Natasha Lennard

It has not, by any measure, been a Summer of Love; more like a Summer of Anxiety, Fear and Hate. It would be facile to respond to recent events — political upheaval, mass murder, police violence and festering racism — with a call to “love.” But in extreme times, it’s worth considering: Can love (as we know it) act as a radical force rather than a distraction? Does our current idea of love need revision? Is there a new kind of love emerging in new social movements, one that works against the narrow kind of love fostered by capitalism?

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  1. shinichi Post author

    Love. Labor. Lost.

    by Natasha Lennard and Moira Weigel

    It has not, by any measure, been a Summer of Love; more like a Summer of Anxiety, Fear and Hate. It would be facile to respond to recent events — political upheaval, mass murder, police violence and festering racism — with a call to “love.” But in extreme times, it’s worth considering: Can love (as we know it) act as a radical force rather than a distraction? Does our current idea of love need revision? Is there a new kind of love emerging in new social movements, one that works against the narrow kind of love fostered by capitalism? I discussed these and other matters with Moira Weigel, the author of “Labor of Love: The Invention of Dating.” — Natasha Lennard

    Natasha Lennard: From “Romeo and Juliet,” to “Wuthering Heights” to Hollywood romance tales like “The Notebook,” the mainstream Western view of love has long been that — to borrow from the former Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart’s thoughts on obscenity — we know it when we see it. True love. Real love. Love at first sight. We treat romantic love as some unchanging, metaphysical object waiting to be found and grasped, even though these “traditional” modes of courtship and coupling are actually relatively recent developments. Why does love continue to be upheld as something timeless and transcendental?

    Moira Weigel: Although there is a long and rich tradition of philosophers’ writing about love, in everyday life we often act and speak as if love itself cannot be analyzed. You bring up Justice Stewart’s famous dictum on obscenity. I have often heard folks tell friends in the dating doldrums: When it’s right you’ll know. When I myself was dating I used to think (often woefully) of the Bob Dylan line: If something ain’t right, it’s wrong. These kinds of tautologies crop up all over conversations about sex and romance. They obscure the wide range of emotions and experiences that all go by the name of “love.”

    But what love is, and what it could be, are hardly self-evident. Sometimes we speak of love as if it is a form of instinct, emanating directly from our biology. Goethe borrowed a metaphor from chemistry to describe how spontaneously bonds of attraction and affection can form: “elective affinities.” These kinds of metaphors are tempting, because attraction and affection surely do involve biological and bodily processes that we may not clearly perceive or intellectually understand. Yet they are incomplete.

    The kinds of tautological definitions of love that I alluded to above — “when it’s right you’ll know,” “when something ain’t right, it’s wrong,” etc. — all emphasize its spontaneity. To put it another way, they refuse to acknowledge that it could involve any element of effort or intention. I think that this separation between love and labor is misguided. What’s more, it is conservative, to the extent that it suggests that we have no agency, no power to shape the world as we recreate it.

    N.L.: What do you think the risks are, from the perspective of feminism and political change, of treating romantic love as this sort of timeless object?

    M.W.: Historically, the mystification of romantic love has been particularly damaging to women. It is difficult to separate from the entire tangle of ideas about female nature that have served to justify the exploitation of our labor — for instance, that we are instinctively emotional and innately giving, whether to our lovers, our children, or our co-workers. (Convenient, isn’t it, that the very group of humans forced by their material conditions to smile and meet the emotional needs of others for centuries are so “naturally” adept at doing so?)

    Marxist feminists have done a lot of important work elucidating the extent to which romantic and family relationships are labor relations. Even as stay-at-home wives or mothers, women contribute a great deal to the economy. By caring for family members who perform waged labor, they sustain and help reproduce the work force; giving birth to and raising children to be productive members of society increases gross domestic product in direct, measurable ways.

    We are paid for none of it. The re-creation of the world reproduces a social good that people of all genders hold in common. Yet very few public conversations about women and family acknowledge that these activities do anything more than gratify a personal impulse. The fact that childbearing and child rearing are not paid or subsidized reinforces the idea that these activities are not valuable labors: they are love.

    We may be seeing the first steps toward policy changes that could help set straight this centuries-old con with the new paid family leave laws in California and New York. It is critical that any such laws offer paid leave to parents and caregivers of all genders; otherwise, while they may alleviate the pressures on individual women, they may reinforce the prejudice that says that care work is women’s work. We still have a long way to go.

    N.L: The question of whether romantic love can be unmoored from its relationship to patriarchy and capitalism, or whether it should be discarded altogether, has fostered various responses from feminist thinkers: bell hooks, seeking to salvage and elevate love as a radical and healing practice, argues for a specific definition of love as a mutual, life-affirming choice and practice — a verb as well as a noun — that cannot coexist with abuse. Others, like Silvia Federici, see the concept of love as something necessarily doomed and patriarchal.

    M.W.: I owe a huge debt to the work of Marxist feminists like Silvia Federici, Selma James and Mariarosa dalla Costa, or Nancy Holmstrom and Nancy Fraser, who have elucidated the extent to which romantic and sexual relationships are labor relationships, and the ideology surrounding female nature and the role of women in the nuclear family have served to justify our exploitation. Our society calls the work of mothers priceless while treating it as worthless. Indeed, all the crowing about priceless love serves as a way of romanticizing exploitation. If money can’t buy you love, love won’t get you paid.

    But at the end of the day, I find myself more persuaded by the vision of the philosopher and activist bell hooks. As you mentioned, she emphasizes that love is a verb, as well as a noun — an active form of care that we can extend to ourselves and others, in a world riven by abuse and violence. I believe that love, when we approach it as such a purposive activity, can reshape our realities.

