

2 thoughts on “上野千鶴子

  1. shinichi Post author

    平成31年度東京大学学部入学式 祝辞

    上野 千鶴子








    最近ノーベル平和賞受賞者のマララ・ユスフザイさんが日本を訪れて「女子教育」の必要性を訴えました。それはパキスタンにとっては重要だが、日本には無関係でしょうか。「どうせ女の子だし」「しょせん女の子だから」と水をかけ、足を引っ張ることを、aspirationのcooling downすなわち意欲の冷却効果と言います。マララさんのお父さんは、「どうやって娘を育てたか」と訊かれて、「娘の翼を折らないようにしてきた」と答えました。そのとおり、多くの娘たちは、子どもなら誰でも持っている翼を折られてきたのです。
















  2. shinichi Post author

    Speech: Society is a place where even if one works hard, they might not be rewarded fairly

    by Chizuko Ueno

    translated by Voice Up Japan Team


    Congratulations on your entrance. You have fought through fierce competition to be here. You might be wondering if the exam screening was fair. If it was not, you might be filled with anger. However, last year, discrimination based on sex and age was revealed by the Tokyo medical school. Research done by the Ministry of Education found out that it is 1.2 times harder for female students to get into 81 other medical schools across the country than male students.

    The rate to get into Tokyo medical university is 1.29, the highest was Juntendo University at 1.67 and other private universities that ranked high was Showa University, Nihon University, and Keio University. The acceptance rate of universities lower than 1.0 or universities that are more likely to accept female students, are Tottori University, Shimane University, Tokushima University and Hirosaki University and other regional national universities (?). The rate to get into Tokyo University of Science is 1.03, which is lower than the average but higher than 1.0. What does this number represent? These statistics are important as it helps to analyze the situation.

    Is the reason for male students more likely to be accepted than female students because male students have higher grades? The researcher that conducted the medical university acceptance rate said the following:

    “There are no specific departments that are dominated by boys, and there are many cases in which girls are dominant in science and engineering as well as in humanity departments.”

    Which means that in all departments except for medicine, the acceptance rate for females is less than 1. And for the medical department to have an acceptance rate that is higher than 1, there needs to be some form of explanation.

    The fact is, there is data that shows that female students have higher class percentile than male students. First of all, females who want to avoid repeating another year of applying to universities, wisely choose their university that they for sure know that they are able to get in. Second of all, new female students of University of Tokyo has never increased more than 20%. For this year, the rate of female students has decreased from last year to 18.1%.

    Statistically, there is no gender difference in the normal distribution of class percentile, which means that female students who are more brilliant than male students are taking the examination of University of Tokyo. Third of all, a gender gap exists between those who attend a 4-year college.

    According to the Report on School Basic Survey, those who attend a 4-year college is 55.6% males and 48.2% females and there is a difference of 7 points between them. This difference is not due to the difference in their grades. It is a result of the sexist idea that “sons attend 4-year college and daughters attend associate college” reinforced by parents.

    Recently, Malala Yousafzai, a Nobel Peace prize winner, visited Japan and spoke about the importance of education for girls.

    This may be important to Pakistan but is Japan unrelated to this issue? For girls to be told “because you are a girl,” their aspiration is cooled down by people who believe individuals are incapable of achieving something due to their gender. Malala’s father was asked how did he raise his daughter, and he said that he tried to not let her “wings get clipped”. Like many girls, their “wings have been clipped” even though all children have “wings to fly high with”.

    What sort of environment is waiting for the students who worked hard to get into University of Tokyo? When male students of University of Tokyo attend group blind date (Goukon), they are considered more attractive. But I heard an interesting story from one of the female student. When a female student is asked which university she attends, they answer “a university in Tokyo….” This is because if they answer University of Tokyo, they are considered less attractive.

    Why can male students have proud when they say they attend University of Tokyo but female students can’t and have to hesitate? This is because if a male student has high grades, their value is considered higher when females are not.

    Girls are expected to be cute (kawaii) from a young age. What is the value of kawaii? It includes the guarantee that the values to be loved, to be chosen, and to be protected will never threaten their partner. That is why girls hide their high grades or the fact that they are a student of University of Tokyo.

    There was an incident where five students of University of Tokyo Engineering department and Graduate School of Engineering sexually assaulted a female student as a group.

    3 of the perpetrator were expelled, and 2 received a suspension. Using this incident as a model, there was a novel written by Kaoruko Himeno called Because She is Stupid (彼女は頭が悪いから) and a symposium was held last year on campus on this topic.

    The phrase “Because she is stupid” was an actual phrase that was used by one of the perpetrators during the investigation. This novel shows how male students of University of Tokyo are seen by the society.

