>Coney Island's "Elephant Colossus," an elephant-shaped hotel rumored to be a brothel and destroyed by fire in 1896; the Manhattan Beach Hotel; South Street Seaport; Stanford White's Madison Square Garden; the Vanderbilt, Tiffany, and Astor mansions; Central Park's elevated railway; the first Waldorf Astoria Hotel; the 1939 World's Fair site; Manhattan Train Terminal on Brooklyn Bridge; Ebbet's Field—home of the Brooklyn Dodgers; and the Polo Grounds—home of the NY Giants baseball team.
>"Lost New York" by Marcia Reiss
>Coney Island's "Elephant Colossus," an elephant-shaped hotel rumored to be a brothel and destroyed by fire in 1896; the Manhattan Beach Hotel; South Street Seaport; Stanford White's Madison Square Garden; the Vanderbilt, Tiffany, and Astor mansions; Central Park's elevated railway; the first Waldorf Astoria Hotel; the 1939 World's Fair site; Manhattan Train Terminal on Brooklyn Bridge; Ebbet's Field—home of the Brooklyn Dodgers; and the Polo Grounds—home of the NY Giants baseball team.