Stanley H. Ambrose

Arguments against the significance of the Toba super-eruption for abrupt, catastrophic climate change and population reduction, have provided the opportunity for a detailed reexamination and restatement of the main points of the hypothesis of Toba’s relationship to the human population bottleneck, and to cultural developments. In summary:

  1. The eruption was significantly larger than previously estimated, and caused a millennium of the coldest temperatures of the Upper Pleistocene.
  2. The population bottleneck was real rather than “putative”, and it occurred during the first half of the last glacial period. Mass extinctions were not a feature of this event.
  3. Capacities for modern human behavior were undoubtedly present during the last interglacial, but the stable environments of this period did not foster widespread adoption of the strategic cooperative skills necessary for survival in the last glacial era.

Did the super-eruption of Toba cause a human population bottleneck? (PDF file)

3 thoughts on “Stanley H. Ambrose

  1. shinichi Post author

    Did the super-eruption of Toba cause a human population bottleneck? Reply to Gathorne-Hardy and Harcourt-Smith

    by Stanley H. Ambrose

    Arguments of Gathorne-Hardy and Harcourt-Smith and others against the significance of the Toba super-eruption for abrupt, catastrophic climate change and population reduction, have provided the opportunity for a detailed reexamination and restatement of the main points of the hypothesis of Toba’s relationship to the human population bottleneck, and to cultural developments. In summary:

    1. Mounting geological evidence strongly suggests the eruption was significantly larger than previously estimated, and caused a millennium of the coldest temperatures of the Upper Pleistocene.
    2. Numerous genetic studies suggest that the population bottleneck was real rather than “putative”, and that it occurred during the first half of the last glacial period. Estimating the duration of this bottleneck is complex, but it was unlikely to have been shorter than 20 generations, and may have been longer than 500. Mass extinctions were not a feature of this event, nor of other explosive volcanic eruptions of comparable magnitude throughout Cenozoic history.
    3. Capacities for modern human behavior were undoubtedly present during the last interglacial, but the stable environments of this period did not foster widespread adoption of the strategic cooperative skills necessary for survival in the last glacial era. Modern humans may have eventually developed such strategies during the last ice age, but they were crucial for survival when volcanic winter arrived. We are the descendants of the few small groups of tropical Africans who united in the face of adversity.
  2. shinichi Post author



    トバ・カタストロフ理論(Toba catastrophe theory)とは、今から7万年前から7万5千年前に、インドネシア、スマトラ島にあるトバ火山が大噴火を起こして気候の寒冷化を引き起こし、その後の人類の進化に大きな影響を与えたという学説である。地質学・古人類学の分野では、火山の噴火とその後の気候変動を指してトバ事変(Toba event)と呼ぶ。 人類の進化における、ボトルネック効果の例を示す学説として言及されることが多い。この学説は1998年にイリノイ大学のStanley H. Ambrose教授によって唱えられた。


    いまから7万-7万5000年前に、トバ火山が火山爆発指数でカテゴリー8の大規模な噴火を起こした。この噴火で放出されたエネルギーはTNT火薬1ギガトン分、1980年のセント・ヘレンズ山の噴火のおよそ3000倍の規模に相当する。この噴火の規模は過去10万年の間で最大であった。噴出物の容量は1,000 km3を超えたという(参考として、8万年前の阿蘇山火砕流堆積物の堆積は600km3であった)。









    ヒトに寄生するヒトジラミは2つの亜種、主に毛髪に寄宿するアタマジラミ(Pediculus humanus capitis)と主に衣服に寄宿するコロモジラミ(Pediculus humanus corporis)に分けられる。近年の遺伝子の研究からこの2亜種が分化したのはおよそ7万年前であることが分かっている。




    また、Ambrose (1998)はトバ火山噴火後にふたたび人類はアフリカから広がったと主張している。現世人類は始めにアラビア半島やインド、インド洋づたいにインドネシアやオーストラリアへと移住していった。その後、ヴュルム氷期の終わり頃(1万1000〜1万年前)までに北南米大陸へと広がったとされる。


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