>Stephen Shore


(Do you need a philosophy to do great work?)
I would call it ‘intentionality’. Sometimes I meet young artists and it becomes clear that for some the main motivation is getting a show in Chelsea. It strikes me that this is very different to the way it was for me, which was that I wanted to understand photography and the world and myself. To do that, I produced work. The work that was shown was like a by-product, but never the purpose of my photography. The thought process doesn’t even have to be conceptual or intellectual. It can be visual, or a layer of thought that’s wordless. I’m always exploring some question or other, but it may not even be formulate as such. I believe the work produced by most established artists, was produced as a by-product of their personal explorations.

One thought on “>Stephen Shore

  1. s.A

    >In answering to the question "Do you need a philosophy to do great work?" (what a question!), Shore said all this. I also see many "getting a show in Chelsea" type of people in my environment.


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