    Angela Davis, too, has written very lucidly on how love can be used to forge new counter-public spheres — say, anti-racist family units. Davis specifically describes how white middle class feminists, because they had experienced the home as a site of oppression, tended to downplay its creative possibilities; she proposes that African-American women, who constantly encountered violence and racism in the outside world of work saw the family as a liberating space to create other possibilities.

    It follows directly from recognizing love as a form of labor implicated in social reproduction that it can be creative: We do not have to reproduce the world as it is, now. For me, the key questions are not about what love is but about what love does. Or perhaps more precisely, what we can do with it. What we do does not have to be reproducing (white supremacist heterosexist capitalist) patriarchy. It really doesn’t.

    N.L.: The cultural theorist Dominic Pettman has written: “It is worth speculating whether love is the only discourse still available to us that is capable of salvaging singularity in a late capitalist epoch, or whether it is rather a case that ‘love’ has become (or perhaps always was) a decoy that lures us into a libidinal economy no less indifferent to individual suffering than the macroeconomy overseen by the I.M.F. and the World Bank.” How would you respond to this?

    M.W.: “Salvaging singularity”! I like that. Love is an emotion you feel for someone you wouldn’t trade up if you could. It seems worth stressing that the singularity of love also involves a form of collectivity — even if it’s just a primitive communism of two. We owe it to ourselves, and one another, to honor that love and not let it be entirely enclosed or co-opted.

    So I like what Pettman says here. We should be wary of how the language of love can discipline us to consume and work. And yet, I do have reservations about the ways that some anticapitalist thinkers like Alain Badiou, Jean Baudrillard and Slavoj Zizek, have tried to treat love and erotic experience as the “other” of capitalism or its outside — a last refuge of authenticity in a corrupt world. I think there’s often a kind of crypto-misogyny at work in that kind of romanticism.

    There is such a long tradition in European philosophy that idealizes women — or, more precisely, the concept of “woman” — by defining us in opposition to the male world. This kind of rhetoric purports to elevate “us.” Yet it dehumanizes us in the process. We become the shadow of what exists. I am thinking, for instance, of how Nietzsche uses the concept of “eternal feminine,” inherited from earlier German Romantics, and how Jacques Derrida and other post-structuralists pick up on his famous proposition, “What if truth is a woman — what then?” And Sigmund Freud, and the psychoanalytic tradition that defines women in terms of “lack.” Lack, that is, of a phallus.

    The great irony is that, by romanticizing the feminine and the erotic, avowed anticapitalists like Baudrillard, Bourdieu and Zizek end up perpetuating one of the founding lies of modern capitalism. This may be its most important myth: that the work that women do in bearing and raising children is not work. It is simply part of nature. And nature is what you can take for free, without having to feel bad about it.

    Left thinkers who view the existing world order as corrupt, and fail to see that pregnancy, labor and child rearing are labor, miss the key fact that social reproduction can be creative. They see the work of care and mothering as simply passive — part of biology, or a self-renewing “standing reserve” that the natural world is. As a result, they fail to see that care can transform social conditions. This is why they remain stuck in the negative modality of critique: Because they have no account of how we come into the world and grow, they can only imagine change coming from the outside, as an apocalypse. It’s also why, however petulantly they insist otherwise, they hate women.

    N.L.: Disconnecting the idea of romantic love from capitalism and patriarchy is particularly challenging in a culture that eroticizes and romanticizes labor. We are supposed to love what we do, and find our passions in work. This is the message upheld by female power players like Sheryl Sandberg, and certainly seems central to the sort of feminism attributed to Hillary Clinton — whose marriage and “love life” have also been a site of intense focus. The language of love being applied to work is not an age-old phenomenon, of course, but it certainly seems to further entangle, rather than disentangle, love with oppressive systems. What are your thoughts on this, and the relevance of this love-your-work phenomenon and the figures embodying it?

    M.W.: Hillary is an interesting case: She inspires such intense feelings in those who love and hate her. We can certainly agree that right-wing misogynists have vilified her for her entire career, because she is female. But among liberals, too, feelings about Hillary often seem to be inspired by her identity rather than her political record.

    For me, Hillary epitomizes a kind of representative feminism. Many of the policies that she has supported throughout her career have been terrible for women. As first lady, she supported welfare reform that impoverished mothers and children, a crime omnibus bill that fueled the “New Jim Crow” of mass incarceration, corporate education reforms that vilified teachers unions, a predominantly female profession. As a New York senator and secretary of state, she has consistently promoted hawkish foreign policies that have led to the deaths of women and children abroad.

    The George W. Bush administration was most shameless in mobilizing a combination of feminism and Islamophobia to legitimate the war on terror — I am thinking of Laura Bush and Condoleezza Rice, talking publicly about the need to “free” women in Afghanistan and Iraq. But Clinton has continued to use women and children rhetorically, to justify war. Still, from many women, because she is a woman, she inspires feelings of identification and love. From the left and the right, her lovers and haters do seem to engage in the same kind of tautological thinking that we talked about earlier. When it’s right you’ll know. Or when something’s not right, it’s wrong.

    As for the rest of us, I definitely think we could lean out and take a long critical look at the entire ideology surrounding “do what you love.” The mantra that sex sells has been around for long enough that most people know how to approach it skeptically. However, in the past few years, as work and play have become less and less distinguishable, we have seen an eroticization of labor as well as leisure.

    I believe that this language conflating passion and profession is becoming an increasingly shameless pretext to exploit precarious workers. It makes us feel that if we do not want to work all the time for not enough pay we have personally failed. You should not have to talk about your “passion for food and beverage service” to get a job as a barista, nor your “passion for retail” to get a job folding sweaters. We should not feel so bound to love our work that we do not have time or resources for love — or life — itself.


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