BEIRUT — I was intrigued to see several recent calls for bids by the U.S. Agency for International Development for programs that would, among other things, train young Arabs how to better use the Internet and other digital technologies for political activism, advocacy, greater transparency and accountability, and other such democratic practices.
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has repeatedly stressed Washington’s commitment to such programs as part of President Barack Obama’s call for greater engagement between the United States and Islamic societies.
Two important questions come to mind, which I hope the U.S. government is pondering seriously. The first is about the actual impact on the political culture of young Arabs and Iranians who use the new media. The second is about the most appropriate way for the United States, or any other foreign party, to promote this sector.
We are witnessing a continuing social revolution in how youth throughout the Middle East use Web sites, cellphones, chat systems, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other rapidly evolving new media.
Millions of young people communicate with each other digitally, express their views and identities, and sometimes mobilize for causes as disparate as promoting a new movie, arranging a dance party, sharing photos or bemoaning a tired old dictator. In some countries like Iran and Egypt, we are told, tens of thousands of bloggers are at work expressing their independent views and challenging the established order.
But what do young people actually do, or aim to achieve, with the new media? Are the new digital and social media a credible tool for challenging established political orders and bringing about political change in our region?
My impression is that these new media today play a role identical to that played by Al Jazeera satellite television when it first appeared in the mid-1990s — they provide important new means by which ordinary citizens can both receive information and express their views, regardless of government controls on both, but in terms of their impact they seem more like a stress reliever than a mechanism for political change.
Watching Arab pundits criticize Arab governments, Israel or the United States — common fare on Arab satellite television — is great vicarious satisfaction for ordinary men and women who live in political cultures that deny them serious opportunities for free speech.
Blogging, reading politically racy Web sites, or passing around provocative text messages by cellphone is equally satisfying for many youth. Such activities, though, essentially shift the individual from the realm of participant to the realm of spectator, and transform what would otherwise be an act of political activism — mobilizing, demonstrating or voting — into an act of passive, harmless personal entertainment.
We must face the fact that all the new media and hundreds of thousands of young bloggers from Morocco to Iran have not triggered a single significant or lasting change in Arab or Iranian political culture. Not a single one. Zero.
This is partly because the modern Middle Eastern security state is firmly in control of the key levers of power — guns and money, mainly — and has learned to live with the digital open flow of information, as long as this does not translate into actual political action that seeks to change policies or ruling elites.
How should interested foreign parties engage in such an environment?
The first thing is to rid themselves of some nagging blatant contradictions that largely nullify their credibility, and, in fact, make them look pretty silly.
One cannot take seriously the United States or any other Western government that funds political activism by young Arabs while it simultaneously provides funds and guns that help cement the power of the very same Arab governments the young social and political activists target for change.
Feeding both the jailer and the prisoner is not a sustainable or sensible policy. I would not be surprised if some wise-guy young Arab soon sends a tweet to Hilary Clinton saying, “you’re either with us, or you’re with the security state.”
This is an awkward and untenable position for any foreign government that wants to promote political activism and pluralism in the Middle East. It damages Western government credibility, leads to no significant changes in our political cultures, and often discredits the local activists who become tarred with the charge of being Western lackeys.
The antidote is simple, but humbling: lower the contradictions in Western policies towards Middle Eastern governments and activists, and grasp more accurately the fact that young people use the digital media mainly for entertainment and vicarious, escapist self-expression.
Like I said, the United States and other Western governments should apply more honesty and intellectual rigor to their assault of our digital world than they did in their military invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
by 重信メイ
When Arabs Tweet
by Rami G. Khouri
July 22, 2010
BEIRUT — I was intrigued to see several recent calls for bids by the U.S. Agency for International Development for programs that would, among other things, train young Arabs how to better use the Internet and other digital technologies for political activism, advocacy, greater transparency and accountability, and other such democratic practices.
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has repeatedly stressed Washington’s commitment to such programs as part of President Barack Obama’s call for greater engagement between the United States and Islamic societies.
Two important questions come to mind, which I hope the U.S. government is pondering seriously. The first is about the actual impact on the political culture of young Arabs and Iranians who use the new media. The second is about the most appropriate way for the United States, or any other foreign party, to promote this sector.
We are witnessing a continuing social revolution in how youth throughout the Middle East use Web sites, cellphones, chat systems, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other rapidly evolving new media.
Millions of young people communicate with each other digitally, express their views and identities, and sometimes mobilize for causes as disparate as promoting a new movie, arranging a dance party, sharing photos or bemoaning a tired old dictator. In some countries like Iran and Egypt, we are told, tens of thousands of bloggers are at work expressing their independent views and challenging the established order.
But what do young people actually do, or aim to achieve, with the new media? Are the new digital and social media a credible tool for challenging established political orders and bringing about political change in our region?
My impression is that these new media today play a role identical to that played by Al Jazeera satellite television when it first appeared in the mid-1990s — they provide important new means by which ordinary citizens can both receive information and express their views, regardless of government controls on both, but in terms of their impact they seem more like a stress reliever than a mechanism for political change.
Watching Arab pundits criticize Arab governments, Israel or the United States — common fare on Arab satellite television — is great vicarious satisfaction for ordinary men and women who live in political cultures that deny them serious opportunities for free speech.
Blogging, reading politically racy Web sites, or passing around provocative text messages by cellphone is equally satisfying for many youth. Such activities, though, essentially shift the individual from the realm of participant to the realm of spectator, and transform what would otherwise be an act of political activism — mobilizing, demonstrating or voting — into an act of passive, harmless personal entertainment.
