








Nick Bostrom

When we create the first superintelligent entity, we might make a mistake and give it goals that lead it to annihilate humankind, assuming its enormous intellectual advantage gives it the power to do so. For example, we could mistakenly elevate a subgoal to the status of a supergoal. We tell it to solve a mathematical problem, and it complies by turning all the matter in the solar system into a giant calculating device, in the process killing the person who asked the question.

Linda Gottfredson

Intelligence is a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience. It is not merely book-learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings “catching on,” “making sense” of things, or “figuring out” what to do.

Mainstream Science on Intelligence (PDF)

Wait But Why

AI Caliber 1) Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): Sometimes referred to as Weak AI, Artificial Narrow Intelligence is AI that specializes in one area. There’s AI that can beat the world chess champion in chess, but that’s the only thing it does. Ask it to figure out a better way to store data on a hard drive, and it’ll look at you blankly.
AI Caliber 2) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Sometimes referred to as Strong AI, or Human-Level AI, Artificial General Intelligence refers to a computer that is as smart as a human across the board—a machine that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can. Creating AGI is a much harder task than creating ANI, and we’re yet to do it. Professor Linda Gottfredson describes intelligence as “a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.” AGI would be able to do all of those things as easily as you can.
AI Caliber 3) Artificial Superintelligence (ASI): Oxford philosopher and leading AI thinker Nick Bostrom defines superintelligence as “an intellect that is much smarter than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills.” Artificial Superintelligence ranges from a computer that’s just a little smarter than a human to one that’s trillions of times smarter—across the board. ASI is the reason the topic of AI is such a spicy meatball and why the words “immortality” and “extinction” will both appear in these posts multiple times.

Math Goodies

An experiment is a situation involving chance or probability that leads to results called outcomes.
An outcome is the result of a single trial of an experiment.
An event is one or more outcomes of an experiment.
Probability is the measure of how likely an event is.

In order to measure probabilities, mathematicians have devised the following formula for finding the probability of an event.
(Probability of an Event) = (the number of ways Event a can occur) / (the total number of possible Outcomes)



George Blecher

dinerFor the past 25 years — since the divorce — I’ve lived a good part of my life in diners. Without them I might be slimmer, but also crazier and more unhappy. Judging by the crowds at the Metro Diner, on 100th Street and Broadway, my current haunt, I suspect that other New Yorkers feel the same way.
The best days of the New York City diner, however, appear to be over. Among the 2016 casualties were the Lyric Diner in Gramercy and the 40-year-old Del Rio in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, while La Parisienne near Columbus Circle and the 53-year-old Market Diner in Hell’s Kitchen closed in 2015. Then there was Cafe Edison, a 34-year-old coffee shop that shut in 2014 to much sadness in the Broadway community.



Daniel Chamovitz

Indeed, we tend not to pay much attention to the immensely sophisticated sensory machines in the flowers and trees that can be found right in our own back gardens. While most animals can choose their environments, seek shelter in a storm, search for food and a mate, or migrate with the changing seasons, plants must be able to withstand and adapt to constantly changing weather, encroaching neighbors, and invading pests, without being able to move to a better environment. Because of this, plants have developed complex sensory and regulatory systems that allow them to modulate their growth in response to ever-changing conditions. An elm tree has to know if its neighbor is shading it from the sun so that it can find its own way to grow towards the light that’s available. A head of lettuce has to know if there are ravenous aphids about to eat it up so that it can protect itself by making poisonous chemicals to kill the pests. A Douglas fir tree has to know if whipping winds are shaking its branches so it can grow a stronger trunk. Cherry trees have to know when to flower.


