
QRpedia is a mobile Web based system which uses QR codes to deliver Wikipedia articles to users, in their preferred language.

4 thoughts on “QRpedia

  1. Anonymous

    each newborn will have a lifeQR at the birth.

    connect actual material world into e-world

    one QR for each book, one book could contain thousands of QR’s. library’s catalog (hard copy) will only contain QR’s. just take a picture of QR, you get to read the entire e-book.

    to collect and gather departmental information for large organization made easy with QR.
    each department add their meaningful daily events into their daily QRs. The company will have their entire daily/monthly digest for preservation.

  2. shinichi

    QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional bar code) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. Bar codes are optical machine-readable labels attached to items that record information related to the item. It was initially patented; however, its patent holder has chosen not to exercise those rights. Recently, the QR Code system has become popular outside the automotive industry due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. The code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background. The information encoded may be made up of four standardized types (“modes”) of data (numeric, alphanumeric, byte / binary, Kanji) or, through supported extensions, virtually any type of data.

    A QR code is read by an imaging device, such as a camera, and formatted algorithmically by underlying software using Reed-Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. Data is then extracted from patterns present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image. As a variety of industries utilize the QR code today, the applications for use can vary from product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management and general marketing purposes.


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