Even as children we say, “He loves me/He loves me not” when picking off flower petals and pondering love. A French girl, however, grows up with this refrain instead: “He loves me a little, a lot, madly, passionately, or not at all.” From the get-go, she thinks of love not in terms of black and white (either/or) but in shades of gray; love comes in a whole spectrum of possibilities. That’s a very different way of looking at love.

Diane Ackerman

When two people become a couple, the brain extends its idea of self to include the other; instead of the slender pronoun “I,” a plural self emerges who can borrow some of the other’s assets and strengths. The brain knows who we are. The immune system knows who we’re not, and it stores pieces of invaders as memory aids. Through lovemaking, or when we pass along a flu or a cold sore, we trade bits of identity with loved ones, and in time we become a sort of chimera. We don’t just get under a mate’s skin, we absorb him or her.

Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen, Carlo Karges, Nena

Im Sturz durch Zeit und Raum, erwacht aus einem Traum…
Nur ein kurzer Augenblick – dann kehrt die Nacht zurück.
Bits and pieces from your star
Rain upon me as they fall;
Melt into my skin and I feel warm.
Sweep upon me like a wave.
We are young and brave:
Embrace the wind and float into another time & space.
Gib mir die Hand – ich bau dir ein Schloss aus Sand
Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann…
If we belong to each other,
We belong anyplace, anywhere, anytime.

Inconnu plus Shinichi

(XIXe siècle)
Je t’aime, c’est ma plume qui te l’écrit
et c’est mon coeur qui te le dit.

(XXe siècle)
Je t’aime, c’est mon clavier qui te l’écrit
mais c’est mon coeur qui te le dit.

(XXIe siècle)
Je t’aime, c’est mon cerveau qui te l’envoie
mais c’est mon corps qui te le dit.

>Rodd Wagner, Gale Muller

>The best happen when you and someone who has strengths that complement yours join forces and focus on a single goal. Your strengths cancel out your partner’s weaknesses, and vice versa. You accomplish together what could not be done separately.
Before you can forge a successful alliance, you must understand what you bring to the combination, and equally important, what you don’t.

>Ayala Malach Pines

>He is similar to me in many things, even though there are also many things in which we are different. We have many things in common. … We had a special kind of closeness because of our personality.

>Alan Watts

>Falling in love is a thing that strikes like lightning and is, therefore, extremely analogous to the mystical vision… We do not really know how people obtain [these experiences], and there is not as yet a very clear rationale as to why it happens. If you should be so fortunate as to encounter either of these experiences, it seems to me to be a total denial of life to refuse it.

>Наталья Быкова

>А что происходит, когда люди влюбляются? Они не кричат, напротив, говорят тихо. Потому, что их сердца находятся очень близко, и расстояние между ними совсем маленькое. А когда влюбляются еще сильнее, что происходит? Не говорят, а только перешептываются и становятся еще ближе в своей любви.
В конце даже перешептывание становится им не нужно. Они только смотрят друг на друга и все понимают без слов. Такое бывает, когда рядом двое любящих людей.

>Henri Salvador

>Maladie d’amour, maladie de la jeunesse
Si tu n’aimes que moi
Reste tout près de moi, oh…
Maladie d’amour, maladie de la jeunesse
Si tu n’aimes que moi
Reste tout près de moi


Когда они встретились впервые, Борис Леонидович был уже знаменитым поэтом, а Ольга Всеволодовна — младшим редактором в журнале “Новый мир”. Ему было 56, ей — 34. Встреча произошла в 1946 году. Поэт пришел в редакцию, они разговорились, он пообещал подарить ей свои книги и на следующий день прислал пакет с пятью томами …
С тех пор они стали видеться почти каждый день. Первые свидания были целомудренны, они просто гуляли по Москве …





>Pierre Cour

>Doux, doux, l’amour est doux
Douce est ma vie, ma vie dans tes bras
Doux, doux, l’amour est doux
Douce est ma vie, ma vie près de toi

Bleu, bleu, l’amour est bleu
Berce mon cœur, mon cœur amoureux
Bleu, bleu, l’amour est bleu
Bleu comme le ciel qui joue dans tes yeux

Comme l’eau, comme l’eau qui court
Moi, mon cœur court après ton amour

Master Kan

The mind, the body and the spirit are one. When the body expresses the desires of the mind and spirit then the body is in tune with nature, the act is pure and there is no shame.

Health & Wellness Approach

Kissing is like sea water, the more you drink it the more you get thirsty. Though a small giggly thing yet immensely brings two people close to each other, increases trust and level of security. Ever wonder how just the touching of lips can bind the two souls the way it does?
Two lips melt in a blissful fantasy, when touch each other give birth to a moment of pure joy, the joy of breathing each other, you feel like you have become a part of his breath, or you have absorb a part of his breath inside you. Some women believe kissing is even more intimate then making love, cause it is deprived of satisfaction yet it makes you a part of each other, hence making it more passionate yet unsatisfied, it leaves you craving and craving for more.

>Janice Y. K. Lee


“You can call me Prudence, though,” she says. Her long arms are draped around his shoulders and her jasmine scent is overwhelming him.
“I think I won’t,” he says.
“I’m terribly strong,” she whispers. “I hope I don’t destroy you.”
He laughs.
“Don’t worry about that,” he says. But later, he wonders.

Bob Condor

Scientists have found that phenylethylamine, or PEA, is a neurotransmitter chemical in the brain that causes you to fall madly in love with someone. It is a natural form of amphetamine that floods the regions of the brain involved in sexual excitement.
Studies show that people who profess high passion for each other have equally high levels of PEA.