Turn the lights out on your enemy. Operate unimpeded in the modern threat environment. To do that, you need to control the electromagnetic spectrum.
The U.S Air Force has awarded Raytheon Company $4.8 million to continue the Counter-Electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile, known as CHAMP, aboard the Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile.
CHAMP is a non-kinetic payload that can disable adversaries’ electronic systems. As part of the contract, Raytheon Missile Systems Ktech will refurbish the CHAMP payload and a pair of CALCMs and deliver them to the Air Force Research Laboratory. This is the first major CHAMP activity since the AFRL successfully demonstrated the technology in October 2012.
Non-kinetic systems give the U.S. the option to defeat enemy infrastructure with little collateral damage. The pairing of CHAMP and CALCM, a proven weapon, lowers risk and brings tomorrow’s capabilities forward to today.
The CHAMP industry team includes CALCM manufacturer The Boeing Company and Sandia National Laboratories.

Brent Staples

The father of cybernetics cautioned human beings against the desire to be waited upon by intelligent machines that are equipped to improve their minds over time. “We wish a slave to be intelligent, to be able to assist us in the carrying out of our tasks,” Wiener writes. “However, we also wish him to be subservient.” The obvious problem is that keen intelligence and groveling submission do not go hand in hand.



  1. 太平洋戦争中、大本営が国民に向けて発表した、戦況に関する情報。末期には、戦況が悪化しているのにもかかわらず、優勢であるかのような虚偽の発表をくり返した。
  2. 転じて、政府や有力者などが発表する、自分に都合がよいばかりで信用できない情報。



James Doty

dotySince the start of civilization, the source of human intelligence and consciousness has been a mystery. … While much was learned about brain anatomy and function, our understanding remained very limited. In fact, through most of the twentieth century, it was believed that the brain was fixed, immutable, and static. Today, we know that the brain has great plasticity and can change, adapt, and transform. It is molded by experience, repetition, and intention. It is only because of the extraordinary technological advances over the last few decades that we can see the brain’s ability to transform on a cellular, genetic, and even molecular level. Extraordinarily, as I learned, each of us has the ability to change the very circuitry of our brain.





Sarah Harrison

sarah-cDespite the mounting legal and political pressure coming from Washington, we continue to publish valuable material, and submissions keep pouring in. There is a desperate need for our work: The world is connected by largely unaccountable networks of power that span industries and countries, political parties, corporations and institutions; WikiLeaks shines a light on these by revealing not just individual incidents, but information about entire structures of power.
While a single document might give a picture of a particular event, the best way to shed light on a whole system is to fully uncover the mechanisms around it — the hierarchy, ideology, habits and economic forces that sustain it. It is the trends and details visible in the large archives we are committed to publishing that reveal the details that tell us about the nature of these structures. It is the constellations, not stars alone, that allow us to read the night sky.

Julie Clarini

lieuxC’est bien sûr à Proust qu’on pense quand il faut présenter Trésor du terroir. Les noms de lieux de la France. A Proust, à La Recherche, à Combray et Guermantes, à Parme, à toutes ces pages splendides sur le pouvoir d’évocation de quelques syllabes… Chez Proust, « le Nom propre est (…) un signe », remarquait Roland Barthes en 1967. Ce signe est « toujours gros d’une épaisseur touffue de sens, qu’aucun usage ne vient réduire, aplatir, contrairement au nom commun qui ne livre jamais qu’un de ses sens par syntagme ».
Alors Proust, bien sûr. Mais on pense aussi à l’enfance, à ces trajets en voiture où chaque village traversé laissait derrière lui la trace de son énigme, comme un appel à l’investigation.



NASA Ozone Watch

ozoneEach year for the past few decades during the Southern Hemisphere spring, chemical reactions involving chlorine and bromine cause ozone in the southern polar region to be destroyed rapidly and severely. This depleted region is known as the “ozone hole”.
The area of the ozone hole is determined from a map of total column ozone. It is calculated from the area on the Earth that is enclosed by a line with a constant value of 220 Dobson Units. The value of 220 Dobson Units is chosen since total ozone values of less than 220 Dobson Units were not found in the historic observations over Antarctica prior to 1979. Also, from direct measurements over Antarctica, a column ozone level of less than 220 Dobson Units is a result of the ozone loss from chlorine and bromine compounds.

