Ailbhe Malone

Egg Coffee, Vietnam
Recipes vary, but the fundamentals are egg yolk + condensed milk + sugar + hot coffee. The result is very rich, like a dessert.

2 thoughts on “Ailbhe Malone

  1. shinichi Post author

    17 Ways To Drink Coffee Around The World

    by Ailbhe Malone


    1. Egg Coffee, Vietnam
    Recipes vary, but the fundamentals are egg yolk + condensed milk + sugar + hot coffee. The result is very rich, like a dessert.

    2. Kaffeost, Finland
    Traditionally served in Kainuu in central-east Finland, a cheese called juustoleipä is served with coffee. The cheese is cut into small chunks and placed at the bottom of the cup, and then coffee is poured on top. After you drink the coffee, you eat the cheese with a spoon.

    3. Kan Kohi, Japan
    There are a number of companies producing Kan Kohi (canned coffee) in Japan. It’s available from corner shops and vending machines, served hot in the winter and cold in the summer.

    4. Café des épices, Morocco
    A blend of spices, like sesame seeds, black pepper and nutmeg (although this depends on the seller etc) is mixed with coffee beans and ground, to create a fragrant and potent brew.

    5. Café Lagrima, Argentina
    Light and airy, this is steamed milk and foam, with just a ‘teardrop’ of coffee.

    6. Turkish Coffee, Turkey
    So important to Turkish culture that Unesco included it on its 2013 Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Served thick and strong.

    7. Cafe del Olla, Mexico
    Traditionally prepared in a clay pot, this coffee is brewed with cinnamon and piloncillo.

    8. Café au lait, France
    So much more sophisticated than a latte, coffee with a side of warm frothed milk.

    9. Cafe Bombon, Spain
    An espresso with sweet condensed milk. If you want a mix of half normal milk and half sweetened condensed milk, then it’s a ‘leche y leche’. (See also: Kopi Susu Panas, Malaysia)

    10. Espresso Romano, Italy
    Espresso served with a slice of lemon. The lemon is rubbed on the rim of the cup, the idea being that the sourness of the lemon enhances flavours in the coffee.

    11. Flat White, Australia/ New Zealand
    A flat white is like a condensed latte, with one or two shots of espresso, and “about 180ml of milk” (a latte has over 220ml of milk).

    12. Pharisäer, Germany
    Coffee with rum and whipped cream! There are various legends about the origins of the name, but basically yum yum yum.

    13. Frappé, Greece
    Made with instant coffee, evaporated milk and ice-cold water, a frappé isn’t glam, but it is definitely delicious.

    14. Yuan Yang, Hong Kong
    A mixture of coffee and milky tea, this brew packs a punch. You can find a recipe here if you’re keen.

    15. Café Cubano, Cuba
    A strong shot of coffee, no milk, sweetened with sugar. Get a step-by-step here.

    16. Buna, Ethiopia
    Not just a drink, but a ceremony which involves roasting the beans, grinding the beans, brewing, straining and then serving the coffee.

    17. Ca Phe Da, Vietnam
    There are few things more refreshing than an iced coffee, with sweetened condensed milk. Delicious.

  2. shinichi Post author






    1. エッグコーヒー(ベトナム)

    2. カフェオスト(フィンランド)

    3. 缶コーヒー(日本)

    4. カフェ・デ・ゼピス(モロッコ)

    5. カフェ・ラグリマ(アルゼンチン)

    6. トルココーヒー(トルコ)

    7. カフェ・デ・オラ(メキシコ)

    8. カフェ・オ・レ(フランス)

    9. カフェ・ボンボン(スペイン)

    10. エスプレッソ・ロマーノ(イタリア)

    11. フラット・ホワイト(オーストラリア、ニュージーランド)

    12. ファリザール(ドイツ)

    13. フラッペ(ギリシャ)

    14. 鴛鴦茶〔えんおうちゃ〕(香港)

    15. キューバコーヒー(キューバ)


    17. カ・フェ・ダ(ベトナム)


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