Probatio diabolica (devil’s proof) is a legal requirement to achieve an impossible proof. Where a legal system would appear to require an impossible proof, the remedies are reversing the burden of proof, or giving additional rights to the individual facing the probatio diabolica.
The Devil’s Proof is the logical dilemma that while evidence will prove the existence of something, the lack of evidence fails to disprove it.
In essence, the opposing statement’s lack of proof makes the statement true in some sense. This connects with the idea that, while substantial evidence may prove the devil’s existence, there is no evidence that denies the devil’s existence; therefore, one cannot deny the devil’s existence.
Probatio diabolica
Evidence of absence
Not to be confused with Absence of evidence.
Evidence of absence is evidence of any kind that suggests something is missing or that it does not exist. For example:
When Alice bakes pies, she places them on her window-sill.
There are no pies on her window-sill.
Therefore, Alice has not baked any pies.
Since it necessarily follows from the first premise that Alice will place the pie on her window-sill every time she bakes one, upon observing that there is in fact no pie on the window-sill, we can deduce that Alice did not bake a pie. This argument is called modus tollens in propositional logic.