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab

In the early 1990s, one thing was fairly certain about the expansion of the Universe. It might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and recollapse, it might have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding, but gravity was certain to slow the expansion as time went on. Granted, the slowing had not been observed, but, theoretically, the Universe had to slow. The Universe is full of matter and the attractive force of gravity pulls all matter together. Then came 1998 and observations of very distant supernovae that showed that, a long time ago, the Universe was actually expanding more slowly than it is today. So the expansion of the Universe has not been slowing due to gravity, as everyone thought, it has been accelerating. No one expected this, no one knew how to explain it. But something was causing it.
Eventually theorists came up with three sorts of explanations. Maybe it was a result of a long-discarded version of Einstein’s theory of gravity, one that contained what was called a “cosmological constant.” Maybe there was some strange kind of energy-fluid that filled space. Maybe there is something wrong with Einstein’s theory of gravity and a new theory could include some kind of field that creates this cosmic acceleration. Theorists still don’t know what the correct explanation is, but they have given the solution a name. It is called dark energy.





École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

The goal of the Blue Brain Project is to build biologically detailed digital reconstructions and simulations of the rodent, and ultimately the human brain. The supercomputer-based reconstructions and simulations built by the project offer a radically new approach for understanding the multilevel structure and function of the brain. The project’s novel research strategy exploits interdependencies in the experimental data to obtain dense maps of the brain, without measuring every detail of its multiple levels of organization (molecules, cells, micro-circuits, brain regions, the whole brain). This strategy allows the project to build digital reconstructions (computer models) of the brain at an unprecedented level of biological detail. Supercomputer-based simulation of their behavior turns understanding the brain into a tractable problem, providing a new tool to study the complex interactions within different levels of brain organization and to investigate the cross-level links leading from genes to cognition.

David Goldberg

woldorfastoriaAnbang, the Chinese investment group that purchased the Waldorf Astoria in 2014, has officially filed plans to convert most of the iconic hotel into residential spaces. The billion-dollar effort will turn over 31 floors of 500 guest rooms into “exclusive” apartment units. The remaining 300–500 units will remain hotel rooms, though they’ll likely get some souped-up features. The base of the Waldorf will feature a fitness room, shopping center and restaurants.

E. O. Wilson

We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.

Paul Valéry

Je ne puis développer à présent ces considérations à peine indiquées et me borne à répéter ce que j’ai dit assez souvent : prenons garde d’entrer dans l’avenir à reculons… C’est pourquoi je n’aime pas trop que l’on parle de reconstruire la France : c’est construire une France que j’aimerais que l’on voulût.

Antony Garrett Lisi

Computers share knowledge much more easily than humans do, and they can keep that knowledge longer, becoming wiser than humans. Many forward-thinking companies already see this writing on the wall, and are luring the best computer scientists out of academia with better pay and advanced hardware. A world with superintelligent machine-run corporations won’t be that different for humans than it is now; it will just be better: with more advanced goods and services available for very little cost, and more leisure time available to those who want it.
Of course, the first superintelligent machines probably won’t be corporate; they’ll be operated by governments. And this will be much more hazardous. Governments are more flexible in their actions than corporations—they create their own laws. And, as we’ve seen, even the best can engage in brutal torture when they consider their survival to be at stake. Governments produce nothing, and their primary modes of competition for survival and propagation are social manipulation, legislation, taxation, corporal punishment, murder, subterfuge, and warfare.


To arrive at the edge of the world’s knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves.

Rodney A. Brooks

“Think” and “intelligence” are both what Marvin Minsky has called suitcase words. They are words into which we pack many meanings so that we can talk about complex issues in a shorthand way. When we look inside these words we find many different aspects, mechanisms, and levels of understanding. This makes answering the perennial questions of “can machines think?” or “when will machines reach human level intelligence?” fraught with danger. The suitcase words are used to cover both specific performance demonstrations by machines and more general competence that humans might have. People are getting confused and generalizing from performance to competence and grossly overestimating the real capabilities of machines today and in the next few decades.

