eBooks will not replace the printed book. They will be available in parallel with printed books and will stimulate reading behaviour. The book market is facing an exciting future. If publishers are to benefit from this process, they must invest now.
Digital publishing appears to be reaching critical mass. Most consumers have an understanding of eBooks and eReaders, thanks to media coverage, as well as extensive reporting ahead of this year’s major book fairs. Apple’s new iPad, which can serve as an eReader, also brings more attention to the market for the digital technology.
Intermediaries will have to redefine themselves in the digital environment. It is true that numerous tasks will continue to exist as a result of the co-existence of digital and printed books, but they will become less important. The intermediaries would therefore be well advised to adapt to the new requirements and to develop services for publishers and stores that have difficulty in providing such services on their own due to their weak financial position or lack of technical skills.
This includes support for converting content to an eBook format, the establishment and maintenance of a content management system and payment processing, document hosting, eBook storage, and digital delivery of eBooks.
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