    Additionally, I heard that there are a number of existing clubs within University of Tokyo that lets female students from other universities in but not let female students from their own university become a member of the club.

    While I was a student, which was half a century ago, there were similar clubs. It is surprising that this still exists today after half a century. In March this year, under the name of the director in charge of gender equality in University of Tokyo and the Vice President, a warning was issued that exclusion of female students violates the very idea of equality advocated by the Todai Values (東大憲章).

    The school that you have been living was a tatemae society. One’s gender nor sex was necessary for a competition of class percentile. However, even before students enter the university, there is already a hidden sexism existing within the institution. As the student enter society, there is more explicit sexism that exists. And unfortunately, University of Tokyo is an example of this.

    Depending on the department, the rate of female Undergraduate university students is about 20%, Masters students is 25%, Doctorate students is 30.7%. The percentage rate further decreases where the researcher position of assistant professor is 18.2%, the associate professor is 11.6% and professor position is 7.8%. This rate is lower than the rate of female members of Parliament. The number of female Deans and the Dean of Researcher is 1 in 15, and there has never been a female University President.

    40 years ago, a study that researched such issues was created. This is called Women’s Studies. And later became gender studies. When I was a student, there was not a study called Women’s Studies in this society.

    Because there wasn’t such a study, I created it.

    Women’s Study started outside of the university and was included later. 4 and a half century ago, when I started working at University of Tokyo, I was the third female teacher in the Department of Literature. And I was in a position to teach Women’s Studies and was able to have a platform. When I started Women’s Studies, the society was full of unsolved mysteries.

    Why is it decided that men should work and women should be at home? What is a housewife and what do they do? What did people use when tampons and napkins did not exist? Were there homosexuals in the past? There was no precedent research because no one had investigated about it.

    For that reason, anyone could have become a pioneer of this department; the first one to research about it. Today in University of Tokyo, you can get a degree in the research of housewives, research about manga, or research about sexuality, but that is because we have been fighting and working in new areas. What encouraged me was the unceasing curiosity and the anger over the injustice present within the society.

    There are also ventures in learning. There are studies that are newly emerging in response to declining demand. Women’s Studies was a venture. Not just Women’s Studies, but various new fields such as environmental studies, informatics, and Disability Studies were created. It is because the change of the times sought it.

    I will say this: University of Tokyo is a university that is open to change and diversity.

    The fact that they have allowed me to work here and stand in front of you is the proof. At University of Tokyo, there was the first Zainichi Korean professor, Kang Sang-Jung and the first high school graduate professor, Tadao Ando, at a national university. There is also a professor who is visually blind, Tomo Fukushima.

    You were selected to be here. It is said that the national expenses that costs per university student is 5 million yen a year. A great educational learning environment is waiting for you for the next four years. The wonderfulness is assured by me who has the experience of teaching here.

    You must have come here thinking that you will be rewarded as long as you work hard. However, like the discrimination that happened for the entrance exam, I mentioned before, society is a place where even if one works hard, they might not be rewarded fairly.

    Do not forget the fact that you think hard work is going to be rewarded, it is not because of your hard work, but is because of your privileged environment. For you to think that you will be rewarded for your hard work, is because people around you and your environment have encouraged you, pushed you, held your hand, and praised you for being able to achieve something.

    There are many individuals who are not rewarded for their hard work, are unable to work hard even if they want to, and those who worked too hard and damaged their health. There are people who have lost their willingness to work hard because they are told, “you can’t do that.”

    Do not just use your perseverance for yourself. Use your privileged environment and privileged ability to help those who are less privileged.

    And be aware of your weakness, and support each other.

    Feminism is part of a women’s movement that created Women’s Studies, but feminism is not a concept that women want to behave like men, or the “weak” wants to be “strong”. Feminism is a concept that seeks the weak to be respected as the weak.

    What is waiting for you is the unpredictable, the unknown world where past theories do not apply.

    Until now, you have sought for knowledge with an answer. What is waiting for you from now on is a world filled with questions without an answer.

    The reason why diversity is needed on campus is that new values are created between systems, where different cultures conflict with each other. You do not have to be kept within the campus. The University of Tokyo also has a program that supports studying abroad, international exchange and solving local issues in Japan.

    Seek out of the unknown and jump out into the world.

    There is no need to be afraid of different cultures. If it is a place where humans live, anyone can survive. We want you to be able to survive and have knowledge in a world where the brand of University of Tokyo means nothing, in any environment, in any world, even as a refugee.

    I am convinced that the value of learning at university is not to acquire certain knowledge, but to acquire knowledge to create knowledge that no one has seen before. The knowledge that creates knowledge is called meta-knowledge. It is the mission of the university for you to get this meta-knowledge.

    Welcome to University of Tokyo.


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