Peter Norvig

In 1950, Alan Turing suggested we should ask not “Can Machines Think” but rather “What Can Machines Do?” Edsger Dijkstra got it right in 1984 when he said the question of Can Machine Think “is about as relevant as the question of whether Submarines Can Swim.” By that he meant that both are questions in sociolinguistics: how do we choose to use words such as “think”? In English, submarines do not swim, but in Russian, they do. This is irrelevant to the capabilities of submarines. So let’s explore what it is that machines can do, and whether we should fear their capabilities.

Edsger W. Dijkstra

The malleability is understandable when we realize that at the beginning the computing community was very uncertain as to what its topic was really about and got in this respect very little guidance from the confused and confusing world by which it was surrounded.
The Fathers of the field had been pretty confusing: John von Neumann speculated about computers and the human brain in analogies sufficiently wild to be worthy of a medieval thinker and Alan M. Turing thought about criteria to settle the question of whether Machines Can Think, a question of which we now know that it is about as relevant as the question of whether Submarines Can Swim.
A futher confusion came from the circumstance that numerical mathematics was at the time about the only scientific discipline more or less ready to use the new equipment. As a result, in their capacity as number crunchers, computers were primarily viewed as tools for the numerical mathematician.
But the greatest confusion came from the circumstance that, at the time, electronic engineering was not really up to the challenge of constructing the machinery with an acceptable degree of reliability and that, consequently, the hardware became the focus of concern.
I called this focus on hardware a distortion because we know by now that electronic engineering can contribute no more than the machinery, and that the general purpose computer is no more than a handy device for implementing any thinkable mechanism without changing a single wire. That being so, the key question is what mechanisms we can think of without getting lost in the complexities of our own making. Not getting lost in the complexities of our own making and preferably reaching that goal by learning how to avoid the introduction of those complexities in the first place, that is the key challenge computing science has to meet.
Nowadays machines are so fast and stores are so huge that in a very true sense the computations we can evoke defy our imagination. Machine capacities now give us room galore for making a mess of it. Opportunities unlimited for fouling things up! Developing the austere intellectual discipline of keeping things sufficiently simple is in this environment a formidable challenge, both technically and educationally.
As computing scientists we should not be frightened by it; on the contrary, it is always nice to know what you have to do, in particular when that task is as clear and inspiring as ours. We know perfectly well what we have to do, but the burning question is, whether the world we are part of will allow us to do it. The answer is not evident at all. The odds against computing science might very well turn out to be overwhelming.

William Poundstone

My favorite Edsger Dijkstra aphorism is this one: “The question of whether machines can think is about as relevant as the question of whether submarines can swim.” Yet we keep playing the imitation game: asking how closely machine intelligence can duplicate our own intelligence, as if that is the real point. Of course, once you imagine machines with human-like feelings and free will, it’s possible to conceive of misbehaving machine intelligence—the AI as Frankenstein idea. This notion is in the midst of a revival, and I started out thinking it was overblown. Lately I have concluded it’s not.

Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew Mcafee

… this is a book about the second machine age unfolding right now—an inflection point in the history of our economies and societies because of digitization. It’s an inflection point in the right direction—bounty instead of scarcity, freedom instead of constraint—but one that will bring with it some difficult challenges and choices.
The first part gives many examples of recent technological progress that seem like the stuff of science fiction, explains why they’re happening now, and reveals why we should be confident that the scale and pace of innovation in computers, robots, and other digital gear is only going to accelerate in the future.
The second part explores bounty and spread, the two economic consequences of this progress. Bounty is the increase in volume, variety, and quality and the decrease in cost of the many offerings brought on by modern technological progress. It’s the best economic news in the world today. Spread, however, is not so great; it’s ever-bigger differences among people in economic success—in wealth, income, mobility, and other important measures. Spread has been increasing in recent years. This is a troubling development for many reasons, and one that will accelerate in the second machine age unless we intervene.
The final part discusses what interventions will be appropriate and effective for this age. Our economic goals should be to maximize the bounty while mitigating the negative effects of the spread.