We must face the fact that all the new media and hundreds of thousands of young bloggers from Morocco to Iran have not triggered a single significant or lasting change in Arab or Iranian political culture. Not a single one. Zero.
This is partly because the modern Middle Eastern security state is firmly in control of the key levers of power — guns and money, mainly — and has learned to live with the digital open flow of information, as long as this does not translate into actual political action that seeks to change policies or ruling elites.
How should interested foreign parties engage in such an environment?
The first thing is to rid themselves of some nagging blatant contradictions that largely nullify their credibility, and, in fact, make them look pretty silly.
One cannot take seriously the United States or any other Western government that funds political activism by young Arabs while it simultaneously provides funds and guns that help cement the power of the very same Arab governments the young social and political activists target for change.
Feeding both the jailer and the prisoner is not a sustainable or sensible policy. I would not be surprised if some wise-guy young Arab soon sends a tweet to Hilary Clinton saying, “you’re either with us, or you’re with the security state.”
This is an awkward and untenable position for any foreign government that wants to promote political activism and pluralism in the Middle East. It damages Western government credibility, leads to no significant changes in our political cultures, and often discredits the local activists who become tarred with the charge of being Western lackeys.
The antidote is simple, but humbling: lower the contradictions in Western policies towards Middle Eastern governments and activists, and grasp more accurately the fact that young people use the digital media mainly for entertainment and vicarious, escapist self-expression.
Like I said, the United States and other Western governments should apply more honesty and intellectual rigor to their assault of our digital world than they did in their military invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
2010 年 7 月 22 日
ベイルート — 米国国際開発庁が、とりわけ、政治活動、擁護、透明性向上のためにインターネットやその他のデジタル技術をより有効に活用する方法をアラブの若者に訓練するプログラムへの入札を最近いくつか呼びかけていることに興味をそそられました。説明責任、およびその他のそのような民主的慣行。
2つの重要な質問が思い浮かびますが、米国政府が真剣に考えていることを願っています。最初は、新しいメディアを使用する若いアラブ人とイラン人の政治文化への実際の影響についてです。 2 つ目は、米国またはその他の外国の当事者がこのセクターを促進するための最も適切な方法についてです。
私たちは、中東の若者が Web サイト、携帯電話、チャット システム、ブログ、Twitter、Facebook などの急速に進化する新しいメディアを使用する方法について、継続的な社会革命を目の当たりにしています。
何百万人もの若者がデジタルでお互いにコミュニケーションし、自分の意見やアイデンティティを表現し、時には新しい映画の宣伝、ダンス パーティーの手配、写真の共有、疲れた古い独裁者の嘆きなど、さまざまな目的のために動員します。イランやエジプトなどの一部の国では、何万人ものブロガーが独自の見解を表明し、確立された秩序に挑戦していると言われています。
しかし、若者たちは新しいメディアで実際に何をし、あるいは何を達成しようとしているのでしょうか?新しいデジタル メディアとソーシャル メディアは、確立された政治秩序に挑戦し、私たちの地域に政治的変化をもたらすための信頼できるツールですか?
私の印象では、これらの新しいメディアは、1990 年代半ばに最初に登場したアルジャジーラ衛星テレビが果たした役割と同じ役割を果たしていると思います。政府は両方をコントロールしていますが、その影響という点では、政治的変化のメカニズムというよりは、ストレス解消のように見えます。
アラブの専門家がアラブの政府を批判するのを見て、イスラエルやアメリカ — アラブの衛星テレビでよく見られるもの — は、言論の自由の深刻な機会を否定する政治文化の中で暮らす普通の男女にとって、大きな代償としての満足感だ。
ブログを書いたり、政治的にきわどい Web サイトを読んだり、携帯電話で挑発的なテキスト メッセージをやり取りしたりすることは、多くの若者にとって同様に満足のいくものです。しかし、そのような活動は、本質的に個人を参加者の領域から観客の領域へとシフトさせ、そうでなければ政治的活動の行為であるはずだったもの (動員、デモ、または投票) を受動的で無害な個人的な娯楽の行為に変えます。
私たちは、モロッコからイランに至るまで、すべての新しいメディアと何十万人もの若いブロガーが、アラブやイランの政治文化に大きな変化や永続的な変化をもたらしていないという事実に直面しなければなりません。 1つではありません。ゼロ。
解決策はシンプルですが、謙虚です。つまり、中東の政府や活動家に対する西側の政策の矛盾を減らし、若者が主に娯楽と現実逃避的な自己表現のためにデジタル メディアを使用しているという事実をより正確に把握することです。
2010年7月22日 Rami G.Khouri による「When Wrabs Tweet」という記事がニューヨークタイムズに載り、イスラム世界での政治改革運動へのアメリカの関与が報道され、クリントン国務長官のもとで「イスラム世界でデジタル機器を使った民主化の波を起こそう」というプロジェクトが進められていたことが明らかになった。
2010年12月18日 Rami G.Khouri の記事から5か月後に、チュニジアでジャスミン革命が始まり、2011年1月14日 ベン=アリー大統領がチュニジアを去るという事態に至った。
2011年1月7日 ヨルダンで反政府運動が始まり、サミール・リファーイー内閣が2011年2月1日に総辞職した。
2011年1月25日 エジプトで大規模な反政府抗議運動が発生、これにより30年以上にわたるホスニー・ムバーラク大統領下による長期政権が崩壊した。