>Dean C. Delis, Cassandra Phillips


One partner is more in love than the other. And more love the loving partner wants from the other, the less the other partner feels like giving. … the more-in-love partner was in what I term the “one-down position,” while the less-in-love partner was in the “one-up position.”
One-downs try harder. Feeling insecure and wanting to regain a sense of control, they labor to enhance their “attraction power”: wearing most flattering clothes, spending hours at the mirror, thinking up clever things to say, honing culinary skills, spending money freely on gifts, restaurant meals, and romantic diversions – in sum, making yourself as desirable as possible. … If you prove too appealing to the one you want – to the point where he’s clearly more in love with you than you with him – your relationship will fall out of balance. You’ve become the one-up. Or, if you’re frightened by your partner’s distance, you become the one-down. And herein was the missing link I sought:
The very urge to attract someone, to bring another person under your emotional control, contains the potential for upsetting the balance of the relationship. And that is because the feeling of being in love is biochemically linked to the feeling of being out of control. Once you feel completely in control or sure of another person’s love, your feelings of passion begin to fade. Gone is the challenge, the emotional spark, the excitement.
Of course, we all know that the dizzy, delicious feelings of new love can’t last forever. In a balanced relationship, after the initial passion fades, the partners move into a phase of enduring intimacy and warmth. But when one partner falls more deeply in love than the other, it can trigger harmful patterns between them.

>Martin Lindstrom

>Earlier this year, I carried out an fMRI experiment to find out whether iPhones were really, truly addictive, no less so than alcohol, cocaine, shopping or video games. In conjunction with the San Diego-based firm MindSign Neuromarketing, I enlisted eight men and eight women between the ages of 18 and 25. Our 16 subjects were exposed separately to audio and to video of a ringing and vibrating iPhone.
In each instance, the results showed activation in both the audio and visual cortices of the subjects’ brains. In other words, when they were exposed to the video, our subjects’ brains didn’t just see the vibrating iPhone, they “heard” it, too; and when they were exposed to the audio, they also “saw” it. This powerful cross-sensory phenomenon is known as synesthesia.
But most striking of all was the flurry of activation in the insular cortex of the brain, which is associated with feelings of love and compassion. The subjects’ brains responded to the sound of their phones as they would respond to the presence or proximity of a girlfriend, boyfriend or family member.
In short, the subjects didn’t demonstrate the classic brain-based signs of addiction. Instead, they loved their iPhones.

Erich Fromm

Respect means the concern that the other person should grow and unfold as they are. Respect, thus, implies the absense of exploitation. I want the loved person to grow and unfold for their own sake, and not for the purpose of serving me. If I love the other person, I feel one with him or her, but with them as they are, not as I need them to be as an object for my use. It is clear that respect is only possible if I have achieved independence, without having to exploit anyone else. Respect exists only on the basis of freedom, for love is the child of freedom, never that of domination.

Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgment and decision.

Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.

>Frank J. Myers


Just you and I
Sharing our love together
And I know in time
We’ll build the dreams we treasure
We’ll be all right
just you and I
And I remember our first embrace
That smile that was on your face
The promises that we made
And now your love is my reward
And I love you even more
Than I ever did before



I love New York, even though it isn’t mine, the way something has to be, a tree or a street or a house, something, anyway, that belongs to me because I belong to it.

>Nick Paumgarten


One evening, I found myself in such a place with a thirty-eight-year-old elementary-school teacher who had spent more than ten years plying and, as well as the analogue markets, in search of someone with whom to spend the rest of her life. She’d met dozens of men. Her mother felt that she was being too picky. In December, she started corresponding online with a man a couple of years older than she. After a week and a half, they met for drinks, which turned into dinner and more. He was clever, handsome, and capable. In their e-mails, they’d agreed that they’d reached a time and place in their lives to be less cautious and cool, in matters of the heart, so when, two days later, he sent a photograph of a caipirinha, the national cocktail of Brazil, where he’d gone for a few weeks on business, she found herself suggesting that she join him there. He made the arrangements. Her mother approved. She flew down to Rio the next week, and he came to the airport with a driver to meet her.
Months later, she savored the memory of that moment when he greeted her with a passionate hug, and the week and who knows what else lay before them. A swirl of anticipation, uncertainty, and desire converged into an instant of bliss. For that feeling alone—to say nothing of the chance to go to Brazil—she would do it all over again, even though, during the next ten days, with nothing but sex to stave off their corrosive exchanges over past and future frustrations, they came to despise each other. When they returned to New York, they split up, and went back online.



涙をふいて あなたの指で 気付いたの はじめて
あの頃の私 今日までの日々を 見ててくれたのは あなた
わがままばかりでごめんなさいね 恋人と別れて
あなたの部屋で 酔いつぶれてた そんな夜もあった
想い出せば 苦笑いね 淋しさも悲しみも
あなたのそばで 溶けていった いつもいつの日も
もしも 逢えずにいたら 歩いてゆけなかったわ
激しくこの愛つかめるなら 離さない 失くさない きっと
あなたが欲しい あなたが欲しい もっと奪って 心を
あなたが欲しい あなたが欲しい 愛が すべてが欲しい
もしも 傷つけあって 夜明けに泣き疲れても
激しくこの愛見つけた日は 忘れない 失くさない きっと
あなたが欲しい あなたが欲しい もっと奪って 私を
あなたが欲しい あなたが欲しい 愛が すべてが欲しい