Tom Meltzer

Knowledge-based jobs were supposed to be safe career choices, the years of study it takes to become a lawyer, say, or an architect or accountant, in theory guaranteeing a lifetime of lucrative employment. That is no longer the case. Now even doctors face the looming threat of possible obsolescence. Expert radiologists are routinely outperformed by pattern-recognition software, diagnosticians by simple computer questionnaires. Algorithms and machines would replace 80% of doctors within a generation.

Caroline Leavitt

I never intended to get a tortoise.
I was in a troubled relationship with a man who was the opposite of me in almost every way. While I felt exiled every time I left Manhattan, he yearned to move to the country.
When we discovered we both wanted a pet, though, we thought we finally had found common ground. I was allergic to dogs and cats, so we scouted for other possibilities at the pet store. Finally I pointed to a crowded tank, a glossy shell and a pair of orange ringed eyes.
“This is what you want?” he asked doubtfully.
I nodded.
We named the tortoise Minnie, and by the time we realized she was a he, after an eye-popping male display, the name had stuck.
“How could we have gotten this wrong?” my boyfriend said, but I didn’t care. How could I not love this strange little creature? Minnie scuttled around our apartment, taking delicate little steps, sometimes eating lint off the carpet. He clacked his jaw as if he were speaking and drew up his long, lovely neck to sniff at the air.




普段は何気なく見ていたこの動詞。漠然と「発展させる」位の意味しか、すぐには思い浮かばなかったこの語も、取る目的語によって七変化どころではないさまざまな訳し方があるんだなあと、学習を始めたごく初期の頃に面白さを感じ、訳し分けの大切さをまず知るきっかけとなった語の一つでした。例えば、プランなどであれば「立案する」「作成する」、製品なら「生み出す」「作り出す」、アイデアは「考え出す」、企画は「作成する」、場合によっては「導入する」というimplementのような意味にも使えますし、コンセプトなら「開発する」、チームなどは「編成する」、能力は「伸ばす」、病気なら「かかる」、途上国は「発展させる」「開発する」、といった具合に、実に多くのコロケーションが成り立ちます。その他、目的語によっては「成長させる」「育成する・育む」「策定する」などといった訳出が適切となるケースもあります。さらに、It develops that ~ といった特殊な構文は例えば「~ということになる」と訳すとスッキリする場合があるとも学びました。また、-erのついた名詞にまつわる表現では、例えばlate developerといった場合、勿論developの意味を踏まえつつ「発育・発達の遅い人」となりますが、そこから転じて、早熟の反意語である「晩熟」といった訳や、良い意味では「大器晩成」といった訳し方が必要かつ適切となるケースもあります。何だか一見シンプルに見えるdevelop一つを取っても奥深いなあ、とますます翻訳というものに引き込まれ、夢中で色々な表現を書きとめていた記憶があります。



Denise Caruso

Know-how is more than knowledge. It puts knowledge to work in the real world. It is how scientific discoveries become routine medical treatments, and how inventions — like the iPod or the Internet — become the products and services that change how we work and play.

As the moon-and-ghetto disparity demonstrates, know-how is unevenly distributed. But why?

At the time, the chemicals were used widely as refrigerants and solvents for semiconductors. But no one ended up going without refrigerators or computers.

Whether or not the search yields results, it will at least help us to better understand why we can put a man on the moon, but we cannot manage to improve literacy rates, or shape workable policies on climate change, or reduce global poverty.

