Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of five major islands and 30 more groups of islands. All total, Indonesia contains 17,508 islands. Many of which are uninhabited.
Indonesia has a population of over 245 M people making it the #4 largest country in the world. Of it’s 245 M, only 30 M are online. Yet Indonesia ranks as the #3 country on Facebook (behind the US and UK) with a whopping 27 M Facebook users. You don’t have to know how to count cards to realize that that means 90% of the people that are online in Indonesia are on Facebook.
Furthermore, Twitter penetration (HR) in Indonesia continues to grow with it currently ranked as the number one Twitter penetrated country in the world. According to comScore, 20.8% of its online users are on Twitter, compared to the average country where only 7.4% of their online users are Tweeting (many of the younger Indonesians are learning English because of their desire to Tweet.)
So what does all of this mean? I’m not sure if I know yet but one thing is certain. As I look for my next opportunity in technology, learning more about Indonesia and potential opportunities there is going to be at the top of my to-do list.
Jeff Ma’s blog
Jeff Ma
Jeff Ma or Jeffrey Ma was a member of the MIT Blackjack Team in the mid-1990s.He attended MIT where he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering in 1994. He was the basis for the main character of the book Bringing Down the House (where he was renamed Kevin Lewis) and the film 21 (where he was renamed Ben Campbell).
INTERVIEW MIT, Vegas, Hollywood
A Conversation With Ben Mezrich and Jeffrey Ma
by Jillian A. Berry
In 2002, Ben Mezrich released Bringing Down the House, the story of how a group of MIT students counted cards to win millions playing blackjack. Later this month, 21, the movie based on the book, will be released. Recently, The Tech sat down with Mezrich and Jeffrey Ma ’94, who is the real life basis for Ben Campbell in the film.