Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Between Stimulus and Response There Is a Space. In That Space Is Our Power To Choose Our Response
Viktor E. Frankl? Stephen R. Covey? Rollo May? Thomas Walton Galloway? Sheldon P. Stoff? B. F. Skinner? Anonymous?
Quote Investigator
Dear Quote Investigator: It is possible to control ones reactions and feelings even when one is faced with frightening hardships. The psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl has been credited with the following:
I doubt this ascription because no one provides a proper citation. What do you think?
Quote Investigator: Researchers have been unable to find this passage in the works of Viktor E. Frankl.
Instead, the words were popularized by the influential motivational author Stephen R. Covey; however, he disclaimed authorship. Covey stated that he read the passage in a book while he was on sabbatical in Hawaii, but he was unable to recall the name of the book or the author. Also, the precise phrasing employed by Covey varied over time. He may have been reading an article by the influential psychologist Rollo May. Details for this hypothesis are given further below.
An intriguing thematic precursor appeared in the 1917 book “The Use of Motives in Teaching Morals and Religion” by Thomas Walton Galloway. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:
QI believes that the top candidate for Covey’s reading material was an article within a 1963 collection called “Behavioral Science and Guidance: Proposals and Perspectives”. The article titled “Freedom and Responsibility Re-Examined” was authored by the psychologist Rollo May. The following passage discussed “freedom” and a “pause”. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:
The words above differed from Covey’s, but an inexact recollection may have led Covey to paraphrase May’s notion.
Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.
The theme of a “pause” or “gap” between “stimulus and response” occurred multiple times in May’s 1963 article as shown by the following two additional excerpts:
In 1967 C. Harold McCully published an article in the periodical “Guidelines”, and he presented a condensed version of May’s statement while citing the 1963 article:
In 1975 Rollo May published a book titled “The Courage to Create” which included a chapter called “The Delphic Oracle as Therapist”. The chapter contained a statement that matched the saying under examination:
In 1976 a collection called “Opening Up Education” included an essay titled “The Currency of Freedom” by Sheldon P. Stoff of Adelphi University. The essay contained a thematic statement:
In 1989 Stephen R. Covey published the bestselling self-help book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” which included a discussion of Viktor Frankl who was imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Covey spells “Viktor” as “Victor”:
Covey reiterated the point above several times in the book, but he was not presenting a quotation from Victor Frankl:
Near the end of the volume Covey mentioned that years earlier he and his family had taken a sabbatical leave from his university to live for a year in Oahu, Hawaii. While visiting a local college library he encountered a book with a passage that affected him deeply:
In 1994 Covey co-authored a book titled “First Things First” with A. Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R. Merrill. In this work Covey presented an exact match to the quotation under examination. He saw the words in an unnamed book, but he employed the phrase “the essence of it” to signal that his memory was inexact:
In 2001 a message in the Usenet newsgroup alt.martial-arts.karate.shotokan implausibly attributed the quotation to psychologist B. F. Skinner:
In 2004 Covey wrote the foreword to a book by Pat Croce. Covey retold the tale of discovering the book that inspired the quotation. Interestingly, he specified the year 1969:
Covey’s memory from 2004 of what he read in 1969 suggests that he may have been inspired by the quotation in Rollo May’s 1963 article or by the condensed statement in C. Harold McCully’s 1967 article. On the other hand, it is unlikely that he was inspired by Rollo May’s 1975 book “The Courage to Create” because it appeared too late.
Also in 2004 a message in the Usenet newsgroup alt.recovery.addiction.alcoholism attributed the quotation to Victor Frankl and specified a book that does not contain the quotation:
In 2008 Covey wrote the foreword to “Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl’s Principles for Discovering Meaning in Life and Work” by Alex Pattakos. Covey gave a slightly different version of the quotation and stated that he had unsuccessfully attempted to determine the author:
In conclusion, Stephen R. Covey discovered a passage in a book that he believed beautifully articulated the thoughts of Viktor E. Frankl. The passage was not written by Frankl. Also, Covey was never able to recall who wrote the words. Further, Covey altered the words over time. By 2004 one version of the text had incorrectly been ascribed directly to Frankl.
The top candidate for Covey’s inspiration is a passage in a 1963 article by Rollo May. The phrasing is different, but the vocabulary and the underlying idea are quite similar.
Image Notes Picture of Stephen Covey; author: Stephen Covey (author) – FMI Show Palestrante; Abras2010; derivative work: Hekerui; licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Picture of fingers in sunlight; author: ClaudiaBassi; retouched and resized by QI; licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0. Picture of Viktor Frankl circa 1965; author: Prof. Dr. Franz Vesely, Viktor-Frankl-Archiv; licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany.
(Great thanks to Craig Terlau, Shira Taylor Gura, Gavin Morrice, Brian Salomaki, and Gary Gach whose inquiries led QI to formulate this question and perform this exploration. Both Terlau and Salomaki helpfully pointed to Covey as the popularizer of the saying. The Wikiquote webpage for Viktor Frankl also points to Covey. Special thanks to Charles McLafferty Jr. who told QI about the important passage written by Rollo May in “The Courage to Create”. McLafferty acknowledged the help of Dmitry Leontiv and Alex Pattakos in identifying the connection to Rollo May.
Many thanks to Elizabeth Lock who provided crucial information to QI. Lock found a match in a book called “Readings in Guidance” that pointed to the article by Rollo May titled “Freedom and Responsibility Re-Examined” in the 1963 collection “Behavioral Science and Guidance: Proposals and Perspectives”. Lock suggested that Covey’s remark was derived from May’s 1963 article.)
Update History: On March 23, 2018 the 1968 and 1975 citations for Rollo May were added. On March 26, 2018 the article was revised to indicate that the quotation was missing in the 1968 citation. On March 27, 2018 the 2004 citation to Covey’s foreword within a book by Pat Croce was added.On September 21, 2018 QI added citations dated 1963 and 1967. QI also updated the conclusion.
Between stimulus(刺激) and response(反応) there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
stimulus と response のあいだの space が大事。
stimulus と reaction のあいだには space がない。
Internet のせいで、stimulus に対してなにも考えず react する人が増えた。
space を大事にして、つまり自分なりに考えて、それから respond する人は、もうあまりいない。
by 鈴木義幸
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.