Knowing the mechanics that drive the “go” may help us to separate what is practically effective from our value judgments, and come up with a process that spurs solutions to problems as predictably as technological know-how does today.




マネジメントとは決して管理することだけではありません。英語のmanageが本来意味するところは「管理」ではありません。manageは通常の会話の中で次のように使われます。例えば、私が海外に商談に行って、初めてのお客さんとの商談がうまく終わったとしましょう。時計を見れば夕方の6時ごろでした。お客さんが「この街は初めてですか。なんならこれから街をご案内しましょうか」と提案してくださったとします。しかし常識人なら、初めてお会いしたお客さんにそこまで面倒はかけたくないと思うのが普通でしょう。そんなとき、“I can manage by myself.”(「私自身で何とかできると思いますので」)と言います。つまり、“manage”という言葉の本来的な意味は「どうにかこうにか何とかする」ということなのです。
英英辞典で“manage”を引くと“do something difficult”とか“deal with problems”という意味が最初に出てきます。こういう意味合いを持つ言葉だからこそ“manage”という言葉が人の上に立つ人の役割としての言葉として使われてきたのでしょう。

Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX)

Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX) helps communities leverage Earth and space science to build a better future for themselves and the planet. TEX does this by bringing together Earth and space scientists and community leaders and helping them combine science and local knowledge to solve on‐the‐ground challenges related to natural hazards, natural resources, and climate change. By 2019, Thriving Earth Exchange will launch 100 partnerships, engage over 100 members, catalyze 100 shareable solutions, and improve the lives of 10 million people. Through the Thriving Earth Exchange, local leaders and Earth and space scientists will create resilient communities that enrich the Earth. Working together, we will create solutions for the planet, one community at a time.

Daniel Sarewitz

Advancing according to its own logic, much of science has lost sight of the better world it is supposed to help create. Shielded from accountability to anything outside of itself, the “free play of free intellects” begins to seem like little more than a cover for indifference and irresponsibility. The tragic irony here is that the stunted imagination of mainstream science is a consequence of the very autonomy that scientists insist is the key to their success. Only through direct engagement with the real world can science free itself to rediscover the path toward truth.


chromecastChromecast は、テレビの HDMI 端子に差し込むメディア ストリーミング デバイスです。お気に入りのテレビ番組、映画、音楽、スポーツ、ゲームなど、さまざまなコンテンツをモバイル端末からテレビにキャストできます。
Chromecast は iPhone、iPad、Android スマートフォン、Android タブレット、Mac または Windows 搭載のノートパソコン、Chromebook に対応しています。
20 万本以上のテレビ番組や映画、3,000 万曲もの音楽、さらにラジオ、スポーツ、ゲームなどからお好きなコンテンツをお楽しみいただけます。

野中郁次郎, 紺野登







Karl Mehta

Everything that can be automated has been automated. The fourth industrial revolution is upon us, with the forces of AI, robotics, and 3D printing disrupting the status quo and pushing outdated processes into oblivion. The Ford factory workers’ jobs have largely been turned over to machines.
But the workforce training process hasn’t kept up with the pace of change.
The education that the workforce received was designed in the previous industrial age: front-loaded for first 20 years, and expected to apply to their jobs for the next 40 to 50 years. Today, we are in the knowledge economy, and there is new knowledge we are required to learn and apply daily. How can we future-proof our workforces to help them prepare for the rapid pace of business transformation?




