Category Archives: happiness


オーボンヴュータン  思い出の時


日本固有の品種「[甲州] から世界に通ずるワインを造りたい」という私たちの夢から生まれたワインです。醸造過程で糖や酸を補わず、ぶどう本来の成分を凝縮し、フレンチオーク樽中 で6ヶ月間醗酵熟成しました。びん熟成を2年以上重ねました。果実味と樽香のバランスがよく複雑で優雅です。

David Brooks

The first is what you might call The Four Kinds of Happiness. The lowest kind of happiness is material pleasure, having nice food and clothing and a nice house. Then there is achievement, the pleasure we get from earned and recognized success. Third, there is generativity, the pleasure we get from giving back to others. Finally, the highest kind of happiness is moral joy, the glowing satisfaction we get when we have surrendered ourselves to some noble cause or unconditional love.
The second model is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In this conception, we start out trying to satisfy our physical needs, like hunger or thirst. Once those are satisfied we move up to safety needs, economic and physical security. Once those are satisfied we can move up to belonging and love. Then when those are satisfied we can move up to self-esteem. And when that is satisfied we can move up to the pinnacle of development, self-actualization, which is experiencing autonomy and living in a way that expresses our authentic self.



Les Vins du Valais

Il a été introduit au milieu du XIXe siècle par le Conseil d’Etat, dans le but de dynamiser la viticulture valaisanne, alors dans une période de transition. Mûrement réfléchie, cette action a engendré une spectaculaire progression de la surface plantée. Il faut dire que le Pinot Noir, cépage précoce, supportant sans autre sécheresse et froid, ne pouvait que réussir en Valais. Il donne naissance à des vins d’expressions très variées, témoins de la grande diversité des terroirs. Le Pinot Noir est notamment remarquable sur les calcaires très actifs de la région de Salquenen et de Sierre, ainsi qu’en rive gauche où il profite d’un cycle de maturation un peu plus long, idéal pour la complexité et la fraîcheur de ses arômes.



el celler de can roca

Les reserves s’accepten amb un màxim d’11 mesos d’antelació i no es tramiten peticions que sobrepassin aquest límit. El nou període de reserves s’obre a les zero hores del primer dia de cada mes.
Las reservas se aceptan con un máximo de 11 meses de antelación y no se tramitan peticiones que sobrepasen dicho límite. El nuevo periodo de reservas se abre a las cero horas del primer día de cada mes.
Reservations are accepted up to 11 months in advance and we are unable to honour any requests outside this period. A new month will become available at midnight on the 1st day of every month.
Veuillez noter que la limite de réservation est de 11 mois, c´est pourquoi nous ne pourrons répondre aux demandes excédant cette période. Le 1er jour de chaque mois à minuit s’ouvre la nouvelle période de réservation.

市川園 お茶ミュージアム



社団法人日本茶業中央会「平成23年版 茶関係資料」より作成


murata今晩のおかず(煮物 蒸し物 ほか)
主役になるごはん(五目炊き込みごはん ちらし寿司 ほか)
おしゃれな小鉢とひと味ちがう常備菜(小鉢 常備菜)
ワンランク上の汁物・椀物(鈴なりの豚汁 うしお汁 ほか)
和食でカジュアルなおもてなし(春 夏 ほか)







Alex Beam

What’s so great about happiness? I can’t think of anyone I admire who was happy. I’m reading “Vile Bodies,” the wonderful Evelyn Waugh novel that introduces the character of Mr. Chatterbox, the gossip columnist who makes things up. (Can you imagine?)
While writing this gossamer, light-hearted book, Waugh was as unhappy as a man could be. In the middle of composing “Bodies,” his wife Evelyn, or “she-Evelyn” as he called her, left him for another man. “I did not know it was possible to be so miserable and live,” Waugh wrote to his friend Harold Acton.
And yet he wrote a wonderful book. As always — paging Herr Kafka! — happiness is the enemy of great art.

S.N. Goenka

Pleasure and pain keep coming like day and night.
Why then cast away your peace of mind, oh child?
Unwanted things may come our way, wanted things as well.
Life contains both light and shade. Then why dance? Why weep?
In life they keep coming, autumn and springs.
If the mind does not waver, you enjoy infinite happiness.


BoulangerieUne boulangerie est un atelier et une boutique où travaille le boulanger : on y fabrique, et on y vend, du pain, et, traditionnellement, des viennoiseries (croissants, pains aux chocolat…) De nos jours, beaucoup de boulangeries sont aussi des pâtisseries.
Comme le pain qui y est fabriqué, la boulangerie est l’un des symboles de la France : dans les villes françaises, c’est une des boutiques les plus courantes : on trouve en trouve une dans pratiquement toutes les villes : il y a plus de 800 boulangeries à Paris, et on en trouve une à Moncontour, l’une des plus petites communes de France.

Therese J. Borchard

According to renowned psychiatrist Peter Kramer, happiness isn’t the opposite of depression.
Resilience is.
I’ve always loved that reminder because the word “happiness” makes me uneasy.
It’s not that I want to be unhappy, or I don’t want to be happy. It’s that every time I make happiness my goal, I become very unhappy. Like that famous study about suppressing thoughts of white polar bears. When everyone was instructed to think about anything but a white polar bear, they all thought about a white polar bear.


