SOPA is disguised as an anti-piracy bill. Any first year CS student knows better. The bill is, in actuality, designed to obliterate free speech on the internet and allow media publishing companies to commercialize everything.
SOPA explicitly states that companies will be liable for everything their users post. Sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Wikipedia, or any sites that allow user generated content CANNOT exist under these laws. Immediately after this bill is passed, you will see the media mafia (MPIAA, RIAA, etc) replacing websites like Wikipedia with commercialized encyclopedia software. Mainstream media outlets will not cover this bill because they are the ones lobbying for it.
“I don’t really know much about the internet, but we should pass this bill” – Congressman Walt
CBS VIACOM, Microsoft, and Disney all distribute uTorrent, Kazaa, Limewire, Frostwire, and other popular copyright infringement software on their websites, then turn around and sue people for it. CNET even has a search engine specifically designed to find MP3s (and offers embedded download links) – CNET is owned by CBS VIACOM. This bill isn’t designed to eliminate piracy, it is designed to give them control of the internet, the pesky free speech tool that has crippled their obsolete business model.