 1月16日: ペリーが前年に引き続き江戸湾に再来。
 4月6日: 京都の大火により内裏を焼失。
 6月15日: 安政伊賀地震
 11月4日: 安政東海地震。津波でディアナ号遭難。
 11月5日: 安政南海地震
 11月7日: 豊予海峡地震
 11月27日: 内裏炎上、地震、黒船来航などの災異のため安政に改元。
 2月1日: 飛騨地震
 10月2日: 安政江戸地震
 7月23日: 安政八戸沖地震。陸奥八戸で強震、津波被害。
 8月25日: 台風で江戸に猛烈な暴風と高潮。死者10万人。
 2月26日: 飛越地震。北陸地方で大きな被害。

Robert Hunziker

Fukushima is a national/worldwide emergency that is the worst kept secret ever because everybody knows it is happening; it is current; it is alive; it is deadly; it has killed and will kill many more as well as maim countless people over many decades.
Yet, the Abe administration is talking to Olympic officials about conducting Olympic events, like baseball, in Fukushima for Tokyo 2020. Are they nuts, going off the deep end, gone mad, out of control? After all, TEPCO readily admits (1) the Fukushima cleanup will take decades to complete, if ever completed, and (2) nobody knows the whereabouts of the worlds most deadly radioactive blobs of sizzling hot masses of death and destruction, begging the question: Why is there a Chernobyl Exclusion Zone of 1,000 square miles after one nuclear meltdown 30 years ago, but yet Fukushima, with three meltdowns, each more severe than Chernobyl, is already being repopulated? It doesn’t compute!
The short answer is the Abe administration claims the radioactivity is being cleaned up. A much longer answer eschews the Abe administration by explaining the near impossibility of cleaning up radioactivity throughout the countryside. There are, after all, independent organizations with boots on the ground in Fukushima that tell the truth, having measured dangerous levels of radiation throughout the region where clean up crews supposedly cleaned up.
The Columbia Journalism Review article, intentionally or not, paints a picture of “journalism by government decree” in Japan, which gainsays any kind of real journalism. It’s faux journalism, kinda like reading The Daily Disneyworld Journal & Times.

Martin Fackler

Abe and his supporters on the nationalistic right seized on missteps by the Asahi in its coverage of Fukushima and sensitive issues of World War II-era history to launch a withering barrage of criticism that the paper seemed unable to withstand. The taming of the Asahi set off a domino-like series of moves by major newspapers and television networks to remove outspoken commentators and newscasters.
Political interference in the media was one reason cited by Reporters Without Borders in lowering Japan from 11th in 2010 to 72nd out of 180 nations in this year’s annual ranking of global press freedoms, released on April 20, 2016.











Steve Lohr

Watson, can you grow into a multibillion-dollar business and become the engine of IBM’s resurgence?
IBM is betting its future that the answer is yes. Its campaign to commercialize Watson, the company’s version of artificial intelligence technology, stands out, even during the current A.I. frenzy in the tech industry.
IBM has invested billions of dollars in its Watson business unit, created at the start of 2014, which now employs an estimated 10,000 workers.
At the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Watson was tested on 1,000 cancer diagnoses made by human experts. In 99 percent of them, Watson recommended the same treatment as the oncologists.
In 30 percent of the cases, Watson also found a treatment option the human doctors missed. Some treatments were based on research papers that the doctors had not read — more than 160,000 cancer research papers are published a year. Other treatment options might have surfaced in a new clinical trial the oncologists had not yet seen announced on the web.
But Watson read it all. “Humans enabled by A.I. is the way to go with genomics,” said Dr. Norman E. Sharpless, head of the school’s cancer center.

Nicola Yoon

  • Everything’s a risk. Not doing anything is a risk. It’s up to you.
  • Love is worth everything. Everything.
  • Life is a gift. Don’t forget to live it.
  • In the beginning there was nothing. And then there was everything.
  • You can’t predict the future. It turns out that you can’t predict the past either.
  • Wanting just leads to more wanting. There’s no end to desire.
  • Maybe we can’t predict everything, but we can predict some things.
  • We are lips and arms and legs and bodies entangled.
  • For the first time in a long time, I want more than I have.
  • One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
  • Just because you can’t experience everything doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experience anything.