Счастье – когда из десяти встреченных женщин нравятся все десять, а переспать хочется с одиннадцатой, которая ждет тебя дома.
Счастье – когда на улице серо, хмуро и дождь, а ты сидишь у окна и пьешь горячий чай с вареньем.
Счастье – когда ветер в лицо, а тебе жарко от азарта.
Счастье – когда, объездив сто стран, ты помнишь, что есть сто первая,в которой ты еще не бывал.
Счастье – когда на полке среди дорогих тебе книг есть одна, еще непрочитанная.
Счастье – когда за спиной много глупостей, но ни одной подлости.
Счастье – когда с друзьями чаще встречаешься на юбилеях, чем на похоронах.

James Hyatt

“When I was a little boy,” he said to the copilot, “I used to spend hours a day sitting in a boat fishing in that lake. Airplanes would fly over occasionally, and I would look up at them and wish that I was the pilot. Now I wish I were down on the lake fishing.”
There is a humor in these words of the pilot. But a very important characteristic of human nature is also brought out. There is an inclination in all of us to continually think that we would be happier doing something else than what we are doing at any particular moment. Much happiness is lost because of this tendency.
The true secret of happiness is to concentrate on what we are doing at any particular time and enjoy it, whether it be work or play.

Lindsey Murray

8 Scientifically-Backed Ways to Feel Happier Right Now

  1. Log off Facebook (and phone a friend).
  2. Focus on people, not things.
  3. Go outside.
  4. Think happy thoughts.
  5. Play Cupid.
  6. Get some sleep.
  7. Give back socially.
  8. Skip the fast food.

Elizabeth W. Dunn, Lara B. Aknin, Michael I. Norton

While much research has examined the effect of income on happiness, we suggest that how people spend their money may be at least as important as how much money they earn. Specifically, we hypothesized that spending money on other people may have a more positive impact on happiness than spending money on oneself. Providing converging evidence for this hypothesis, we found that spending more of one’s income on others predicted greater happiness both cross-sectionally (in a nationally representative survey study) and longitudinally (in a field study of windfall spending). Finally, participants who were randomly assigned to spend money on others experienced greater happiness than those assigned to spend money on themselves.

Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness (PDF)

Mesut Özil

dear fans,
prior to the #WorldCup I supported the surgery of eleven sick children. since the victory of the #WorldCup is not only due to eleven players but to our whole team, I will now raise the number to 23. this is my personal thank-youfor the hospitality of the people of Brazil. #Bigshoe #Brasil2014

liebe fans,
ich hatte schon vor der WM die finanzierung von elf operationen für leidende Kinder in Brasilien übernommen. da wir aber die WM nicht wegen unserer Elf, sondern wegen unserem starken kader gewonnen haben, werde ich die Zahl nun auf 23 erhöhen. damit will ich mich auch noch einmal persönlich für die gastfreundschaft in Brasilien bedanken!


Arabic tāʼ
The letter is named tāʼ . It is written in several ways depending on its position in the word: Isolated (ت‎), Final (ـت‎), Medial (ـتـ‎), Initial (تـ‎).

Recently the isolated ت has been used online because it resembles a smiling face.

Arthur C. Brooks

Happiness has traditionally been considered an elusive and evanescent thing. To some, even trying to achieve it is an exercise in futility. It has been said that “happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
Social scientists have caught the butterfly. After 40 years of research, they attribute happiness to three major sources: genes, events and values.
To pursue the happiness within our reach, we do best to pour ourselves into faith, family, community and meaningful work. To share happiness, we need to fight for free enterprise and strive to make its blessings accessible to all.



Андрей Михайлов

Тенденция последних лет: молодые деревенские валом валят в города, а старики-горожане все чаще переезжают в село. Статистика и социология это подтверждают. В чем причины?
Они оптимисты тогда, когда ждут от коровы здорового теленка, хорошего урожая на огороде, грибно-ягодного сезона. А в обычной жизни они просто реалисты. Обычные русские люди. Ну просто живут они так! Отсюда и феномен счастья (без всяких кавычек).

ダ オルモ

ダ オルモ
「ダ オルモ」で「けやきのあるところ」。


ダ オルモが力強く根を張りみんなが





Le Clavier 有栖川


Sara Vandenbroek, Luis Yodu, Robert Ortega

On dit qu’il y a plus de 300 différents types de fromages fabriqués en France, mais en fait, le vrai chiffre est difficile à préciser. Il y a environ huit classifications différentes de fromage : les fromages frais, les fromages à pâte molle et croûte fleurie, les fromages à pâte molle et croute lavée, les fromages à pâte pressée, les fromages à pâte pressée et cuite, les fromages de chèvre, les fromages à pâte persillée, et les fromages à pâte fondue. Mais, dans ces catégories, il y a aussi des sous-catégories. Par exemple, un fromage de chèvre peut avoir des goûts et des textures différentes selon le temps qu’il a passé dans la salle de séchage, ou dans quel liquide il a été baigné.