Nicola Yoon

Natasha: I’m a girl who believes in science and facts. Not fate. Not destiny. Or dreams that will never come true. I’m definitely not the kind of girl who meets a cute boy on a crowded New York City street and falls in love with him. Not when my family is twelve hours away from being deported to Jamaica. Falling in love with him won’t be my story.
Daniel: I’ve always been the good son, the good student, living up to my parents’ high expectations. Never the poet. Or the dreamer. But when I see her, I forget about all that. Something about Natasha makes me think that fate has something much more extraordinary in store—for both of us.
The Universe: Every moment in our lives has brought us to this single moment. A million futures lie before us. Which one will come true?

Lawrence Lessig

codeislawIt is proper to let the market develop first. But as the Constitution checks and limits what Congress does, so too should constitutional values check and limit what a market does. We should test both the laws of Congress and the product of a market against these values. We should interrogate the architecture of cyberspace as we interrogate the code of Congress.
Unless we do, or unless we learn how, the relevance of our constitutional tradition will fade. The importance of our commitment to fundamental values, through a self-consciously enacted constitution, will fade. We will miss the threat that this age presents to the liberties and values that we have inherited. The law of cyberspace will be how cyberspace codes it, but we will have lost our role in setting that law.

Brewster Kahle

The World Wide Web is quite fragile. But it is huge. At the Internet Archive we collect one billion pages a week. We now know that Web pages only last about 100 days on average before they change or disappear. They blink on and off in their servers.
And the Web is massively accessible– unless you live in China. The Chinese government has blocked the Internet Archive, the New York Times, and other sites from its citizens. And other countries block their citizens’ access as well every once in a while. So the Web is not reliably accessible.
And the Web isn’t private. People, corporations, countries can spy on what you are reading. And they do. We now know, thanks to Edward Snowden, that Wikileaks readers were selected for targeting by the National Security Agency and the UK’s equivalent just because those organizations could identify those Web browsers that visited the site and identify the people likely to be using those browsers.

Boston Globe

Just say ‘yes’ on Question 4
A ‘yes’ vote supports this proposal to legalize marijuana, but regulate it similar to alcoholic beverages.
A ‘no’ vote opposes this proposal to legalize recreational marijuana, keeping only medical marijuana legal.



  • vider: 魚や鳥類の内臓を取り除く。
  • écailler: 牡蠣や貝類の殻を開ける。魚のウロコを取る。
  • émonder: 熱湯に素材(トマトや果物)を数秒くぐらせたのち冷水にとって皮を剥くこと。
  • dégorger: 流水にさらして不純物やアク、血抜きなどをする。発泡ワインの澱を取り除く。
  • décortiquer: エビやオマールなど甲殻類の皮を剥く。アーモンドや栗の皮を剥く。
  • désosser: 肉や魚の骨を取り除く。
  • dépouiller: ウサギや仔牛の頭など、動物の皮を剥ぐこと。
  • flamber: 鳥の羽をむしり取ったあとに残った細かい羽を火にかざして焼ききる。
  • plumer: 鳥類の羽をむしる。
  • laver: 洗う。






Windows 10 のロック画面に、見覚えのない美しい写真が表示される。「Windows スポットライト」という新機能。マイクロソフトがおすすめする画像をランダムに表示してくれる。壁紙とは違って常に鑑賞できるわけではないが、きれいな画像が表示されるのは悪くない。

Leonard Koren

Whether it’s trying to convince others that something is more true, more virtuous, or more desirable–all communication is rhetoric in action.

Sy Johnson

mingusA Primitive such as Charles Mingus had no backlog of tested solutions. He had certain doors he could enter to break through the start of a new piece. He could put his hands down on the keyboard in the key of D-flat, particularly a D-flat major seventh chord, and his hands would begin to shape melodies and harmonies, some borrowed from himself, some from outside himself (Billy Strayhorn’s ‘‘Lush Life,’’ for example), and some new. Check out his ‘‘Duke Ellington’s Sound of Love’’ or ‘‘Sue’s Changes.’’ You can hear ghosts of other melodies, but the totality is pure Mingus.







